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Forked from henrik/wordpress.rb
Created October 8, 2010 06:22
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Getting Wordpress into Jekyll
require 'rubygems'
require 'sequel'
require 'fileutils'
require 'cgi'
# NOTE: This converter requires Sequel and the MySQL gems.
# The MySQL gem can be difficult to install on OS X. Once you have MySQL
# installed, running the following commands should work:
# $ sudo gem install sequel
# $ sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config
module Jekyll
module WordPress
# Reads a MySQL database via Sequel and creates a post file for each
# post in wp_posts that has post_status = 'publish'.
# This restriction is made because 'draft' posts are not guaranteed to
# have valid dates.
QUERY = "select post_title, post_name, post_date, post_content, post_excerpt, ID, guid from wp_posts where post_status = 'publish'"
def self.fix_body(body)
b = body.clone
b.gsub!('', '')
b.gsub!(%r{(\d{4}/\d\d/)\d\d/}, '\1')
b.gsub!(%r{href="/(blog/)?(\d\d\d\d/\d\d)/\d\d/}, 'href="\2/')
b.gsub!(%r{href="/blog/}, 'href="')
b.gsub!(%r{<hl( lang="(.*?)")?>(.*?)</hl>}m) {
lang, content = $2, $3
# explicit &nbsp;s in /2007/11/comma-after-link-in-haml/
content.gsub!('&nbsp;', ' ')
lang ||= "text"
lang = "rhtml" if (lang == "html" && content.include?("<%"))
"{% highlight #{lang} %}#{content}{% endhighlight %}"
# /2006/08/quick-keyword-tagging-in-iphoto/ had <p>s inserted into highlighted code because that block was not preceded by a blank line. Fix.
b.gsub!(/(^.*\S.*$\n)([ \t]*\{% highlight)/, "\\1\n\\2")
# unclosed: (it'll be somewhere like <code>~/.znc/configs/znc.conf)
b.gsub!(%{<code>~/.znc/configs/znc.conf}, %{<code>~/.znc/configs/znc.conf</code>})
# missing </p> in /2008/05/iphoto-library-manager-shortcuts-with-drag-and-drop-importing/
b.sub!('<p class="center"><img src="" alt="" class="bordered" /></a>',
'<p class="center"><img src="" alt="" class="bordered" /></a></p>')
def self.process(dbname, user, pass, host = 'localhost')
db = Sequel.mysql(dbname, :user => user, :password => pass, :host => host)
FileUtils.mkdir_p "_posts"
posts = db[QUERY].to_a
posts.each do |post|
# Get required fields and construct Jekyll compatible name
title = CGI.unescapeHTML(post[:post_title]).gsub('&ndash;', "—") # actually a mdash glyph, but more appropriate
slug = post[:post_name]
date = post[:post_date]
content = fix_body(post[:post_content])
tag_query = "SELECT cat_name FROM wp_categories JOIN wp_post2cat ON wp_categories.cat_ID=wp_post2cat.category_id WHERE wp_post2cat.post_id=#{post[:ID]}"
tags = db[tag_query].map {|t| t[:cat_name] }
name = "%02d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%s.markdown" % [date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.min, slug]
# Get the relevant fields as a hash, delete empty fields and convert
# to YAML for the header
data = {
'title' => title.to_s,
'wordpress_id' => post[:ID],
'tags' => tags.reject {|t| t == "Uncategorized" }
}.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? || v == ''}.to_yaml
# Write out the data and content to file"_posts/#{name}", "w") do |f|
f.puts data
f.puts "---"
f.puts content
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