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Created November 21, 2018 01:58
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Naive Function computing Hoeffding's D in MATLAB
function [ D ] = hoeffdingsD( x, y )
%Compute's Hoeffding's D measure of dependence between x and y
% inputs x and y are both N x 1 arrays
% output D is a scalar
% The formula for Hoeffding's D is taken from
% Below is demonstration code for several types of dependencies.
% Implementation by Jascha
% % this case should be 0 - there are no dependencies
% x = randn(1000,1);
% y = randn(1000,1);
% D = hoeffdingsD( x, y );
% desc = 'x = N( 0, 1 ), y and x independent';
% desc = sprintf( '%s, Hoeffding''s D = %f', desc, D );
% fprintf( '%s\n', desc );
% figure; plot(x,y,'.'); title( desc );
% % the rest of these cases have dependencies of different types
% x = randn(1000,1);
% y = x;
% D = hoeffdingsD( x, y );
% desc = 'x = N( 0, 1 ), y = x';
% desc = sprintf( '%s, Hoeffding''s D = %f', desc, D );
% fprintf( '%s\n', desc );
% figure; plot(x,y,'.'); title( desc );
% x = randn(1000,1);
% y = cos(10*x);
% D = hoeffdingsD( x, y );
% desc = 'x = N( 0, 1 ), y = cos(10x)';
% desc = sprintf( '%s, Hoeffding''s D = %f', desc, D );
% fprintf( '%s\n', desc );
% figure; plot(x,y,'.'); title( desc );
% x = randn(1000,1);
% y = x.^2;
% D = hoeffdingsD( x, y );
% desc = 'x = N( 0, 1 ), y = x^2';
% desc = sprintf( '%s, Hoeffding''s D = %f', desc, D );
% fprintf( '%s\n', desc );
% figure; plot(x,y,'.'); title( desc );
% x = randn(1000,1);
% y = x.^2 + randn(1000,1);
% D = hoeffdingsD( x, y );
% desc = 'x = N( 0, 1 ), y = x^2 + N( 0, 1 )';
% desc = sprintf( '%s, Hoeffding''s D = %f', desc, D );
% fprintf( '%s\n', desc );
% figure; plot(x,y,'.'); title( desc );
% x = rand(1000,1);
% y = rand(1000,1);
% z = sign(randn(1000,1));
% x = z.*x; y = z.*y;
% D = hoeffdingsD( x, y );
% desc = 'x = z U( [0, 1) ), y = z U( [0, 1) ), z = U( {-1,1} )';
% desc = sprintf( '%s, Hoeffding''s D = %f', desc, D );
% fprintf( '%s\n', desc );
% figure; plot(x,y,'.'); title( desc );
% x = rand(1000,1);
% y = rand(1000,1);
% z = sign(randn(1000,1));
% x = z.*x; y = -z.*y;
% D = hoeffdingsD( x, y );
% desc = 'x = z U( [0, 1) ), y = -z U( [0, 1) ), z = U( {-1,1} )';
% desc = sprintf( '%s, Hoeffding''s D = %f', desc, D );
% fprintf( '%s\n', desc );
% figure; plot(x,y,'.'); title( desc );
N = size(x,1);
R = tiedrank( x );
S = tiedrank( y );
Q = zeros(N,1);
parfor i = 1:N
Q(i) = 1 + sum( R < R(i) & S < S(i) );
% and deal with cases where one or both values are ties, which contribute less
Q(i) = Q(i) + 1/4 * (sum( R == R(i) & S == S(i) ) - 1); % both indices tie. -1 because we know point i matches
Q(i) = Q(i) + 1/2 * sum( R == R(i) & S < S(i) ); % one index ties.
Q(i) = Q(i) + 1/2 * sum( R < R(i) & S == S(i) ); % one index ties.
D1 = sum( (Q-1).*(Q-2) );
D2 = sum( (R-1).*(R-2).*(S-1).*(S-2) );
D3 = sum( (R-2).*(S-2).*(Q-1) );
D = 30*((N-2)*(N-3)*D1 + D2 - 2*(N-2)*D3) / (N*(N-1)*(N-2)*(N-3)*(N-4));
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