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Forked from dgleich/sidenotes-demo.tex
Created February 8, 2017 20:17
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tufte sidenotes -- a tufte-latex ripoff
Here is demo of the \verb#tufte-sidenotes# style.
First, we have a paragraph of text.\footnote{This is incorrect, it's really a sentence, which could be a paragraph.}
Next, we have a margin figure.
\caption{This figure is dull.}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin auctor, ante eget vulputate facilisis, diam augue rutrum magna, vel ultrices lacus odio non mi. Quisque pulvinar lacus vitae arcu mollis pharetra. Donec ut turpis auctor nulla luctus lacinia. Donec scelerisque venenatis turpis sit amet semper. Quisque velit felis, consequat in lacinia quis, luctus sit amet erat. Curabitur lobortis euismod felis id sollicitudin. Suspendisse nibh mi, vestibulum et accumsan id, pellentesque id erat. Suspendisse facilisis eros in nulla fermentum nec hendrerit magna aliquam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla urna nulla, rhoncus non dictum nec, convallis ac nibh. Sed ullamcorper fringilla pharetra. Curabitur posuere lacinia nunc, eget convallis mauris commodo eget. Donec sit amet lorem in tortor ullamcorper convallis. Proin id dolor id arcu adipiscing venenatis eget vitae nibh.
Etiam convallis diam vel metus pulvinar facilisis. Suspendisse lobortis pellentesque nisi, eget varius lacus tempor tincidunt. In nulla lacus, interdum eget consectetur nec, bibendum a felis. Pellentesque sagittis porttitor ante, non sagittis ligula cursus nec. Aliquam non placerat magna. Donec volutpat porta dictum. Phasellus vestibulum adipiscing mi, ac porttitor arcu pellentesque at. Cras tristique facilisis ligula, in pretium nulla ultricies non. Sed a nisl ipsum. Curabitur quis lorem dignissim tellus rhoncus euismod. Vivamus vitae lectus metus. Nullam lobortis, augue id aliquam congue, nisi tortor suscipit lorem, mattis scelerisque arcu velit vitae eros. In accumsan mi eget ipsum gravida elementum. Nullam dictum, orci at elementum mollis, mauris diam gravida est, at sodales diam nisl a lacus. Proin est neque, viverra sit amet lobortis posuere, elementum in dui. Suspendisse ultrices arcu et enim accumsan in commodo metus tempus. Fusce cursus bibendum sagittis. Etiam purus libero, malesuada et pretium in, fringilla et nisi.
Mauris convallis posuere aliquam. Sed quam erat, aliquam vel consectetur non, vulputate quis eros. Morbi accumsan, ante luctus euismod ornare, libero neque accumsan sapien, in tincidunt justo metus quis dui. Morbi vitae nunc tellus, non placerat massa. Donec pellentesque porta est, fermentum vulputate massa elementum vel. Ut gravida hendrerit neque sit amet mattis. Nam ultrices felis vel nisl blandit facilisis. Curabitur vitae enim mi. Duis lacinia consectetur libero sit amet egestas. Aliquam eget nunc ligula, eget viverra metus.
Donec dignissim semper arcu ac fermentum. Praesent suscipit nibh at mi malesuada a congue turpis pharetra. Nulla dui ipsum, rutrum nec lacinia sed, molestie cursus magna. Praesent urna leo, fermentum nec sodales a, ultrices et mauris. Cras non ante vitae leo tristique rhoncus. Proin mollis adipiscing ligula vel viverra. Duis suscipit euismod est sit amet iaculis. Nunc at diam justo, vitae elementum lectus. Sed vel augue vehicula lectus vulputate scelerisque. Fusce nec mauris nisl. Ut pellentesque augue vel dui adipiscing eget vestibulum justo posuere. Ut fringilla diam in massa commodo vitae pretium urna dapibus. Phasellus eu purus quis eros hendrerit vestibulum at vel nulla. Donec dolor tellus, eleifend sed sagittis a, pharetra eu elit. Nulla nec euismod massa.
Integer imperdiet leo in lorem posuere at vulputate diam tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce feugiat mi sed tellus malesuada pharetra. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam placerat nisi vel tellus mollis eu dictum nisi auctor. Aliquam tincidunt imperdiet lorem sit amet mattis. Cras pharetra, justo at euismod ultrices, quam mi porttitor urna, nec consectetur libero magna ut nisi. Mauris ac est neque, egestas luctus enim. Morbi quis velit tellus. Duis sed ligula nec mi hendrerit convallis ut eget turpis. Nullam nunc eros, scelerisque varius aliquet nec, eleifend luctus lorem. Etiam interdum bibendum sapien nec sagittis. Curabitur sit amet metus nisl. Praesent porta mattis orci, sed fringilla nisl malesuada sed. Duis ut tortor arcu.
However, sometimes you need more room for a table.
Heading & Heading \\
Data & Data \\
Data & Data \\
\caption{Here is a long table.}
% License:
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
\ProvidesPackage{tufte-sidenotes}[2009/05/17 v3.0.0 Sidenotes code from the Tufte-LaTeX styles]
% We use the `xifthen' package to handle our package option switches
% Create lengths to store the default paragraph options
% Create a command to store them
% Store these variables at the start of the document.
% Paragraph indentation and separation for marginal text
% Compute lengths used for full-width displays
\RequirePackage{optparams}% for our new sidenote commands -- provides multiple optional arguments for commands
% save the current footnote commands
\let\@tufte@cur@footnotemark\@footnotemark% save current commands
\let\@footnotemark\@tufte@old@footnotemark% restore initial commands
% Override footmisc's definition to set the sidenote marks (numbers) inside the
% sidenote's text block.
% Set the in-text footnote mark in the same typeface as the body text itself.
\def\baselinestretch {\setspace@singlespace}%
\@tufte@margin@par% use parindent and parskip settings for marginal text
\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark%
\@tufte@reset@par% use parindent and parskip settings for body text
% Define \sidenote command. Can handle \cite.
% #1 = footnote num, #2 = vertical offset, #3 = footnote text
%\let\cite\@tufte@infootnote@cite% use the in-sidenote \cite command
\gdef\@tufte@citations{}% clear out any old citations
% no specific footnote number provided
% specific footnote number provided
\csname c@\@mpfn\endcsname #1\relax%
%\@tufte@print@citations% print any citations
%\let\cite\@tufte@normal@cite% go back to using normal in-text \cite command
\unskip\ignorespaces% remove extra white space
\kern-\multiplefootnotemarker% remove \kern left behind by sidenote
\kern\multiplefootnotemarker\relax% add new \kern here to replace the one we yanked
% Sidenote without the footnote mark
\def\baselinestretch {\setspace@singlespace}%
\@tufte@margin@par% use parindent and parskip settings for marginal text
\@tufte@justification\vspace*{-1\baselineskip}\noindent #2%
\@tufte@reset@par% use parindent and parskip settings for body text
% \RequirePackage{graphics}
% \let\LS@makecol=\@makecol
% \let\LS@makefcolumn=\@makefcolumn
% \def\LS@rot{%
% \setbox\@outputbox\vbox{\hbox{\rotatebox{90}{\box\@outputbox}}}}
% \def\landscape{%
% \clearpage
% \begingroup
% \vsize=\textwidth
% \hsize=\textheight
% \linewidth=\hsize
% \columnwidth=\hsize
% \@colroom=\vsize
% \textheight=\vsize
% \@colht=\vsize
% \def\@makecol{\LS@makecol\LS@rot}%
% \def\@makefcolumn##1{\LS@makefcolumn{##1}\LS@rot}}
% \def\endlandscape{%
% \ifGin@pdftex
% \pdfpageattr{/Rotate 90}
% \fi
% \clearpage
% \endgroup
% \global\@colht=\textheight
% \global\vsize=\textheight
% \global\@colroom=\textheight}
% The placeins package provides the \FloatBarrier command. This forces
% LaTeX to place all of the floats before proceeding. We'll use this to
% keep the float (figure and table) numbers in sequence.
% Margin float environment
{\FloatBarrier% process all floats before this point so the figure/table numbers stay in order.
% add proper caption types
% Margin figure environment
% Margin table environment
% A collection of macros to be used with the new Tufte-style float environments
% Write our own aliases for the \checkoddpage and \ifoddpage or \ifcpoddpage commands
\newcommand{\floatalignment}{x}% holds the current float alignment (t, b, h, p)
\newcommand{\setfloatalignment}[1]{\renewcommand{\floatalignment}{#1}}% manually sets the float alignment
% Boxes to temporarily store our float and caption
% Save original LaTeX float environment
% Save original LaTeX \caption and \label commands
% Store the caption and label contents
% define alternate caption commands
% TODO make sure new caption and figure code can handle [p] and [h] placements well
% TODO handle the symmetric class option (move caption to other side of verso pages)
% Define a float environment to place the captions in the margin space
{% If the float placement specifier is 'b' and only 'b', then bottom-align the mini-pages, otherwise top-align them.
{% end @tufte@float
\par\hbox{}\vspace{-\baselineskip}\ifthenelse{\prevdepth>0}{\vspace{-\prevdepth}}{}% align baselines of boxes
% build the caption box
\par\vspace{-\prevdepth}%% TODO: DOUBLE-CHECK FOR SAFETY
% now typeset the stored boxes
% asymmetric or page is odd, so caption is on the right
% symmetric pages and page is even, so caption is on the left
% reset commands and temp boxes and captions
% Redefine the figure environment to place the captions in the margin space
% Redefine the table environment to place the captions in the margin space
% Full-width figures and tables
{% begin
% If the float placement specifier is 'b' and only 'b', then place the caption above the figure, else place the caption below the figure.
{% end figure*
\par\hbox{}\vspace{-\baselineskip}\ifthenelse{\prevdepth>0}{\vspace{-\prevdepth}}{}% align baselines of boxes
% build the caption box
% TODO use \captionaboveskip and \captionbelowskip for spacing between caption and figure boxes
\par\vspace{-\prevdepth}%% TODO: DOUBLE-CHECK FOR SAFETY
% now typeset the stored boxes
{% place caption above figure
{% caption on the right
}{% caption on the left
{% place caption below figure
{% caption on the right
}{% caption on the left
% reset commands and temp boxes and captions
% Full-width figure
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