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Created November 10, 2019 01:11
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import csv
import json
import time
import requests
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# all departure flights
def arrivals(airport):
# these variables will hold the departure and arrivals
estDept = ''
estArrival = ''
# hese variables will hold the latitude and longitude cordinates
depart_lat = ''
depart_lon = ''
arrival_lat = ''
arrival_lon = ''
url = f'{airport}&begin=1517227200&end=1517230800'
response = requests.get(url)
res = response.json()[0] # pass data as json
# save the reterived data
estDept = res['estDepartureAirport']
estArrival = res['estArrivalAirport']
# check if the estimated arrival retrived was empty
if estDept == None:
print('{} airport doesn\'t have an estimated departure\
so the marker will just be at the arrival airport'.format(estArrival))
print('Departure AirPort: {} - Arrival Airport: {}'.format(estDept,estArrival))
# read from the csv file
with open('./airports.csv', mode='r') as csvfile:
# reading the csv file
content = csv.reader(csvfile)
# loop through the csvfile
for con in content:
# check if departure airport exists in csv
if con[5] == estDept:
print('dept found: '+ str(con[5]))
depart_lat = con[6]
depart_lon = con[7]
print('dept lat: ' + depart_lat)
print('dept lon: ' + depart_lon)
# check if arrival airport exist in csv
if con[5] == estArrival:
print('est found: '+ str(con[5]))
arrival_lat = con[6]
arrival_lon = con[7]
print('arri lat: ' + arrival_lat)
print('arri lon: ' + arrival_lon)
# generating a Scattermapbox
fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox(
mode = "markers+lines",
lat = [arrival_lat,depart_lat],
lon = [arrival_lon,depart_lon],
# set the marker size
marker = {'size': 10}
# update the layout
margin ={'l':0,'t':0,'b':0,'r':0},
mapbox = {
'center': {'lon': 10, 'lat': 10},
'style': "stamen-terrain",
'center': {'lon': -20, 'lat': -20},
'zoom': 1})
# draw the map
except IndexError:
print('{} is not part of opensky\'s api'.format(airport))
# LSGG -> LHBP (found)
# EGLL -> KLAS (found)
import csv
import json
import time
import requests
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# all departure flights
def departures(airport):
# these variables will hold the departure and arrivals
estDept = ''
estArrival = ''
# hese variables will hold the latitude and longitude cordinates
depart_lat = ''
depart_lon = ''
arrival_lat = ''
arrival_lon = ''
url = f'{airport}&begin=1517227200&end=1517230800'
response = requests.get(url)
res = response.json()[0] # pass data as json
# save the reterived data
estDept = res['estDepartureAirport']
estArrival = res['estArrivalAirport']
# check if the estimated arrival retrived was empty
if estArrival == None:
print('{} airport doesn\'t have an estimated arrival\
so the marker will just be at the departure airport'.format(estDept))
print('Departure AirPort: {} - Arrival Airport: {}'.format(estDept,estArrival))
# read from the csv file
with open('./airports.csv', mode='r') as csvfile:
# reading the csv file
content = csv.reader(csvfile)
# loop through the csvfile
for con in content:
# check if departure airport exists in csv
if con[5] == estDept:
print('dept found: '+ str(con[5]))
depart_lat = con[6]
depart_lon = con[7]
print('dept lat: ' + depart_lat)
print('dept lon: ' + depart_lon)
# check if arrival airport exist in csv
if con[5] == estArrival:
print('est found: '+ str(con[5]))
arrival_lat = con[6]
arrival_lon = con[7]
print('arri lat: ' + arrival_lat)
print('arri lon: ' + arrival_lon)
# generating a Scattermapbox
fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox(
mode = "markers+lines",
lat = [depart_lat,arrival_lat],
lon = [depart_lon, arrival_lon],
# set the marker size
marker = {'size': 10}
# update the layout
margin ={'l':0,'t':0,'b':0,'r':0},
mapbox = {
'center': {'lon': 10, 'lat': 10},
'style': "stamen-terrain",
'center': {'lon': -20, 'lat': -20},
'zoom': 1})
# draw the map
except IndexError:
print('{} is not part of opensky\'s api'.format(airport))
# LSGG -> LHBP (found)
# EGLL -> KLAS (found)
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