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Last active March 3, 2016 04:27
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Case Count by Status example dashlet controller
* Case Count by Status example dashlet controller
* Controller logic watches the current collection on display and updates the
* dashlet automatically whenever the current collection changes.
* This is a simple example of a dashlet for List Views in Sugar 7.x.
//This view uses the essential Dashlet plug-in
plugins: ['Dashlet'],
* Values is used by the template to display the statuses and counts. Backs our Handlebars template.
values: undefined,
* Keeps track of how many cases in total we're displaying. Also used in our Handlebars template.
totalCases: undefined,
* Keeps a map of status types by model ID as the key.
modelsMap: undefined,
* @inheritdoc
initialize: function(options) {
// call the parent's (View's) initialize function
// passing options as an array
this._super('initialize', [options]);
// initialize vars
this.modelsMap = {};
this.totalCases = 0;
this.values = {};
* @inheritdoc
bindDataChange: function() {
var ctx = this.context,
collection = ctx.get("collection");
if(_.isEmpty(collection)){ //Collection will be empty in "preview" mode
//Listening to 'reset' events on the collection
collection.on('reset', function(collection) {
// Ensure that collection exists, has models, then parse out models for display
if(collection && collection.length) {
this._parseModels(collection.models, false);
}, this);
//Listening to 'add' and 'remove' events on the collection
collection.on('add remove', function(model, collection, options) {
// The Backbone's options argument for 'add' and 'remove' events are different
// if options.removed doesn't exist, then we will know this is a 'remove' event
if (_.isUndefined(options.remove)) {
options.remove = true;
// Backbone passes add/remove options as an event param, so we can tell
// if this was the add or remove event and pass it to parseModels
this._parseModels([model], options.remove);
}, this);
if(collection.models && _.isEmpty(this.modelsMap)) {
// manually cause a parsing of the models
// this covers the scenario when a user creates a new record
this._parseModels(collection.models, true);
* Recalculates values used in the template from modelsMap
* @private
_recalcValues: function() {
// reset values
this.values = {};
this.totalCases = 0;
_.each(_.values(this.modelsMap), function(status) {
// check to see if we've already set a value
// for this status
if (this.values[status]) {
// status is already set so just increment
} else {
// add a new entry on the values object
// with status as the key and an Object
// with name and count for our template
this.values[status] = {
name: status,
count: 1
}, this);
* Takes an array of models and parses them into modelsMap then (re)counts the values in this map
* @param {Array} models The Array of models to parse
* @param {Boolean} remove If the models passed in should be removed or not
* @private
_parseModels: function(models, remove) {
var id,
_.each(models, function(model) {
// get the case id & status
id = model.get('id');
status = model.get('status');
if (remove && this.modelsMap[id]) {
// if the function was called
// to remove models, delete the id/value
delete this.modelsMap[id];
} else {
// otherwise, add the id and status
// to modelsMap
this.modelsMap[id] = status;
}, this);
// now that we've updated the modelsMap,
// recalculate the this.values object for rendering
// double-check that the view has not been disposed
// if not, then re-render the dashlet
if (!this.disposed) {
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