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Created August 12, 2021 15:55
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Target dual 4k monitors with multiple chromium instances, running in kiosk mode on Raspberry Pi v4
DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/chromium-browser \
--user-data-dir=/tmp/browser-2 \
--new-window \
--window-position=3840,0 \
--disk-cache-dir=/dev/null \
--incognito \
--disable-infobars \
--noerrdialogs \
--kiosk \
http://localhost:8012/screen-2 &
DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/chromium-browser \
--user-data-dir=/tmp/browser-1 \
--new-window \
--disk-cache-dir=/dev/null \
--incognito \
--window-position=0,0 \
--disable-infobars \
--noerrdialogs \
--kiosk \
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