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Cat Pops

Marcos Alexander Chávez mllavez

Cat Pops
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mllavez / OpenWithSublimeText2.bat
Created April 14, 2017 15:54 — forked from mrchief/
Add "Open with Sublime Text 2" to Windows Explorer Context Menu (including folders)
@echo off
SET st2Path=C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\sublime_text.exe
rem add it for all file types
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "Open with Sublime Text 2" /f
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v "Icon" /d "%st2Path%,0" /f
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2\command" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "%st2Path% \"%%1\"" /f
rem add it for folders
@reg add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Open with Sublime Text 2" /t REG_SZ /v "" /d "Open with Sublime Text 2" /f
mllavez / shuffle_assoc
Created April 6, 2017 18:20 — forked from Quinten/shuffle_assoc
shuffle an array while preserving keys
function shuffle_assoc($list) {
if (!is_array($list)) return $list;
$keys = array_keys($list);
$random = array();
foreach ($keys as $key)
$random[$key] = $list[$key];
return $random;
mllavez / print_r2.php
Created April 5, 2017 21:58 — forked from Shelob9/print_r2.php
Make print_r() more readable. Found on
function print_r2($val){
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
mllavez / print_r2.php
Created April 5, 2017 21:58 — forked from Shelob9/print_r2.php
Make print_r() more readable. Found on
function print_r2($val){
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
mllavez / .gitignore
Created March 30, 2017 16:22 — forked from octocat/.gitignore
Some common .gitignore configurations
# Compiled source #
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