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Searching for char[] args called from 0x49c170
Setting 0x554f20L SQBSMK.BAN called from 0x44af1eL to const char[]
Setting 0x554f14L DUST.BAN called from 0x44af3eL to const char[]
Setting 0x554f04L BLOODROP.BAN called from 0x44af5eL to const char[]
Setting 0x554ee4L DEADFLR.BAN called from 0x44afb7L to const char[]
Setting 0x554ed4L DOVBASIC.BAN called from 0x44afd7L to const char[]
Setting 0x554ec4L SPOTLITE.BAN called from 0x44aff4L to const char[]
Setting 0x551534L CRAWLSLG.BND called from 0x41aeceL to const char[]
Setting 0x551590L DRILL.BAN called from 0x42169cL to const char[]
Setting 0x551774L EVILFART.BAN called from 0x4281dfL to const char[]
mlgthatsme / AePathTypes.h
Created February 14, 2018 12:55
Abe's Exoddus path param structs for IDA
#pragma once
enum AE_PathParams_EnumContinuePointScale : _WORD
Full = 0,
Half = 1,
struct AE_PathParams_ContinuePoint
_WORD HeaderUnknown1;
struct AE_pathLine
_BYTE Mode;
_BYTE Gap;
_WORD Unknown1;
bool Abe_Raycast(AE_PathList * collisionData, signed int _line1p1x, signed int _line1p1y, signed int _line1p2x, signed int _line1p2y, AE_pathLine ** collision, _DWORD *collisionX, _DWORD *collisionY, int mode)
AE_pathLine * nearestLine = nullptr;
float nearestCollisionX = 0;
float nearestCollisionY = 0;
float nearestDistance = 0.f;
bool hasCollided = false;
bool firstCollision = true;
if (!collisionData->Count)
int __cdecl sub_41FA60(int a1, int a2)
int result; // eax@3
if ( a1 == 0x8000 )
result = 13 * a2 + 245;
else if ( a1 == 0x10000 )
struct __declspec(align(4)) AE_abe
void *vtable;
__int16 type;
char objectMode;
char field_7;
char gap8;
int field_C;
char *field_10;
int field_14;
int __cdecl sub_449930(int a1, signed int a2)
int result; // eax@3
int v3; // edx@4
int v4; // edx@7
if ( a1 == 0x8000 )
v4 = (a2 % 375 - 6) % 13;
if ( v4 >= 7 )
function init(self)
local states = {}
states.AbeStandToWalk = {
NextAnimation ='AbeWalking',
NextAnimationFrameIndex = 0,