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Last active March 18, 2024 21:04
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Vertical (Wall) Coll Detect
/*** Not optimized or perfect, but hopefully helps someone else learn **/
static bool intersectRaySegmentSphere(float3 o, float3 d, float3 so, float radius2, float3 &ip)
//we pass in d non-normalized to keep it's length
//then we use that length later to compare the intersection point to make sure
//we're within the actual ray segment
float l = d.length();
d /= l;
float3 m = o - so;
float b =;
float c = - radius2;
// Exit if r’s origin outside s (c > 0) and r pointing away from s (b > 0)
if(c > 0.0f && b > 0.0f)
return false;
float discr = b*b - c;
// A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere
if(discr < 0.0f)
return false;
// Ray now found to intersect sphere, compute smallest t value of intersection
float t = -b - sqrtf(discr);
// If t is negative, ray started inside sphere so clamp t to zero
if(t < 0.0f)
t = 0.0f;
ip = o + (d * t);
//here's that last segment check I was talking about
if(t > l)
return false;
return true;
//2D test for which side of a 2D line a 2D point lies on
static bool leftOf(const float2 &a, const float2 &b, const float2 &p)
//3x3 determinant (can also think of this aprojecting onto 2D lines)
// | ax bx px |
// | ay by py |
// | 1 1 1 |
float area = 0.5f * (a.x * (b.y - p.y) +
b.x * (p.y - a.y) +
p.x * (a.y - b.y));
return (area > 0.0f);
//2D test for point inside polygon
static bool pointInside(const float2 poly[], int pcount, const float2 &v)
for(int i = 0; i < pcount; i++)
int next = i;
if(next == pcount)
next = 0;
if(!leftOf(poly[i], poly[next], v))
return false;
return true;
void Character::collisionDetect(vom::Scene *scene)
const float3 collSphereOrigin = model->getPos() + float3(0, 2.5f, 0);
const float collSphereRadius = 3.0f;
const float collSphereRadius2 = collSphereRadius*collSphereRadius;
float3 shiftDelta = float3::zero;
int numCollisions = 0;
for(const auto &sceneObject : scene->getEntities())
if(sceneObject->getTag() != 0)
//sceneObject->getMeshes()[0]->getMaterial()->setDiffuse(float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
const auto &mesh = sceneObject->getMeshes()[0];
auto verts = sceneObject->getEditVerts();
auto norms = sceneObject->getEditNorms();
auto triangleInds = mesh->getEditInds();
int numTris = triangleInds->getCount()/3;
uint3 *triData = (uint3 *)triangleInds->getData();
float3 *vertsData = (float3 *)verts->getData();
float3 *normsData = (float3 *)norms->getData();
//for each triangle in the collision geometry
for(int i = 0; i < numTris; i++)
bool outsidePlane = false;
bool outsideAllVerts = false;
bool outsideAllEdges = false;
bool fullyInsidePlane = false;
float3 v1 = vertsData[triData[i].x];
float3 v2 = vertsData[triData[i].y];
float3 v3 = vertsData[triData[i].z];
//assume flat normals for collision (all 3 n would be the same)
float3 pN = (float4(normsData[triData[i].x].normalized(), 0.0f)).xyz();
//only test vertical polygons
if(fabs(pN.y) > 0.1f)
float d = -((v1 + v2 + v3) / 3.0f).dot(pN);
//get point-to-plane distance from model center
float ppd = + d;
//abs() check wasn't in the video
if(fabs(ppd) > collSphereRadius)
//sphere outside of infinite triangle plane
outsidePlane = true;
//build 3 rays (line segments) (doing this earlier now to support plane projection)
float3 a = v2-v1;
float3 b = v3-v2;
float3 c = v1-v3;
//NOT INCLUDED IN VIDEO.. break the plane test should be more robust to consider triangle bounds////////////////////////////////////
//project to triangle plane (3D -> 2D) and see if we are within its bounds
float3 planeX = a.normalized();
float3 planeY = pN.cross(a).normalized();
//local function to do our projection for us
auto project2D = [&](const float3 &p) { return float2(,; };
float2 planePos2D = project2D(collSphereOrigin);
float2 triangle2D[3] = { project2D(v1), project2D(v2), project2D(v3) };
if(pointInside(triangle2D, 3, planePos2D))
fullyInsidePlane = true;
bool outsideV1 = ((v1-collSphereOrigin).lengthSquared() > collSphereRadius2);
bool outsideV2 = ((v2-collSphereOrigin).lengthSquared() > collSphereRadius2);
bool outsideV3 = ((v3-collSphereOrigin).lengthSquared() > collSphereRadius2);
if(outsideV1 && outsideV2 && outsideV3)
//sphere outside of of all triangle vertices
outsideAllVerts = true;
float3 ip;
if(!intersectRaySegmentSphere(v1, a, collSphereOrigin, collSphereRadius2, ip) &&
!intersectRaySegmentSphere(v2, b, collSphereOrigin, collSphereRadius2, ip) &&
!intersectRaySegmentSphere(v3, c, collSphereOrigin, collSphereRadius2, ip))
//sphere outside of all triangle edges
outsideAllEdges = true;
if(outsideAllVerts && outsideAllEdges && !fullyInsidePlane)
//sceneObject->getMeshes()[0]->getMaterial()->setDiffuse(float4(1, 0, 0, 1));
//push the character (us) outside of the intersected body
shiftDelta += pN*(collSphereRadius-ppd);
if(numCollisions != 0)
shiftDelta /= (float)numCollisions;
if(shiftDelta.length() > lastWalkSpeed)
shiftDelta = shiftDelta.normalized();
shiftDelta *= lastWalkSpeed*1.1f;
model->setPos(model->getPos() + shiftDelta);
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thanks this was helpful

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Ianisop commented Mar 18, 2024

legend, doing gods work

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