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Created September 12, 2012 22:20
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Simple encrypted backup for a Rails mysql database
#Generates aes-256 encrypted bz2-compressed mysql dumps named "[app name] ([timestamp]).backup"
#To decrypt:
#cat backupname.backup | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -salt -pass pass:[password] > backupname.sql
require 'yaml'
require 'encryptor'
def backup(src, name)
puts "reading config from #{src}/config/database.yml"
config = YAML::load( "#{src}/config/database.yml")
db = config["production"]["database"]
user = config["production"]["username"]
pass = config["production"]["password"].strip
encode_cmd = "bzip2 -c | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -pass pass:#{@encpass}"
dump_cmd = "mysqldump -u #{user} --password=#{pass} #{db}"
outfile = "\"#{name} (#{}).backup\""
cmd = "#{dump_cmd} | #{encode_cmd} > #{outfile}"
puts "generating #{outfile}"
system("chmod 500 #{outfile}")
@encpass = "something"
backup("/path/to/app", "Name of app")
backup("/path/to/other/app", "Other app")
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