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Last active May 31, 2024 19:05
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  • Save mkoertgen/550f7e9d15a91eaf58db6763ed455e92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Accept all dependabot pull requests using GitHub CLI

Batch Accept Dependabot PRs

In case you want to automate batch accpeting Dependabot Pull Requests


Using the GitHub CLI

Windows Batch

gh pr list --json number -q .[].number -S author:app/dependabot > prs.txt
for /f %a in (prs.txt) do (gh pr merge -d -r %a)

Linux Bash

gh pr list --json number -q .[].number -S author:app/dependabot | xargs gh pr merge -d -r

Azure DevOps

In case you are using Dependabot with Azure DevOps

Using the Azure CLI

az repos pr list --status active [--creator <build-service-dependabot>] > prs.json
jq .[].pullRequestId prs.json > prs.txt
for /f %a in (prs.txt) do (
  az repos pr update --id %a --status completed --delete-source-branch true --transition-work-items true

Cleanup stale remote branches

Get all remote branches (not merged yet), match dependabot-branches using ripgrep and delete

git branch -r --no-merged | rg '(dependabot/.+)' -or '$1' | xargs git push origin -d

Cleanup old GitHub Releases

gh release ls -L 100 --json name > releases.json
jq .[].name releases.json > releases.txt
# remove quotes and unneeded release versions (grep!)
for /f %a in (releases.txt) do (
  gh release delete -y --cleanup-tag %a
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