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Created February 21, 2022 17:15
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#!/usr/bin/env zx
try {
const projectsDir = 'code'
const projectName = argv.n
if (!projectName) {
console.error('Please provide argument -n with project name'))
await $`mkdir -p ${projectName}`
await $`npm init -y`
await $`git init -q`
if (await $`volta list | grep lerna`.exitCode === 1) {
await $`volta install lerna`
if (await $`lerna init --independent --exact`.exitCode === 126) {'Lerna already initalized'))
await $`npm install`
await $`ls node_modules`
await $`cat lerna.json`
const lernaConfig = await fs.readJson('lerna.json')
lernaConfig.command.publish = {
registry: "http://localhost:4873",
ignoreChanges: ["*.md"],
message: "chore(release): publish"
await fs.writeJson('lerna.json', lernaConfig)
await $`cat lerna.json`
} catch (err) {
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