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Убейся в праздники! Раб, твои галеры в огне

Mikhail Katychev mkatychev

Убейся в праздники! Раб, твои галеры в огне
View GitHub Profile
mkatychev /
Created September 7, 2024 23:04
`record!` macro
macro_rules! record {
($($fields:tt)+) => {
let fieldset = tracing::fieldset!($($fields)+);
$crate::valueset!(fieldset, $($fields)+);
macro_rules! valueset {
include <relativity.scad/relativity.scad>
$fn = 20;
module base() {
minkowski() {
box([30, 80, 4]);
cylinder(0.5, r = 4);
mkatychev /
Last active April 12, 2024 02:04
Cancellable stream draft
use std::{future::Future, time::Duration};
use bigerror::{LogError, NetworkError, OptionReport, Report, ReportAs, ResultExt};
use futures::{future, pin_mut};
use stream_cancel::TakeUntilIf;
use tokio::{
sync::mpsc::{UnboundedSender, WeakUnboundedSender},
use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream;
mkatychev /
Last active March 22, 2024 18:57
Concatenate and convert differently sized videos into one
#!/usr/bin/env bash
join_files() {
local input_n=()
local scale_to_n=("$SEP")
local concat_n=()
for i in $(seq $#); do
input_n+=("-i ${!i}")
((n = i - 1))
mkatychev /
Created February 8, 2024 16:53
Default GITHUB actions variables quickref


Variable Description Example
CI Always set to true
GITHUB_ACTION The name of the action currently running
GITHUB_ACTION_PATH The path where an action is located, only supported in composite actions. /home/runner/work/_actions/repo-owner/name-of-action-repo/v1
GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY The owner and repository name of the action. actions/checkout
GITHUB_ACTIONS Always set to true when GitHub Actions is running the workflow.
GITHUB_ACTOR The name of the person or app that initiated the workflow. octocat
"$comment": "",
"$schema": "",
"additionalProperties": false,
"definitions": {
"architecture": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
mkatychev /
Created June 29, 2023 13:59 — forked from tombigel/
How to Change Open Files Limit on OS X and macOS Sierra (10.8 - 10.12)

How to Change Open Files Limit on OS X and macOS

This text is the section about OS X Yosemite (which also works for macOS Sierra) from

The last time i visited this link it was dead (403), so I cloned it here from the latest snapshot in's Wayback Machine

Mac OS X

To check the current limits on your Mac OS X system, run:

mkatychev /
Last active April 7, 2023 18:00
Zipper Rust

State Storage using Zipper

The Data structure used to store various states uses a cursor to traverse the nodes known as the Zipper technique.

Example of a Zipper cursor traversing a Vector, the focus provides a view "Up" and "Down" the data:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // array with 5 entries
 1}[2, 3, 4, 5] // zipper starts with focues at first index
macro_rules! from_report {
(impl From<$from:path as $context:path> for $for:ident::$variant:ident) => {
impl From<$from> for $for {
fn from(e: $from) -> Self {
(impl From<$from:path> for $for:ident::$variant:ident) => {
mkatychev /
Last active October 28, 2022 22:35

Figure 1

%%{init: {
    "fontFamily": "Times New Roman",
    'logLevel': 'debug',
    'sequence': { 
        'noteFont': 100,
        'noteMargin': 100,
 'messageFont': 100,