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Created August 11, 2022 16:05
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pystat - a very old python relic from 2005
# pystat
# A full-featured statistical analysis
# and inference module for Python.
# Intended to be used alongside the
# numarray package, the succesor to
# Numeric.
# Author: Michael Bommarito
# Revision: 20050621
# numarray:
from cmath import * #standard python module
from random import random
from numarray import * #numarray module - see header
from inspect import isfunction
isqpi = (1.0/(sqrt(2.0*pi)))
# Emulated ternary operator
# q(cond, on_true, on_false)
# cond: expression
# on_true: expression
# on_false: expression
def q(cond, on_true, on_false):
if cond:
return eval(on_true)
except TypeError:
return apply(on_true)
except TypeError:
return on_true
return eval(on_false)
except TypeError:
return apply(on_false)
except TypeError:
return on_false
# Arithmetic mean
# mean(data)
# data: array
def mean(data):
return data.sum()/float(data.size())
# Median value
# median(data)
# data: array
def median(data):
d = sort(ravel(data))
n = data.size()
return q(n % 2 == 0, (d[(n/2)-1]+d[n/2])/2, d[n/2])
# Modes
# mode(data, lim)
# data: array
def mode(data):
data = sort(ravel(data))
cur = 1
freq = {}
freq[data[0]] = 1
m = [data[0]]
for i in range(1, len(data)):
if data[i] in freq:
freq[data[i]] += 1
freq[data[i]] = 1
if freq[data[i]] > cur:
cur = freq[data[i]]
m = [data[i]]
elif freq[data[i]] == cur:
return q(len(m) == len(data), None, q(len(m) == 1, m[0], m))
# Range
# rang(data) (funny, right? built-in function problems)
# data: array
def rang(data):
data = sort(ravel(data))
return (data[data.size()-1]-data[0])
except TypeError:
# Midrange
# midrange(data)
# data: array
def midrange(data):
data = sort(ravel(data))
return (data[data.size()-1]+data[0])/2.0
# Mean deviation
# meandev(data)
# data: array
def meandev(data):
return sum(map(lambda x: x-mean(data), ravel(data)))/data.size()
# Standard deviation
# stddev(data)
# data:array
def stddev(data):
return sqrt(variance(data))
# Bias-corrected standard deviation
# bstddev(data)
# data:array
def bstddev(data):
return sqrt(bvariance(data))
# Biased variance
# variance(data)
# data:array
def variance(data):
return sum(map(lambda x: pow(x-mean(data), 2), ravel(data)))/data.size()
# Bias-corrected variance
# bvariance(data)
# data:array
def bvariance(data):
return sum(map(lambda x: pow(x-mean(data), 2), ravel(data)))/(data.size()-1)
# Biased skew
# skew(data)
# data:array
def skew(data):
return sum(map(lambda x: pow(x-mean(data), 3), ravel(data)))/data.size()
# Bias-corrected skew
# bskew(data)
# data:array
def bskew(data):
return sum(map(lambda x: pow(x-mean(data), 3), ravel(data)))/(data.size()-1)
# Gamma function
# gamma(x)
# x: float
def gamma(x):
tp = 2 * pi
r = exp(log(x) + log(sinh(1.0 / x))) + exp(-6 * log(810 * x))
n = log(x / e) + log(sqrt(r))
o = x * log(exp(n)) + log(sqrt(tp / x))
return exp(o)
# Incomplete gamma function
# Continued fraction expansion
# igamma(x, a)
# x: float
# a: float
def igamma(a, x):
if a % 1. == 0. and a < 8:
a += 0.00001
r = pow(x, a) * exp(-x)
s = 1./(x+((1.-a)/(1.+(1./(x+((2.-a)/(1.+(2./(x+((3.-a)/(1.+(3./(x+((4.-a)/(1.+(4./(x+((5.-a)/(1.+(5./+((6.-a)/7.)))))))))))))))))))))
if a > x + 1:
return r*s*log(gamma(a))
return r*s
# Normal Distribution
# normpdf(x, m, s)
# x: float
# m: float, mean
# s: float, standard deviation
def normpdf(x, m, s):
return exp(-pow((x-m)/s, 2)/2)*(isqpi/s)
# Based on Chokri Dridi's algorithm
# normcdf(x, m, s)
# x: float
# m: float, mean
# float, standard deviation
def normcdf(x, m, s):
if x >= 0.:
return (1.+glquad(0, x/sqrt(2.)))/2.
return (1.-glquad(0, -x/sqrt(2.)))/2.
# Composite fifth-order Gauss-Legendre quadrature estimation
def glquad(a, b):
y = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
x = [-sqrt(245.+14.*sqrt(70.))/21, -sqrt(245.-14.*sqrt(70.))/21, 0, sqrt(245.-14.*sqrt(70.))/21., sqrt(245.+14.*sqrt(70.))/21]
w = [(322.-13.*sqrt(70.))/900., (322.+13.*sqrt(70.))/900., 128./225., (322.+13.*sqrt(70.))/900, (322.-13.*sqrt(70.))/900.]
n = 4800
s = 0
h = (b-a)/n
for i in range(0, n, 1):
y[0] = h * x[0]/2.+(h+2.*(a+i*h))/2.
y[1] = h * x[1]/2.+(h+2.*(a+i*h))/2.
y[2] = h * x[2]/2.+(h+2.*(a+i*h))/2.
y[3] = h * x[3]/2.+(h+2.*(a+i*h))/2.
y[4] = h * x[4]/2.+(h+2.*(a+i*h))/2.
f = lambda r: (2./sqrt(pi))*exp(-r**2.)
s = s+h*(w[0]*f(y[0])+w[1]*f(y[1])+w[2]*f(y[2])+w[3]*f(y[3])+w[4]*f(y[4]))/2.
return s
# Inverse CDF
def normicdf(v):
if v > 0.5:
r = -1.
r = 1.
xp = 0.
lim = 1.e-20
p = [-0.322232431088, -1.0, -0.342242088547, -0.0204231210245, -0.453642210148e-4]
q = [0.0993484626060, 0.588581570495, 0.531103462366, 0.103537752850, 0.38560700634e-2]
if v < lim or v == 1:
return -1./lim
elif v == 0.5:
return 0
elif v > 0.5:
v = 1.-v
y = sqrt(log(1./v**2.))
xp = y+((((y*p[4]+p[3])*y+p[2])*y+p[1])*y+p[0])/((((y*q[4]+q[3])*y+q[2])*y+q[1])*y+q[0])
if v < 0.5:
xp *= -1.
return xp*r
# Cauchy Distribution
# cauchypdf(x, a, b)
# x: float
# a: float, location parameter
# b: float, scale parameter
def cauchypdf(x, a, b):
return exp(-log(pi)+log(b)+log(1+pow((x-a)/b, 2)))
# cauchycdf(x, a, b)
# x: float
# a: float, location parameter
# b: float, scale parameter
def cauchycdf(x, a, b):
return 0.5+(1./pi)*(arctan((x-a)/b))
def cauchyrand(a, b):
return a + b*tan(pi*(random()-0.5))
# Chi Distribution
# Distribution Parameters
# a: float | location parameter
# b: float | scale parameter, b > 0
# c: float | shape parameter, 0 < c <= 100
# chipdf(x, a, b, c)
# x: float | x > a
def chipdf(x, a, b, c):
return (pow((x-a)/b, c-1.)*exp(-0.5*pow((x-a)/b, 2)))/(pow(2, (c/2.)-1.)*b*gamma(c/2.))
# chicdf(x, a, b, c)
# x: float | x > a
def chicdf(x, a, b, c):
return igamma(c/2., 0.5*pow((x-a)/b, 2))
# Distribution mean
# chimean(a, b, c)
def chimean(a, b, c):
return a+((sqrt2*b*gamma((c+1.)/2.))/gamma(c/2.))
# Distribution variance
# chivar(a, b, c)
def chivar(a, b, c):
return pow(b, 2.)*(c-((2*pow(gamma((c+1.)/2.), 2))/pow(gamma(c/2.), 2)))
# Cosine Distribution
# cospdf(x, a, b)
# x: float
# a: float, location parameter
# b: float, scale parameter
def cospdf(x, a, b):
return (1./(2*pi*b))*(1.+cos((x-a)/b))
# coscdf(x, a, b)
# x: float
# a: float, location parameter
# b: float, scale parameter
def coscdf(x, a, b):
return (1./(2*pi))*(pi+((x-a)/b))+sin((x-a)/b)
# Exponential Distribution
# Distribution parameters
# a: x >= a
# b: b > 0
# exppdf(x, a, b)
# x: float | x >= a
def exppdf(x, a, b):
return (1./b)*exp((a-x)/b)
# expcdf(x, a, b)
# x: float | x >= a
def expcdf(x, a, b):
return 1.-exp((a-x)/b)
# Distribution mean
# expmean(a, b)
def expmean(a, b):
return a + b
# Distribution variance
# expvar(a, b)
def expvar(a, b):
return b**2.
# Random value
# exprand(a, b)
def exprand(a, b):
return a-(b*log(random()))
#Binomial Distribution
# binompdf(x, a, b)
# x: integer
# a: 0 < a < 1
# b: integer, trials
def binompdf(x, a, b):
return (gamma(b+1)/(gamma(b-x+1)*gamma(x+1.)))*pow(a, x)*pow(1.-a, b-x)
# Distribution mean
# binommean(a, b)
# a: 0 < a < 1
# b: integer, trials
def binommean(a, b):
return a*b
# Distribution variance
# binomvar(a, b)
# a: 0 < a < 1
# b: integer, trials
def binomvar(a, b):
return a*(1.-a)*b
#Negative Binomial Distribution
# nbinompdf(x, a, b)
# x: integer
# a: 0 < a < 1
# b: 1 <= b <= x
def nbinompdf(x, a, b):
return (gamma(x)/(gamma(x-b+1.)*gamma(b)))*pow(a,b)*pow(1.-a, x-b)
# Distribution mean
# nbinommean(a, b)
# a: 0 < a < 1
# b: integer, trials
def nbinommean(a, b):
return a*b
# Distribution variance
# nbinomvar(a, b)
# a: 0 < a < 1
# b: integer, trials
def nbinomvar(a, b):
return a*(1.-a)*b
# Geometric Distribution
# geopdf(x, a)
# x: integer | x > 0
# a: 0 < a < 1
def geopdf(x, a):
return a*pow(1.-a, x-1.)
# Distribution mean
# geomean(a)
# a: 0 < a < 1
def geomean(a):
return 1./a
# Distribution variance
# geovar(a)
# a: 0 < a < 1
def geovar(a):
return (1.-a)/a**2.
# Logarithmic Distribution
# logpdf(x, a)
# x: integer | x > 0
# a: 0 < a < 1
def logpdf(x, a):
return -pow(a, x)/(log(1.-a)*x)
# Distribution mean
# logmean(a)
# a: 0 < a < 1
def logmean(a):
return -a/((1.-a)*log(1.-a))
# Distribution variance
# logvar(a)
# a: 0 < a < 1
def logvar(a):
return (-a*(a+log(1.-a)))/(pow(1.-a, 2)*pow(log(1.-a), 2))
# Poisson Distribution
# poispdf(x, a)
# x: integer | x >= 0
# a: expectation parameter | a > 0
def poispdf(x, a):
return (exp(-a)*pow(a,x))/gamma(x+1)
# Distribution mean
# poismean(a)
# a: expectation parameter | a > 0
def poismean(a):
return a
# Distribution variance
# poisvar(a)
# a: expectation parameter | a > 0
def poisvar(a):
return a
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