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Created October 13, 2019 17:39
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Bot Land TypeScript bindings
declare const IS_OWNED_BY_ME = 256;
declare const ALLY = 0;
declare const ENEMY = 1;
declare const CHIP = 1024;
declare const CPU = 512;
declare const BOT = 8;
declare const ANYTHING;
declare enum EntityMatchFlags {
ALLY = 0,
ENEMY = 1,
CHIP = 1024,
CPU = 512,
BOT = 8
declare const SORT_BY_DISTANCE = 1;
declare const SORT_BY_LIFE = 2;
declare enum EntitySortType {
declare const SORT_ASCENDING = 1;
declare const SORT_DESCENDING = 2;
declare enum EntitySortOrder {
declare type Direction =
| "up"
| "down"
| "left"
| "right"
| "forward"
| "backward";
// Terminators
// Functions
declare function debugLog(...stuff: any[]): void;
declare function exists(thing: any): boolean;
declare function findEntities(
friendlyOrEnemy: EntityMatchFlags,
type: EntityMatchFlags,
allowReturningSelf: boolean
): Entity[];
declare function findEntitiesInRange(
friendlyOrEnemy: EntityMatchFlags,
type: EntityMatchFlags,
allowReturningSelf: boolean,
range: number
declare function findEntity(
friendlyOrEnemy: EntityMatchFlags,
type: EntityMatchFlags,
sortBy: EntitySortType,
sortOrder: EntitySortOrder
): Entity;
declare function getEntityAt(x: number, y: number): Entity;
declare function figureItOut(): void;
declare let array1: any[];
declare let array2: any[];
// Functions - Math
declare function abs(n: number): number;
declare function floor(n: number): number;
declare function max(...nums: number[]): number;
declare function min(...nums: number[]): number;
declare function percentChance(chance: number): boolean;
declare function round(n: number): number;
declare function size(arr: any[]): number;
// Functions - Movement
declare function canMove(dir: Direction): boolean;
declare function canMoveTo(entity: Entity): boolean;
declare function canMoveTo(x: number, y: number): boolean;
declare function getDistanceTo(entity: Entity): number;
declare function getDistanceTo(x: number, y: number): number;
declare function move(dir?: Direction): void;
declare function moveTo(entity: Entity): void;
declare function moveTo(x: number, y: number): void;
// Alias of moveTo
declare function pursue(entity: Entity): void;
declare function pursue(x: number, y: number): void;
// Functions - Weaponry
declare function canCharge(): boolean;
declare function willMeleeHit(entity?: Entity): boolean;
declare function melee(entity?: Entity): void;
declare function willArtilleryHit(entity?: Entity): boolean;
declare function fireArtillery(entity?: Entity): void;
declare function willLasersHit(entity?: Entity): boolean;
declare function fireLasers(entity?: Entity): void;
declare function willMissilesHit(entity?: Entity): boolean;
declare function fireMissiles(entity?: Entity): void;
// Functions - Support
declare function activateSensors(): void;
declare function canActivateSensors(): boolean;
declare function areSensorsActivated(): boolean;
declare function cloak(): void;
declare function canCloak(): boolean;
declare function isCloaked(): boolean;
declare function reflect(): void;
declare function canLayMine(): boolean;
declare function zap(): void;
declare function canZap(): boolean;
declare function canReflect(): boolean;
declare function isReflecting(): boolean;
declare function shield(entity?: Entity): void;
declare function canShield(entity?: Entity): boolean;
declare function isShielded(entity?: Entity): boolean;
declare function layMine(): void;
declare function canTeleport(entity?: Entity): boolean;
declare function canTeleport(xCoord: number, yCoord: number): boolean;
declare function teleport(entity?: Entity): void;
declare function teleport(xCoord: number, yCoord: number): void;
// Variables
declare const x: number;
declare const y: number;
declare const life: number;
declare const lifePercent: number;
declare const isAttacker: boolean;
declare const arenaWidth: number;
declare const arenaHeight: number;
// Shared Variables
declare let sharedA, sharedB, sharedC, sharedD, sharedE;
// Entities
declare interface Entity {
x: number;
y: number;
life: number;
lifePercent: number;
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