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Last active March 6, 2017 10:31
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#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
struct is_tetromino
bool operator()(char chr)
return std::string("ILOST").find(chr) != std::string::npos;
auto parse(const std::string & src)
auto s { src };
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> res;
for(auto it = std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), is_tetromino()); it != s.end();) {
const auto pos = std::distance(s.begin(), it);
const auto move = std::stoi(s.substr(0, pos));
const auto shape = s.substr(pos, 1);
res.push_back({ move, shape });
s = s.substr(pos + 1);
it = std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), is_tetromino());
return res;
class Board
void update(int x, int y)
if(board_.find(x) == board_.end()) {
board_.insert({ x, y });
} else {
board_[x] = y;
auto height_at(int x) const
const auto found = board_.find(x);
return (found == board_.end()) ? 0 : found->second;
auto max_height() const
auto max { 0 };
for(auto && p : board_) {
max = std::max(max, p.second);
return max;
std::unordered_map<int, int> board_;
class HeightCalculator
virtual std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> height(const Board & board, int move) const = 0;
virtual ~HeightCalculator() = default;
class HeightCalculatorI :public HeightCalculator
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> height(const Board & board, int move) const
return { { move, board.height_at(move) + 4 } };
class HeightCalculatorL :public HeightCalculator
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> height(const Board & board, int move) const
const auto y0 = board.height_at(move);
const auto y1 = board.height_at(move + 1);
const auto offset = std::max(y0, y1);
return { { move, offset + 3 }, { move + 1, offset + 1 } };
class HeightCalculatorO :public HeightCalculator
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> height(const Board & board, int move) const
const auto y0 = board.height_at(move);
const auto y1 = board.height_at(move + 1);
const auto offset = std::max(y0, y1);
return { { move, offset + 2 }, { move + 1, offset + 2 } };
class HeightCalculatorS :public HeightCalculator
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> height(const Board & board, int move) const
const auto y0 = board.height_at(move);
const auto y1 = board.height_at(move + 1);
const auto y2 = board.height_at(move + 2);
if((2 <= y2 - y0) && (2 <= y2 - y1)) {
return { { move, y2 }, { move + 1, y2 + 1 }, { move + 2, y2 + 1 } };
if((2 < y2 - y0) && (2 < y2 - y1)) {
return { { move, 1 }, { move + 1, 2 }, { move + 2, 2 } };
const auto offset = std::max(y0, y1);
return { { move, offset + 1 }, { move + 1, offset + 2 }, { move + 2, offset + 2 } };
class HeightCalculatorT :public HeightCalculator
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> height(const Board & board, int move) const
const auto y0 = board.height_at(move);
const auto y1 = board.height_at(move + 1);
const auto y2 = board.height_at(move + 2);
if(y0 <= y1 && y2 <= y1) {
const auto offset = y1 + 2;
return { { move, offset }, { move + 1, offset }, { move + 2, offset } };
const auto offset = std::max(y0, y2) + 1;
return { { move, offset }, { move + 1, offset }, { move + 2, offset } };
std::unique_ptr<HeightCalculator> make_height_calculator(const std::string & shape)
if(shape == "I") {
return std::make_unique<HeightCalculatorI>();
if(shape == "L") {
return std::make_unique<HeightCalculatorL>();
if(shape == "O") {
return std::make_unique<HeightCalculatorO>();
if(shape == "S") {
return std::make_unique<HeightCalculatorS>();
return std::make_unique<HeightCalculatorT>();
auto solve(const std::string & src)
Board board;
const auto move_and_shape = parse(src);
for(auto && e : move_and_shape) {
const auto move = e.first;
const auto shape = e.second;
const auto height_calculator = make_height_calculator(shape);
for(auto && p : height_calculator->height(board, move)) {
board.update(p.first, p.second);
return std::to_string(board.max_height());
void test(const std::string & src, const std::string & expected)
const auto actual = solve(src);
std::cout << (actual == expected ? "ok" : "***NG***") << std::endl;
int main()
/*0*/ test("1O3L0I0T", "5");
/*1*/ test("0I", "4");
/*2*/ test("0I0I", "8");
/*3*/ test("0I1I2I3I4I", "4");
/*4*/ test("0S0I", "5");
/*5*/ test("0I0S", "6");
/*6*/ test("2S0T2O3I", "8");
/*7*/ test("4O4T1T0S4L1L3L", "10");
/*8*/ test("0S2S4S6S8S10S12S14S", "16");
/*9*/ test("14S12S10S8S6S4S2S0S", "2");
/*10*/ test("5I2O10I0O4L10T9T11L8I2I10I12O7L12T12T12S11T9O10O13I12O10O7I9I7O0S1O2S0L1L", "23");
/*11*/ test("9T14L10L8T4I1T3S5I8T12O3S7L9O7L14T2I7O3S6S2L0L13T10O4I9T7L8S0I12O9S11L11T14T", "27");
/*12*/ test("9S9S7O11O16I2T9O12L10T9O0O13I9O1I2T14S7O9S11T5L7I14T13O0T12I3S10L10O7I15I6S2L12S8I16I3L", "23");
/*13*/ test("11T13I16S15T7O10L12S1I5I8S5I13I15O8S9I1T12I1S5S0L14I12L16T2S2S8L2S14L16O4I13L15L13S11S9T13S9S3L6O", "22");
/*14*/ test("12L10S7I5L14T12S9L1T14I0I5L1T2O18T9L0I15I16L10S1O15I0L17O5L18T4I18L7L7I13I3I12I2S3T5T3S16L14S14O11O15T14S", "17");
/*15*/ test("0S18S2S19I14T7L14L2L6I9I0L4I5L13L15I8S8T2I5I7O18T3S1T7I2L8O0S20T9I14T5L5I1T4L9O8T19T5S12O16T19L4O10O10T14L", "24");
/*16*/ test("7T5L6S4S8T6S10I19O20L14I18L21S7I11S11O1L13T20O9I7L2T8L2S20L3O14L9T17I8L8S14I6T2O11T21O18O6T15T1S3L6O19S18O20S19O16T6S14T", "26");
/*17*/ test("18S2I4S16L13S17I21O8I17T8I14O12T20I20S19S16S13T12T20I22I15O2I2I8I2S18I9I9T6O13O13L17I2L20L2L4I9I19O11T3S10O2S18T12I5O11S19O21S6I17T17S", "26");
/*18*/ test("11L5S0T22S18O13T2O22S15I12I21T16I3I1I22L11L11L22O13S24S15L13T15S19L10O15T7S24T19L0T13O11I12T13S4I24L15O3S19O10L19O0S20L7O11L21I22S18T19T23O8I22S24L0S", "21");
/*19*/ test("7L7I11T7S18O17L8S15L9I3O24S3O1O5O14L9T13S2O25S22T10T8L24S18S13T1O1L6I10I4S13O3S7L10T1T4L17S20I18O15S25S23S21I19T6O24S9L2O2O15L12L8L8O18I18L0T5O", "31");
/*20*/ test("999I999I999I999I999I999I999I999I999I999I999I", "44");
return 0;
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