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arttuladhar / GebDemoSpec.groovy
Created June 12, 2017 22:06
REST API Testing Using Spock
package specs
import geb.spock.GebReportingSpec
class GebDemoSpec extends GebReportingSpec {
def "Testing Basic Page Contents"(){
go "http://localhost:9000/#/demo/geb-demo"
ghinda /
Last active July 30, 2024 13:46
git csv export of commits in the last month
git log --since='last month' --pretty=format:'%h;%an;%ad;%s' --author='Ionut Colceriu' > ~/log.csv
staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
blakewest /
Last active February 26, 2024 13:33
Angular Code Review Checklist


  • Are all vars used somewhere?
  • Do the vars have properly cased, and meaningful names?
  • Style looks appropriate
  • No unnecessarily duplicated logic
  • Code intent is clear upon initial reading
  • Any code that isn't clear, but is needed, has an effective comment
  • Are method calls or attribute lookups every called on entities that could be undefined/null?
  • The functions can appropriately handle unexpected inputs.
  • Commented code has been removed (comments themselves are fine).
mychaelstyle / build.gradle
Created March 28, 2014 06:04
Example Gradle build Java with FindBugs and PMD and CPD
apply plugin: "java"
apply plugin: "eclipse"
apply plugin: "maven"
apply plugin: "findbugs"
apply plugin: "pmd"
def defaultEncoding = 'UTF-8'
[compileJava, compileTestJava]*.options*.encoding = defaultEncoding
sourceCompatibility = 1.7
sukharevd /
Last active September 9, 2024 09:14
Script to install JBoss Wildfly 10.x as service in Linux
#description :The script to install Wildfly 10.x
#more :
#author :Dmitriy Sukharev
#date :2016-06-18T02:45-0700
#usage :/bin/bash
#tested-version1 :10.0.0.CR3
#tested-distros1 :Ubuntu 15.10; Debian 7,8; CentOS 7; Fedora 22
#tested-version2 :10.0.0.Final
dsummersl / gist:3744192
Created September 18, 2012 16:40
Example log4j logstash configuration
# one way w/o web interface:
# java -jar lib/playbooks/servers/files/logstash-1.1.1-monolithic.jar agent -f lib/playbooks/servers/files/logstash.conf
# another with a web interface(http://localhost:9292) :
# java -jar lib/playbooks/servers/files/logstash-1.1.1-monolithic.jar agent -f lib/playbooks/servers/files/logstash.conf -- web --backend 'elasticsearch:///?local'
# nc localhost 3333 < logfile
# When you are all done, you can delete the 'data' folder to delete the database.
input {
tcp {
boucher / gist:1750368
Created February 6, 2012 07:07 — forked from saikat/gist:1084146
Stripe sample checkout form
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Stripe Sample Form</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">