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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Testing Amelia for multiple imputation
# got some help here:
myN <- 50
var1 <- runif(myN)
var2 <- 2*var1 + rnorm(myN, 0, 1)
var3 <- var1^2 + rnorm(myN, 0, 1)
df <- data.frame(cbind(var1,var2, var3))
df$Y <- rowSums(df, na.rm=T) + rnorm(myN, 0, 0.1)
df[seq(10,25),1] <- NA
df[seq(20,30), 2] <- NA
df[seq(26,40),3] <- NA
fit <- lm(Y ~ ., data=df)
IMP <- amelia(df, m=100)
#lapply(IMP$imputations, mean)
#bestimp <- rowMeans($imputations))
imputer <- function(mylist){
df <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(mylist, function(df) {
df$id <- seq_len(nrow(df))
df <- aggregate(. ~ id, df, mean)[, -1]
df$id <- NULL
x1 <- imputer(IMP$imputations)
imputer2 <- function(mylist) {
return(Reduce("+", mylist)/length(mylist))
x <- imputer(IMP$imputations)
y <- imputer2(IMP$imputations)
x[!(x == y)]
y[!(x == y)]
head(x[!(x == y)]) == head(y[!(x == y)])
head(x[!(x == y)]);head(y[!(x == y)])
1. Interesting that there are differences between imputer1 and imputer2. I think it's a discrete math roundoff thing, not sure which is better, if either is. To the level of precision R shows me, they look the same.
2. Obviously, not the right way to do the mean on the monte carlo variations---you should apply your function then take the mean. f(g(x)) != g(f(x)). I started this way because I wanted to do some testing of how much variation we're getting by Rubin's Rules; what I learned is that doing apply statements across lists of lists of data.frames requires some syntax backflips in R, and not something easy for a quick check. I'll look into it later.
3. imputer2 clearly wins for speed. When m=1000, the results are not even close. (Because it doesn't copy.)
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