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Last active July 18, 2019 06:46
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Vim handy commands
1. Copy/duplicate current line (on the next line)
- In normal mode,
2. Duplicate line on line 7
- In normal mode,
:t 7
3. Save changed file as sudo which was opened as a user with less access
:w !sudo tee %
:w – write
!sudo – call shell sudo command
tee – the output of write (:w) command is redirected using tee
% – current file name
4. undo
- Normal mode
press 'u'
5. redo
- Normal mode
ctrl + 'r'
6. Search and replace
- Normal mode
Change each(g) 'foo' to 'bar', but ask for confirmation(c) first.
7. Edit multiple lines together. Eg. : add character 'asd' in the beginning of each line
- Normal mode
- move cursor to first line to edit
- enable VISUAL BLOCK mode (ctrl + v)
- press I (capital i) for insert mode
- edit the single line
- press esc (changes will reflect on all line selected in VISUAL Block mode)
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