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Last active February 14, 2019 07:11
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  • Save mithildeeva/498c9c5dc21f65a5d154c121f11eb11d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Important commands
1. scp command (SecureCoPy file/directory over ssh)
a. Copy from local to remote server
scp /absolute/path/on/local/to/file.txt <user>@<server-ip>:/absolute/path/to/file.txt
b. Copy from server to local
scp <user>@<server-ip>:/absolute/path/to/file.txt /absolute/path/on/local/to/file.txt
c. Copy directories (recursive)
scp -r <user>@<server-ip>:/absolute/path/to/directory/ /absolute/path/on/local/to/directory/
2. sed command (Stream EDitor - to search/replace/delete in files)
a. Search and replace in file
sed -i 's=<string to search>=<string to replace with if the search string is found>gI' filename.ext
sed -i 's=/string/to/search=/string/to/replace=gI' *.ext
-i for performing operations In file
s means Search and replace
= is the delimiter (whatever follows s is assumed to be the delimiter.
Didn't use the most common '/' delimiter here since it is present in the search and replace strings
and adding escape characters in search strings makes them confusing)
g means to replace the searched string Globally and not just the first occurence
I means the search is case-insensitive.
b. Delete first/last line in file
sed -i '1d' filename.ext //deletes 1st line
sed -i '$d' filename.ext //deletes last line
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