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Last active December 3, 2019 11:03
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Testing disk write speed on embedded Linux devices (WARNING! USE WITH CARE! As it might overwrite your system partitions )
# This script copies data synchronously from one block device to a second one.
# It will perform the same operation using multiple block sizes, which makes
# it easy to find the optimal one for the current device and configuration.
# This will blindly write data to a partition and if not used with care, it
# has the possibility overwrite your system partitions!
set -e
# Clear PageCache, dentries and inodes.
function drop_cache() {
sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
if [ ! -b ${INPUT_FILE} ] || [ ! -b ${OUTPUT_FILE} ] \
|| [ -z "${INPUT_FILE}" ] || [ -z "${OUTPUT_FILE}" ]; then
echo "You must specify block devices as arguments...."
echo ""
echo "Usage:"
echo " ./ /dev/mmcblk0p2 /dev/mmcblk0p3"
exit 1
INPUT_FILE_SIZE=$(blockdev --getsize64 ${INPUT_FILE})
OUTPUT_FILE_SIZE=$(blockdev --getsize64 ${OUTPUT_FILE})
if [ ${INPUT_FILE_SIZE} -ne ${OUTPUT_FILE_SIZE} ]; then
echo "The input and target block device size do not match"
echo "Input size: ${INPUT_FILE_SIZE}"
echo "Input size: ${OUTPUT_FILE_SIZE}"
exit 1
echo "Block size: $(( ${INPUT_FILE_SIZE} / 1024 / 1024 )) MiB (${INPUT_FILE_SIZE})"
#sizes=(512 1KiB 4KiB 8KiB 16KiB 32KiB 64KiB 512KiB 1MiB 4MiB 8Mib)
sizes=(1KiB 4KiB 8KiB 16KiB 32KiB 64KiB 128KiB 256KiB 512KiB 1MiB 4MiB 8MiB)
for size in "${sizes[@]}"; do
echo ""
echo "************************************************************"
echo "Testing with ${size} block size"
time dd if=${INPUT_FILE} of=${OUTPUT_FILE} bs=${size} oflag=dsync
echo "************************************************************"
echo ""
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