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Last active May 19, 2022 02:23
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The 23 Design Patterns of the Gang of Four

Creational Patterns

✔️ Abstract Factory
✔️ Builder
✔️ Factory Method
✔️ Prototype
✔️ Singleton

Structural Patterns

✔️ Adapter
✔️ Bridge
✔️ Composite
✔️ Decorator
✔️ Façade

  • Flyweight

✔️ Proxy

Behavioral Patterns

✔️ Chain of Responsibility
✔️ Command
✔️ Interpreter

✔️ Iterator
✔️ Mediator
✔️ Memento

✔️ Observer
✔️ State

✔️ Strategy
✔️ Template Method

✔️ Visitor

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