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Created March 16, 2013 00:26
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transparent raggle
$config = {
'config_dir' => Raggle::Path::find_home + '/.raggle',
'config_path' => '${config_dir}/config.rb',
'feed_list_path' => '${config_dir}/feeds.yaml',
'feed_cache_path' => '${config_dir}/',
'theme_path' => '${config_dir}/theme.yaml',
'grab_log_path' => '${config_dir}/grab.log',
'cache_lock_path' => '${config_dir}/lock',
'web_ui_root_path' => Raggle::Path::find_web_ui_root,
'web_ui_log_path' => '${config_dir}/webrick.log',
# feed list handling
'load_feed_list' => true,
'save_feed_list' => true,
# feed cache handling
'load_feed_cache' => true,
'save_feed_cache' => true,
# Log file rotation schedule.
# (valid values are 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', or an integer
# indecating the number of days).
'grab_log_age' => 'weekly',
# Log file rotation size.
# If the log file exceeds this size, then it will be automatically
# rotated.
'grab_log_size' => 1048576,
# Log file verbosity.
# Valid values are 'DEBUG', 'INFO', ''WARN', 'ERROR', and 'FATAL'.
# Defaults to 'INFO' if unspecified.
'grab_log_level' => 'INFO',
# save old feed items indefinitely?
# Note: doing this with a lot of high-traffic feeds can make
# your feed cache grow very large, very fast. It's probably better
# to use the per-feed --save-items command-line option.
'save_feed_items' => false,
# confirm feed deletion?
'confirm_delete' => true,
# theme handling
'load_theme' => true,
'save_theme' => true,
# save stuff on crash?
'save_on_crash' => false,
# abort feed thread on exception?
'abort_on_exception' => false,
# feed list, feed cache, and theme lock handling
'use_cache_lock' => true,
# ui options
'focus' => 'auto', # ['none', 'select', 'select_first', 'auto']
'no_desc_auto_focus' => true,
'scroll_wrapping' => true,
# log exerpt of content from feed header? (useful for debugging)
'log_content' => false,
# grab in parallel (grab threads in parallel instead of serial)
'grab_in_parallel' => false,
# use ASCII for window borders instead of ANSI?
'use_ascii_only?' => false,
# maximum number of threads (don't set to less than 5!)
'max_threads' => 10,
# thread priorities (best to leave these alone)
'thread_priority_main' => 10,
'thread_priority_feed' => 1, # parent feed grabbing thread
'thread_priority_grab' => 0, # child grabbing threads
'thread_priority_gc' => 1,
'thread_priority_http' => 1,
'thread_priority_find' => 1,
'thread_priority_save' => 0,
# grab thread reap timeout (wait up to N seconds)
'thread_reap_timeout' => 120,
# don't check every 60 seconds, wait for the update
# key to be pressed (for modem users, slow computers, etc)
'use_manual_update' => false,
# update feed list on startup?
'update_on_startup' => true,
# proxy settings
'proxy' => {
'host' => nil,
'port' => nil,
'no_proxy' => nil,
# send the http headers?
'use_http_headers' => true,
# URL handlers
'url_handlers' => {
'http' => proc { |url, last_mod| Raggle::Engine::get_http_url(url, last_mod) },
'https' => proc { |url, last_mod| Raggle::Engine::get_http_url(url, last_mod) },
'file' => proc { |url, last_mod| Raggle::Engine::get_file_url(url, last_mod) },
'exec' => proc { |url, last_mod| Raggle::Engine::get_exec_url(url, last_mod) },
# RSS Enclosure Hook
# If enabled, this command is called for each RSS enclosure Raggle
# encounters. Note that this command is responsible for maintaining
# it's own cache of downloaded enclosures; Raggle passes the enclosure
# every time it parses the feed, before it checks whether or not the
# element was cached. The arguments passed to the command are as
# follows:
# * Feed Title
# * Feed Link
# * Item Title
# * Item Link
# * Enclosure URL
# * Enclosure MIME Type
# * Enclosure Length (in bytes)
# So, a blatantly naive implementation of an enclosure handler would
# probably look something like this:
# require 'pstore'
# class PStore
# def has_key?(key)
# roots.include?(key)
# end
# end
# # load URL cache, parse arguments
# cache ='url_cache')
# feed_title, feed_link, title, link, url, mime_type, len = ARGV
# # check cache for URL
# exit 0 if cache.transaction { cache.has_key?(url) }
# # generate safe filename for output file
# # (you'd have to write this)
# safe_name = gen_safe_name(url)
# # cache output name
# cache.transaction { cache[url] = safe_name }
# # call wget (this could just as easily be a call to
# # net/http, curl, or whatever else suites your fancy)
# Kernel.exec('wget', '-q', '-O', safe_name, url)
# Kernel.exit! # shouldn't ever get here
# So anyway, without any further ado, an example of the actual
# enclosure config directive:
# 'enclosure_hook_cmd' => '/home/pabs/bin/handle_enclosures.rb',
# Raise an exception (which generally means crash) if the URL type is
# unknown. You probably DON'T want to enable this. If disabled, then
# fall back to the default_url_handler for unknown URL types.
'strict_url_handling' => false,
# if strict_url_handling is disabled, then fall back to this type
# when the URL handler is unknown.
'default_url_handler' => 'http',
# default http headers
'http_headers' => {
'Accept' => 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.1',
# yes Richard, there is a reason the following line looks so
# ugly. -- Paul
'Accept-Charset' =>'ISO-8859-1,UTF-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
'User-Agent' => "Raggle/#$VERSION (#{RUBY_PLATFORM}; Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION})",
# Number of list items per "page" (wrt page up/down)
# (if < 0, then the height of the window, minus N items)
'page_step' => -3,
# date formats
'item_date_format' => '%c',
'desc_date_format' => '%c',
# raggle http daemon settings
'run_http_server' => false,
'http_server' => {
'bind_address' => '', # localhost only
'port' => 2222, # port to bind to
'page_refresh' => 120, # refresh interval (feed & item wins)
'shutdown_sleep' => 0.5, # seconds to wait for shutdown
'empty_item' => {
'title' => '',
'url' => '',
'desc' => '',
# document root is set as $config['web_ui_root_path'], and the
# access log is set via $config['web_ui_log_path']
# raggle drb server settings
'run_drb_server' => false,
'drb_server' => {
'bind_url' => 'druby://localhost:1234',
# messages
'msg_welcome' => _(' Welcome to Raggle %s.'),
'msg_exit' => _('| Press Q to exit '),
'msg_close' => _('[X] '),
'msg_grab_done' => _(' Raggle %s'),
'msg_load_config' => _('Raggle: Loading config...'),
'msg_load_list' => _('Raggle: Loading feed list...'),
'msg_save_list' => _('Raggle: Saving feed list...'),
'msg_load_cache' => _('Raggle: Loading feed cache...'),
'msg_save_cache' => _('Raggle: Saving feed cache...'),
'msg_load_theme' => _('Raggle: Loading theme...'),
'msg_save_theme' => _('Raggle: Saving theme...'),
'msg_thanks' => _('Thanks for using Raggle!'),
'msg_default_input' => _('Input:'),
'msg_new_value' => _('New value:'),
'msg_term_resize' => _('Terminal Resize: '),
'msg_links' => _('Links:'),
'msg_images' => _('Images:'),
'msg_add_feed' => _('Enter URL:'),
'msg_feed_added' => _('Feed added'),
'msg_confirm_delete' => _('Delete current feed? (y/n)'),
'msg_find_entry' => _('Find:'),
'msg_cat_title' => _('Display Category'),
'msg_find_feed' => _('Find Feeds:'),
'msg_searching' => _(' Searching...'),
'msg_find_title' => _('Search Results for "%s" - %s matching feeds'),
'msg_find_desc' => _('Please select a feed...'),
'msg_find_nomatches' => _('No results found'),
'msg_keys_title' => _('Current Key Bindings'),
'msg_added_existing' => _('Warning: Added existing feed'),
'msg_edit_title' => _('Edit Feed Options'),
'msg_bad_option' => _('Warning: Bad option for %s'),
'msg_edit_success' => _('New option saved'),
'msg_save_done' => _('Configuration saved'),
'msg_opml_input' => _('OPML file or URI:'),
'msg_opml_exported' => _('OPML exported'),
'msg_opml_imported' => _('OPML imported'),
'msg_bad_uri' => _('Error: bad or empty URI'),
'msg_exec_url' => _('WARNING: exec url found!'),
# bookmark messages
'msg_bm_saving' => _('Saving bookmark for "%s"'),
'msg_bm_saved' => _('Bookmark saved for "%s".'),
'msg_bm_desc' => _('Bookmark Description:'),
'msg_bm_tag' => _('Bookmark Tags (space-separated):'),
'msg_bm_bad_type' => _('Bad bookmark type: %s'),
'msg_bm_bad_db_type' => _('Unknown database type: %s'),
'msg_bm_db_err' => _('Database Error: %s'),
'msg_bm_db_missing' => _('Missing Database Engine: %s'),
'msg_bm_del_err' => _('Delicious Error: %s'),
'msg_bm_del_saving' => _('Saving Bookmark to Delicious...'),
'msg_bm_del_missing' => _('Error: Rubilicious not installed.'),
'msg_bm_file_err' => _('Error saving to \"%s\": %s'),
# menu bar color
'menu_bar_cols' => 24,
# strip external entity declarations
# (workaround for bug in REXML 2.7.1)
'strip_external_entities' => true,
# input select timeout (in seconds)
'input_select_timeout' => 0.2,
# http timeouts (in seconds)
'http_open_timeout' => 10,
'http_read_timeout' => 10,
# thread sleep intervals (in seconds)
'feed_sleep_interval' => 60,
# save thread sleep interval (in seconds)
'save_sleep_interval' => 300,
# gc thread sleep interval (in seconds)
'gc_sleep_interval' => 600,
# max results to return from syndic8
'syndic8_max_results' => 100,
# grab log mode (a == append, w == write)
'grab_log_mode' => 'w',
# update feeds after adding a new one?
'update_after_add' => true,
# strip html from item contents?
'strip_html_tags' => false,
# repair relative URLs in feed items?
'repair_relative_urls' => true,
# decode html escape sequences?
'unescape_html' => true,
# Force wrapping of generally unwrappable lines?
'force_text_wrap' => false,
# replace unicode chars with what?
# Note: this option is meaningless when iconv character encoding
# translation is enabled, unless 'use_iconv_munge' is true.
'unicode_munge_str' => '!u!',
# character encoding used to display text from RSS feeds.
# The allowed values for 'character_encoding' vary depending on the
# character encoding method. If you're using the pre-0.4.0
# REXML-style encoding translation (and you really shouldn't be unless
# you're having problems; see 'use_iconv' below for additional
# information), then the supported values are as follows:
# ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UNILE
# On the other hand, if you're using iconv-style encoding translation,
# the list of allowed values is any character encoding supported by
# your version of iconv (use "iconv --list" for a full list). Be sure
# to omit the trailing '//' from your character_encoding value; Raggle
# automatically appends it if it's necessary.
'character_encoding' => 'ISO-8859-1',
# iconv support
# This is the new character encoding support. If iconv is installed
# and iconv support is enabled (with 'use_iconv'), then use iconv
# instead of REXML to do character encoding translations. If
# 'use_iconv_translit' is enabled, then use iconv transliteration to
# approximate characters that cannot be directly represented in the
# character encoding (specified above in 'character_encoding').
# Both 'use_iconv' and 'use_iconv_translit' default to true.
# If you've got iconv installed, you really should be using it to do
# character conversions. It's faster than REXML, supports a much
# broader range of character encodings, and has intelligent built-in
# transliteration (as opposed to the unicode_munge_str chicanery
# Raggle uses for the REXML-style encoding translation).
# It's probably a good idea to leave transliteration enabled. It will
# prevent iconv from barfing on characters it can't translate, and,
# since Ncurses-Ruby doesn't have wide character support, it will keep
# Ncurses from printing garbage all over the screen.
'use_iconv' => true,
'use_iconv_translit' => true,
'use_iconv_munge' => true,
'iconv_munge_illegal' => true,
# warn if feed refresh is set to less than this (in minutes)
'feed_refresh_warn' => 60,
# default feed name and refresh rate (in minutes)
'default_feed_title' => _('Untitled Feed'),
'default_feed_refresh' => 120,
'default_feed_priority' => 0,
# open new screen window for browser?
'use_screen' => true,
# screen command
'screen_cmd' => ['screen', '-t', '%s'],
# browser options
'browser' => 'firefox',
'browser_cmd' => ['${browser}', '%s'],
# beep on new articles?
'do_beep' => false,
# Force raggle to accept shell metacharacters in urls.
'force_url_meta' => false,
# Regular expression matching shell metacharacters to not allow in URLs
# 'shell_meta_regex' => /([\`\$]|\#\{)/, # the #{ is to stop ruby
# expansion.
# Is that necessary?
# lock feed names (don't update feed title from feed)
# (you can lock individual feed titles with the --lock-title command)
'lock_feed_title' => false,
# feed info on highlight
'describe_hilited_feed' => true,
'desc_show_site' => false,
'desc_show_url' => false,
'desc_show_divider' => false,
# yank settings #
# a list of stuff to filter out of text that's yanked
# you can either expand this list, or define a whole new filter
# method with $config['yank_filter_proc'] below
'yank_filters' => [
# filter to pass content through before appending. the default strips
# out the HTML header junk and comments (using the contents of
# $config['yank_filters'] above),, hopefully getting us much closer to
# the actual content
'yank_filter_proc' => proc { |html|
filters = $config['yank_filters']
filters.inject(html) { |ret, re| ret.gsub(re, '') }
# prefix to append before content (passed through strftime so you can
# timestamp it)
'yank_prefix' => "<br/>----<p>Yanked by Raggle on %Y-%m-%d </p>----<br/>",
# xpaths to item elements
'item_element_xpaths' => {
'description' => [
"./[local-name() = 'encoded' and namespace-uri() = '']",
'link' => [
'guid', # (this needs tob e guid/attribute, isPermaLink=true)
'date' => [
"./[local-name() = 'date' and namespace-uri() = '']",
# key bindings
'keys' => ($HAVE_LIB['ncurses'] ? {
Ncurses::KEY_RIGHT => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::next_window} ),
?\t => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::next_window} ),
Ncurses::KEY_LEFT => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::prev_window} ),
?\\ => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::view_source} ),
Ncurses::KEY_F12 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::quit} ),
?q => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::quit} ),
Ncurses::KEY_UP => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_up} ),
Ncurses::KEY_DOWN => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_down} ),
Ncurses::KEY_HOME => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_top} ),
?0 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_top} ),
Ncurses::KEY_END => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_bottom} ),
?$ => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_bottom} ),
Ncurses::KEY_PPAGE => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_up_page} ),
Ncurses::KEY_NPAGE => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_down_page} ),
# vi keybindings
?h => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::prev_window} ),
?j => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_down} ),
?k => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_up} ),
?l => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::next_window} ),
?g => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_top} ),
?G => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::scroll_bottom} ),
?\n => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::select_item} ),
?\ => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::select_item} ),
?u => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::move_feed_up} ),
?d => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::move_feed_down} ),
?I => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::invalidate_feed} ),
?e => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::edit_feed} ),
?/ => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::find_entry(win)} ),
Ncurses::KEY_DC => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::delete} ),
?y => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::undelete_all} ),
?P => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::purge_deleted} ),
# XXX: Meta can be dropped after spawned browser exits
# So A, B, C or D should *not* be bound until this is fixed
# -- richlowe 2003-06-22 (actually --pabs 2003-06-21)
# ?D => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::delete} ),
# Literal control L is horrid -- richlowe 2003-06-26
?\ => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::resize_term} ),
?s => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::sort_feeds} ),
?o => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link} ),
?m => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::mark_items_as_read} ),
?M => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::mark_items_as_unread} ),
?N => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::mark_current_as_unread} ),
?! => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::drop_to_shell} ),
?p => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::select_prev_unread} ),
?n => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::select_next_unread} ),
?r => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::lower_feed_priority} ),
?R => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::raise_feed_priority} ),
?U => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::manual_update} ),
?S => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::manual_save} ),
?a => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::add_feed} ),
?O => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::opml} ),
# i know this is using 'c'.. we'll see if this fucks us (see note
# about 'C' above)
# -- pabs (Sat Mar 20 21:10:55 2004)
?c => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::gui_cat_list} ),
?f => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::gui_find_feed} ),
?C => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::close_window} ),
? => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::close_window} ),
?? => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::show_key_bindings} ),
?B => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::save_bookmark} ),
?1 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(1)} ),
?2 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(2)} ),
?3 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(3)} ),
?4 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(4)} ),
?5 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(5)} ),
?6 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(6)} ),
?7 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(7)} ),
?8 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(8)} ),
?9 => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::open_link(9)} ),
?Y => proc( %{|win, key| Raggle::Interfaces::NcursesInterface::Key::yank_link } ),
} : {}),
# color palette (referenced by themes)
'color_palette' => ($HAVE_LIB['ncurses'] ? [
[ 1, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, -1 ],
[ 2, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, -1 ],
[ 4, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN, -1 ],
[ 4, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE, -1 ],
[ 5, Ncurses::COLOR_MAGENTA, -1 ],
[ 6, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN, -1 ],
[ 7, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, -1 ],
[ 11, -1, -1 ],
[ 12, -1, Ncurses::COLOR_RED ],
[ 13, -1, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN ],
[ 14, -1, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE ],
[ 15, -1, Ncurses::COLOR_MAGENTA ],
[ 16, -1, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 17, -1, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW ],
[ 21, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, -1 ],
[ 22, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_RED ],
[ 23, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN ],
[ 24, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE ],
[ 25, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_MAGENTA ],
[ 26, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 27, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW ],
[ 31, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 32, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 33, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 34, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 35, Ncurses::COLOR_MAGENTA, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 36, -1, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
[ 37, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN ],
] : []),
'attr_palette' => ($HAVE_LIB['ncurses'] ? {
'normal' => Ncurses::A_NORMAL,
'normal' => Ncurses::A_NORMAL,
'standout' => Ncurses::A_STANDOUT,
'underline' => Ncurses::A_UNDERLINE,
'reverse' => Ncurses::A_REVERSE,
'blink' => Ncurses::A_BLINK,
'dim' => Ncurses::A_DIM,
'bold' => Ncurses::A_BOLD,
'protect' => Ncurses::A_PROTECT,
'invis' => Ncurses::A_INVIS,
'altcharset' => Ncurses::A_ALTCHARSET,
'chartext' => Ncurses::A_CHARTEXT,
} : {}),
# default theme settings
'theme' => {
# theme information
'name' => 'Default Theme',
'author' => 'Paul Duncan <>',
'url' => '',
# window order (order for window changes, etc)
'window_order' => ['feed', 'item', 'desc'],
# status bar color
'status_bar_cols' => 24,
# feed window attributes
'win_feed' => {
'key' => 'feed',
'title' => _('Feeds'),
'coords' => [0, 0, 25, -1],
'type' => 'list',
'colors' => {
'title' => 1,
'text' => 1,
'h_text' => 16,
'box' => 4,
'a_title' => 21,
# 'a_title' => 36,
'a_box' => 3,
'unread' => 6,
'h_unread' => 36,
'empty' => 2,
'h_empty' => 32,
# item window attributes
'win_item' => {
'key' => 'item',
'title' => _('Items'),
'coords' => [25, 0, -1, 15],
'type' => 'list',
'colors' => {
'title' => 1,
'text' => 1,
'h_text' => 16,
'box' => 4,
'a_title' => 21,
'a_box' => 3,
'unread' => 6,
'h_unread' => 36,
# desc window attributes
'win_desc' => {
'key' => 'desc',
'title' => _('Description'),
'coords' => [25, 15, -1, -1],
'type' => 'text',
'colors' => {
'title' => 1,
'text' => 1,
'h_text' => 16,
'box' => 4,
'a_title' => 21,
'a_box' => 3,
'url' => 6,
'date' => 6,
'f_title' => [1, 'bold'],
'f_update' => 1,
'f_url' => 1,
'f_site' => 1,
'f_error' => 2,
'f_desc' => 1,
# bookmark settings
# how bookmarks are saved when you press 'B' in the
# Ncurses interface
'bookmark' => [
# basic CSV bookmark file
{ :type => :csv_file,
:path => '${config_dir}/bookmarks.csv',
# optional settings
# don't prompt for item description (default: false)
:no_desc => true,
# don't prompt for tags (default: false)
# :no_tags => false,
# inherit tags from parent feed? (default: true)
# :inherit_tags => true,
# pass bookmark to an arbitrary file
# note: doesn't check for success on exit just yet
# { :type => :exec,
# # path to file to execute
# # arguments are passed in the following order:
# # title, url, tags, desc
# :path => File::join(ENV['HOME'], 'bin', 'raggle_delicious.rb'),
# # optional settings
# # don't prompt for item description (default: false)
# :no_desc => true,
# # don't prompt for tags (default: false)
# # :no_tags => false,
# # inherit tags from parent feed? (default: true)
# # :inherit_tags => true,
# },
# save bookmarks to sqlite
# note: requires the sqlite-ruby library, and the bookmark
# database must exist, with the appropriate table
# { :type => :db,
# :dbtype => :sqlite,
# # path to database file
# # note: database file MUST already exist!
# :path => '${config_dir}/bookmarks.db',
# # name of table to save bookmarks into
# # note: this table MUST already exist!
# :table => 'raggle_bookmarks',
# # list of fields (note: you can omit any of these)
# :fields => {
# :title => 'title',
# :desc => 'description',
# :url => 'url',
# :tags => 'tags',
# },
# # optional settings
# # don't prompt for descriptions (default: false)
# # :no_desc => false,
# # don't prompt for tags (default: false)
# # :no_tags => false,
# # inherit tags from parent feed? (default: true)
# # :inherit_tags => true,
# },
# save bookmarks to mysql
# note: requires the sqlite-ruby library, and the bookmark
# database must exist, with the appropriate table
# { :type => :db,
# :dbtype => :mysql,
# # db server, username, password, and name of database to use
# :host => 'HOSTNAME', # (use 'localhost' if it's on this machine)
# :user => 'USERNAME',
# :pass => 'PASSWORD',
# :dbname => 'raggle_database',
# # name of table to save bookmarks into
# # note: this table MUST already exist!
# :table => 'raggle_bookmarks',
# # list of fields (note: you can omit any of these)
# :fields => {
# :title => 'title',
# :desc => 'description',
# :url => 'url',
# :tags => 'tags',
# },
# # optional settings
# # don't prompt for descriptions (default: false)
# # :no_desc => false,
# # don't prompt for tags (default: false)
# # :no_tags => false,
# # inherit tags from parent feed? (default: true)
# # :inherit_tags => true,
# },
# live feeds
'feeds' =>,
# debugging / internal options (don't touch)
'use_raw_mode' => true,
'use_noecho' => true,
'default_feeds' => [
{ 'title' => 'Raggle Help',
'url' => "",
'site' => '',
'refresh' => 240,
'updated' => 0,
'desc' => '',
'category' => 'Raggle',
'items' => [ ],
'priority' => 2,
{ 'title' => 'Alternet',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Alternative News and Information.',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Politics News',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Daily Daemon News',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Daily Daemon News',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'FreshMeat',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'FreshMeat.',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => '',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Thomas Kirchner\'s personal site.',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Blogs Tech',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'KernelTrap',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'KernelTrap',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Kuro5hin',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Kuro5hin',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech Politics',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Linux Weekly News',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Linux Weekly News',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Linuxbrit',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Tom Gilbert\'s personal site.',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Blogs',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Pablotron',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Paul Duncan\'s personal site.',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Blogs Tech',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Paul',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Paul Duncan\'s other personal site.',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Blogs',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Raggle: News',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Raggle News',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech Raggle',
'items' => [ ],
'priority' => 1,
{ 'title' => 'Slashdot',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Slashdot',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech News',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Reuters: Oddly Enough',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'Reuters oddly enough.',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Funny News',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'This Modern World',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'This Modern World',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Blogs Politics',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'W3C',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'W3C',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Yahoo! News - Tech',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'yahoo tech',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Tech News',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Yahoo! News - Top Stories',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'yahoo top stories',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'News',
'items' => [ ],
{ 'title' => 'Yahoo! News - World',
'url' => '',
'site' => '',
'desc' => 'yahoo world',
'refresh' => 120,
'updated' => 0,
'category' => 'Politics News',
'items' => [ ],
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