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Last active November 2, 2022 10:52
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Rust SystemTime conversion to unixtime in nanoseconds
trait SystemTimeToUnixTime {
fn unixtime(&self) -> i64;
fn unixtime_ns(&self) -> i64;
impl SystemTimeToUnixTime for std::time::SystemTime {
fn unixtime(&self) -> i64 {
match self.duration_since(std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
Ok(n) => n.as_secs().try_into().unwrap_or(i64::MAX),
Err(t) => t.duration().as_secs().try_into().map(|t: i64| -t).unwrap_or(i64::MIN),
fn unixtime_ns(&self) -> i64 {
match self.duration_since(std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
Ok(n) => n.as_nanos().try_into().unwrap_or(i64::MAX),
Err(t) => t.duration().as_nanos().try_into().map(|t: i64| -t).unwrap_or(i64::MIN),
fn main() {
use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration};
// let now = SystemTime::now();
let now = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_millis(10543);
println!("seconds since epoch: {}", now.unixtime_ns() as f64 / 1_000_000_000f64);
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