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Last active July 20, 2021 08:41
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  • Save mingder78/de0eb74f6b24ce779d017b497622a83d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mingder78/de0eb74f6b24ce779d017b497622a83d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const ipfsAPI = require("ipfs-http-client");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const { clearLine } = require("readline");
const { globSource } = ipfsAPI;
const infura = { host: "", port: "5001", protocol: "https" };
// run your own ipfs daemon:
// const localhost = { host: "localhost", port: "5002", protocol: "http" };
const ipfs = ipfsAPI(infura);
const ipfsGateway = "";
const ipnsGateway = "";
const addOptions = {
pin: true,
const pushDirectoryToIPFS = async path => {
try {
const response = await ipfs.add(globSource(path, { recursive: true }), addOptions);
return response;
} catch (e) {
return {};
const publishHashToIPNS = async ipfsHash => {
try {
const response = await`/ipfs/${ipfsHash}`);
return response;
} catch (e) {
return {};
const nodeMayAllowPublish = ipfsClient => {
// You must have your own IPFS node in order to publish an IPNS name
// This contains a blacklist of known nodes which do not allow users to publish IPNS names.
const nonPublishingNodes = [""];
const { host } = ipfsClient.getEndpointConfig();
return !nonPublishingNodes.some(nodeUrl => host.includes(nodeUrl));
const deploy = async () => {
console.log("🛰 Sending to IPFS...");
const { cid } = await pushDirectoryToIPFS("./dist/src");
if (!cid) {
console.log(`📡 App deployment failed`);
return false;
console.log(`📡 App deployed to IPFS with hash: ${chalk.cyan(cid.toString())}`);
let ipnsName = "";
if (nodeMayAllowPublish(ipfs)) {
console.log(`✍️ Publishing /ipfs/${cid.toString()} to IPNS...`);
process.stdout.write(" Publishing to IPNS can take up to roughly two minutes.\r");
ipnsName = (await publishHashToIPNS(cid.toString())).name;
clearLine(process.stdout, 0);
if (!ipnsName) {
console.log(" Publishing IPNS name on node failed.");
console.log(`🔖 App published to IPNS with name: ${chalk.cyan(ipnsName)}`);
console.log("🚀 Deployment to IPFS complete!");
console.log(`Use the link${ipnsName && "s"} below to access your app:`);
console.log(` IPFS: ${chalk.cyan(`${ipfsGateway}${cid.toString()}`)}`);
if (ipnsName) {
console.log(` IPNS: ${chalk.cyan(`${ipnsGateway}${ipnsName}`)}`);
"Each new deployment will have a unique IPFS hash while the IPNS name will always point at the most recent deployment.",
"It is recommended that you share the IPNS link so that people always see the newest version of your app.",
return true;
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