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Save mingder78/5cbc8e3f267084e278ded2385aa6673e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - - - [11/May/2017:09:43:12 +0800] GET / 200 1496 - - - 0.000
%{IPORHOST:s_ip} ?(%{IPORHOST:c_ip}|%{NOTSPACE:c_ip}) %{NOTSPACE:remote_logname} %{NOTSPACE:remote_user} \[%{MONTHDAY:day}/%{MONTH:month}/%{YEAR:year}:%{HOUR:hour}:%{MINUTE:minute}:%{SECOND:second} %{ISO8601_TIMEZONE:timezone}\] %{WORD:request} %{NOTSPACE:file_path} ?(%{NOTSPACE:http_version}| ) %{WORD:status} %{INT:bytes} %{NOTSPACE:referer} %{GREEDYDATA:user_agent} %{NOTSPACE:data} %{BASE16FLOAT:time_taken}
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