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Last active January 4, 2021 09:37
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(ns miner.dijkstra-primes)
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Converted to Clojure by SEM. Note that there are lots of shadowing and recursive calls in
;; the Clojure code to avoid the mutation in the original code. The Clojure loops are a bit
;; ugly. Not sure if this is the best way to do things. However, the performance is pretty
;; good.
;; By the way, it was a bit of a challenge to get everything right with the differences between
;; Lua 1-based tables and Clojure 0-based vectors. I found an embarrassing off-by-one bug
;; in my earlier attempt that didn't manifest until the 218th prime.
;; Note: Lua uses 1-based arrays
;; function primes(N)
;; local P, Q, x, limit = {2}, {}, 1, 4
;; local is_prime = function(x)
;; for k = 2, #Q do
;; if x > Q[k] then Q[k] = Q[k] + P[k] end
;; if x == Q[k] then return false end
;; end
;; return true
;; end
;; while #P < N do
;; repeat
;; x = x + 2
;; if x >= limit then
;; Q[#Q+1], limit = limit, P[#Q+2]^2
;; end
;; until is_prime(x)
;; P[#P+1] = x
;; end
;; return P
;; end
(defn prime? [x q p]
;; returns [true q] if x is prime, [false q] if not
;; q is updated vector of multiples
;; p is vector of known primes
(let [cnt (count q)]
(loop [k 1 q q]
;; debug (println q x k)
(if (< k cnt)
(if (> x (q k))
(recur k (update q k + (p k)))
(if (= x (q k))
[false q]
(recur (inc k) q)))
[true q]))))
(defn next-limit ^long [q p]
;; square of the next prime
(let [p2 (long (p (count q)))]
(* p2 p2)))
(defn dijkstra-primes [n]
;; p is vector of primes found
;; q is vector of multiples of corresponding primes
;; x is value to test
;; lim is the limit for this test
(loop [p [2] q [] x 3 lim 4]
;; debug (println "\np =" p "\n")
(if (>= (count p) n)
(let [q (if (>= x lim) (conj q lim) q)
lim (if (>= x lim) (next-limit q p) lim)
[px? q] (prime? x q p)]
(recur (if px? (conj p x) p) q (+ x 2) lim)))))
(defn smoke-test []
(= 104729 (last (dijkstra-primes 10000))))
;; Another reference:
;; [What we called "q"] maintains a location for each prime and ensures that each of these
;; locations contains the least multiple of the prime that is not less than the number under
;; consideration. These multiples need only an addition to be updated; a division is never
;; needed.
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