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Created November 1, 2019 17:51
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;;; The author of the above blog post says that his `smt-8` was slow so he re-wrote it in
;;; Common Lisp and got nearly 300x improvement. I wrote some pure Clojure variations
;;; showing much improved performance over the original.
;;; Criterium for benchmarking:
(ns miner.smt
(:require [criterium.core :as cc]))
;; original
(defn smt-8 [times]
(->> times
(partition 8 1)
(map (juxt identity
(comp (partial apply -)
(juxt last first))))
(filter (comp (partial > 1000) second))))
;; modest improvement using `keep`, about 20% faster
(defn smt-8a [times]
(->> times
(partition 8 1)
(keep (fn [part]
(let [diff (- (last part) (first part))]
(when (> 1000 diff)
[part diff]))))))
;; for better performance, the original data should already by a vector
(defn smt-8for [times]
(let [v (vec times)
width 8]
(for [i (range (- (count v) (dec width)))
:let [diff (- (v (+ i (dec width))) (v i))]
:when (> 1000 diff)]
[(subvec v i (+ i width)) diff])))
(set! *unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed)
(defn smt-8forh [v]
(let [width 8]
(for [^long i (range (- (count v) (dec width)))
:let [diff (- ^long (v (+ i (dec width))) ^long (v i))]
:when (> 1000 diff)]
(list (subvec v i (+ i width)) diff))))
;; subvec will hold onto original v
;; if you don't want that, you can copy the subvec or take a slice out of v
;; faster, requires long hints
;; range expression compensates for "reverse" conjing into list, which is slightly faster
;; than conjing onto a vector.
(defn smt-8x [v]
(let [width 8]
(into ()
(keep (fn [i]
(let [d (- ^long (v (+ (dec width) ^long i)) ^long (v i))]
(when (> 1000 d)
(list (subvec v i (+ ^long i width)) d)))))
(range (- (count v) (inc width)) -1 -1))))
;; use Java array for speed
(defn smt-8arr [^longs larr]
(let [width 8]
(for [^long i (range (- (alength larr) (dec width)))
:let [diff (- (aget larr (+ i (dec width))) (aget larr i))]
:when (> 1000 diff)]
(list (for [j (range i (+ i width))] (aget larr j)) diff))))
(set! *unchecked-math* false)
(defn my-bench []
(let [big (into [] (take (long 1e6)) (iterate #(+ % (rand-int 1000)) 0))
bar (long-array big)]
(assert (= (smt-8 big) (smt-8a big) (smt-8for big) (smt-8forh big)
(smt-8x big) (smt-8arr bar)))
(println "Result count:" (count (smt-8arr bar)) "groups out of" (count big) "times")
(doseq [smtf [smt-8 smt-8a smt-8for smt-8forh smt-8x]]
(println (type smtf))
(cc/quick-bench (count (smtf big))))
(println (type smt-8arr))
(cc/quick-bench (count (smt-8arr bar)))))
;; Function Execution time mean (ms)
;; smt-8 1572
;; smt-8a 1341
;; smt-8for 47
;; smt-8forh 31
;; smt-8x 25
;; smt-8arr 7
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