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Created August 15, 2012 12:40
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  • Save mindplay-dk/3359812 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mindplay-dk/3359812 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A benchmark of reflection API performance in PHP
* Benchmark: Reflection Performance
* Conclusion: there is no performance-gain from caching reflection-objects.
define('NUM_TESTS', 10);
header('Content-type: text/plain');
$func = function($a, $b, $c) {
// ...
class Foo
public $a;
protected $b;
private $c;
public function foo($a,$b,$c) {}
protected function bar($a,$b,$c) {}
private function baz($a,$b,$c) {}
for ($i=0; $i<NUM_TESTS; $i++) {
$start = microtime(true);
$ref = new ReflectionClass($func);
$end = microtime(true);
echo "ReflectionClass # $i: " . number_format(1000000*($end-$start), 3) . " µsec\n";
for ($i=0; $i<NUM_TESTS; $i++) {
$start = microtime(true);
$ref = new ReflectionFunction($func);
$end = microtime(true);
echo "ReflectionFunction # $i: " . number_format(1000000*($end-$start), 3) . " µsec\n";
class Cache
private $cache = array();
public function getReflection($class)
if (!isset($this->cache[$class])) {
$this->cache[$class] = new ReflectionClass($class);
return $this->cache[$class];
$cache = new Cache;
for ($i=0; $i<NUM_TESTS; $i++) {
$start = microtime(true);
$ref = $cache->getReflection('Foo');
$end = microtime(true);
echo "Cached ReflectionClass # $i: " . number_format(1000000*($end-$start), 3) . " µsec\n";
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al-the-x commented Apr 4, 2013

do you mind posting the results of this test in the comments so we googlers can compare?

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matsubo commented Apr 28, 2013


[matsu@teraren /tmp]% php reflection-bench.php
ReflectionClass # 0: 548.124 µsec
ReflectionClass # 1: 4.053 µsec
ReflectionClass # 2: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionClass # 3: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 4: 2.146 µsec
ReflectionClass # 5: 2.146 µsec
ReflectionClass # 6: 2.146 µsec
ReflectionClass # 7: 1.192 µsec
ReflectionClass # 8: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 9: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 0: 15.974 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 1: 13.113 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 2: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 3: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 4: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 5: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 6: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 7: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 8: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 9: 1.907 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 0: 556.946 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 1: 2.146 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 2: 2.146 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 3: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 4: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 5: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 6: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 7: 1.907 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 8: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 9: 0.954 µsec
[matsu@teraren /tmp]% php -v
PHP 5.3.15 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Aug 28 2012 18:19:13)
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Zend Technologies

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enov commented Mar 14, 2014

On L30, should be:

 $ref = new ReflectionClass('Foo');

So that we can compare with the cached version on L61.

Thanks for the benchmark, by the way. I understand that there is no need to cache reflection objects.

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sunxyw commented Apr 11, 2022

PHP 7.2 Result for reference.

ReflectionClass # 0: 3.099 µsec
ReflectionClass # 1: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 2: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 3: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 4: 1.192 µsec
ReflectionClass # 5: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 6: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 8: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 9: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 0: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 1: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 2: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 3: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 4: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 5: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 6: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 8: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 9: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 0: 3.815 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 1: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 2: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 3: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 4: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 5: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 6: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 7: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 8: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 9: 0.000 µsec
PHP 7.2.34 (cli) (built: Jan  1 2022 00:11:08) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

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sunxyw commented Apr 11, 2022

And here's PHP 8.1 result.

ReflectionClass # 0: 2.146 µsec
ReflectionClass # 1: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 2: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 3: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 4: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 5: 1.192 µsec
ReflectionClass # 6: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 8: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 9: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 0: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 1: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 2: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 3: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 4: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 5: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 6: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 8: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 9: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 0: 2.861 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 1: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 2: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 3: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 4: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 5: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 6: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 7: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 8: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 9: 1.192 µsec
PHP 8.1.3 (cli) (built: Feb 21 2022 23:46:08) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.3, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

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Is that saying that Reflection almost does not affect the performance on PHP 8.1 and 7.2 ?

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sunxyw commented Aug 7, 2023

Is that saying that Reflection almost does not affect the performance on PHP 8.1 and 7.2 ?

I think it has a very minimal impact, so unless you're in a performance-critical scenario, I don't think you need to worry about reflections negatively affecting your application.

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PHP 8.2.10:

ReflectionClass # 0: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionClass # 1: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 2: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 3: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 4: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 5: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 6: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 8: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 9: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 0: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 1: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 2: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 3: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 4: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 5: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 6: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 8: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 9: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 0: 2.861 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 1: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 2: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 3: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 4: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 5: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 6: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 7: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 8: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 9: 0.000 µsec
PHP 8.2.10 (cli) (built: Sep  2 2023 06:59:22) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.2.10, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.2.10, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

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dostrog commented Aug 30, 2024

PHP 8.3.10

ReflectionClass # 0: 5.007 µsec
ReflectionClass # 1: 2.861 µsec
ReflectionClass # 2: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 3: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 4: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 5: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 6: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionClass # 8: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionClass # 9: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 0: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 1: 1.907 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 2: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 3: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 4: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 5: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 6: 0.954 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 7: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 8: 0.000 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 9: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 0: 25.988 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 1: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 2: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 3: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 4: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 5: 0.000 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 6: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 7: 0.954 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 8: 1.192 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 9: 0.000 µsec

php -v
PHP 8.3.10 (cli) (built: Jul 30 2024 13:44:37) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.3.10, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Xdebug v3.3.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2024, by Derick Rethans
with Zend OPcache v8.3.10, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

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It's obviously never zero - that's your computers being so fast now that microtime doesn't have enough resolution to measure the actual time taken.

Here's a (Linux only) version of the script using hrtime instead of microtime:


 * Benchmark: Reflection Performance
 * Conclusion: there is no performance-gain from caching reflection-objects.

define('NUM_TESTS', 10);

header('Content-type: text/plain');

$func = function($a, $b, $c) {
  // ...

class Foo
  public $a;
  protected $b;
  private $c;
  public function foo($a,$b,$c) {}
  protected function bar($a,$b,$c) {}
  private function baz($a,$b,$c) {}

for ($i=0; $i<NUM_TESTS; $i++) {
  $start = hrtime(true);
  $ref = new ReflectionClass($func);
  $end = hrtime(true);
  echo "ReflectionClass # $i: " . number_format($end-$start) . " µsec\n";

for ($i=0; $i<NUM_TESTS; $i++) {
  $start = hrtime(true);
  $ref = new ReflectionFunction($func);
  $end = hrtime(true);
  echo "ReflectionFunction # $i: " . number_format($end-$start) . " µsec\n";

class Cache
  private $cache = array();
  public function getReflection($class)
    if (!isset($this->cache[$class])) {
      $this->cache[$class] = new ReflectionClass($class);
    return $this->cache[$class];

$cache = new Cache;

for ($i=0; $i<NUM_TESTS; $i++) {
  $start = hrtime(true);
  $ref = $cache->getReflection('Foo');
  $end = hrtime(true);
  echo "Cached ReflectionClass # $i: " . number_format($end-$start) . " µsec\n";

Current results on my system with PHP 8.2.19:

ReflectionClass # 0: 1,920 µsec
ReflectionClass # 1: 1,010 µsec
ReflectionClass # 2: 390 µsec
ReflectionClass # 3: 640 µsec
ReflectionClass # 4: 300 µsec
ReflectionClass # 5: 270 µsec
ReflectionClass # 6: 290 µsec
ReflectionClass # 7: 590 µsec
ReflectionClass # 8: 610 µsec
ReflectionClass # 9: 610 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 0: 1,130 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 1: 670 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 2: 300 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 3: 280 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 4: 610 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 5: 610 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 6: 600 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 7: 600 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 8: 600 µsec
ReflectionFunction # 9: 600 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 0: 5,130 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 1: 890 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 2: 370 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 3: 290 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 4: 630 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 5: 620 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 6: 630 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 7: 290 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 8: 630 µsec
Cached ReflectionClass # 9: 650 µsec

Note that the results vary a lot - this simple script is 10+ years old and not a good benchmark, but run it a few times and you'll still get the jist, that you should not be caching reflection classes. They are cached internally in PHP, better than anything you can do in userland. 🙂

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