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Created May 23, 2014 07:59
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newtab man
# Get command-line help.
newtab -h
# Simpy open new tab.
# Open new tab and execute command (quoted parameters are supported).
newtab ls -l "$Home/Library/Application Support"
# Open a new tab with a given working directory and execute a command;
# Double-quote the command passed to `eval` and use backslash-escaping inside.
newtab eval "cd ~/Library/Application\ Support; ls"
# Open new tab, execute commands, close tab.
newtab eval "ls \$HOME/Library/Application\ Support; echo Press a key to exit.; read -s -n 1; exit"
# Open new tab and execute script.
newtab /path/to/someScript
# Open new tab, execute script, close tab.
newtab exec /path/to/someScript
# Open new tab and execute script, but don't activate the new tab.
newtab -G /path/to/someScript
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