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Created February 27, 2012 20:11
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Prototype UJS Character Counter: Twitter-style character counter with optional input field truncation
/* Counter Script
* Requires Prototype Library
* By: <>
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
* Requirements:
* - A 'texter' input field, the field to be counted
* - A 'counter' input field with class equal to 'countClass' variable, the field to contain the count
* - Set id of 'counter' to <TEXTER_ID> + '_count'
* - Set initial value of 'counter' input field to maximum allowable characters (integer) of 'texter'
* Recommendations:
* - Set 'counter' input field to disabled
* Note:
* - This script can handle multiple 'texter/counter' pairs on the same page
* - 'truncate' variable controls whether or not 'texter' is truncated if 'max' is exceeded
var countClass = 'text-count';
var truncate = false;
var Counter = Class.create({
initialize: function(text_id, count_id, truncate) {
if(!$(text_id)) throw("Attempted to initalize counter with text id: " + text_id + " which was not found.");
if(!$(count_id)) throw("Attempted to initalize counter with count id: " + count_id + " which was not found.");
this.texter = $(text_id);
this.counter = $(count_id);
this.max = this.counter.value;
this.truncate = truncate;
var keyHandler = this.keyHandler.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.texter.observe('keyup', keyHandler);
this.texter.observe('keydown', keyHandler);
updateCounter: function(el) {
this.counter.value = this.max - this.texter.value.length;
truncateTexter: function(el) {
this.texter.value = this.texter.value.substring(0, this.max);
keyHandler: function(e) {
if (this.truncate && this.texter.value.length > this.max) {
} else {
document.observe("dom:loaded", function(){
count_els = $$('input.' + countClass);
for (var i = 0; i < count_els.length; i++) {
var count_id = count_els[i].id;
var text_id = count_id.replace(/_count$/, '');
new Counter(text_id, count_id, truncate);
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