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Created May 24, 2017 21:14
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This is a quick example that shows how to wrap an oojs-ui component in a Vue component. It's nasty because of the lack of componentization of oojs-ui, but it's just a proof of concept.
<!-- In Vue, $el is this root element defined in the template section -->
// the script-loader webpack plugin has to be used to hack the oojs-ui files directly into script tags
// because they have no modularization whatsoever (AMD, ES6, etc.)
import 'script-loader!oojs/dist/oojs.jquery'
import 'oojs-ui/dist/oojs-ui-core'
import 'script-loader!oojs-ui/dist/oojs-ui-mediawiki'
export default {
name: 'oojs-ui-checkbox',
props: [ 'selected' ],
data () {
return {
checkbox: new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget({ selected: this.selected })
mounted () {
var self = this
// This just worked in the few minutes I had to put it together, but
// I found out later that this.checkbox.$element is a jQuery thing so
// in theory it could be made a little nicer
this.checkbox.on('change', function () {
// This gets listened to in the parent with something like:
// <oojs-ui-checkbox :selected="bv.on" @update="updateCheck($event, bv)"/>
// even though :selected.sync should work in Vue 2.3+, didn't have time to debug
// Here, bv is just a local with a boolean field called "on"
self.$emit('update', self.checkbox.isSelected())
<style src="../assets/oojs-ui-core-mediawiki.min.css"></style>
... for this style reference to work I had to symlink the css but it would be better
... to use webpack and import it via JS or something nicer like that.
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