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Last active January 23, 2020 22:42
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  • Save milesrout/2ff3049ab3dc325fb49a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save milesrout/2ff3049ab3dc325fb49a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;;; as
;;; an assembler for the DCPU-16 assembly language
;;; accepts a file of no more than 512 words indicating the sectors on disk that hold a particular file.
;;; then reads those sectors in the order given, treating them as assembler source
;;; then assembles said source to produce a DCPU-16 binary.
;;; the supported binary format is an image that can be loaded directly from a disk by a bootloader:
;;; it contains an 'initial sector' which is written to the first part of the disk and that loads the rest
;;; of the binary.
;;; Copyright (c) 2014 Miles Rout
;;; I suppose I will end up hand-assembling this for the proper 'bootstrapping' feel. eugh.
;;; structure:
;;; +0: tok_type
;;; +1: next
;;; +2: prev
;;; +3: tok_data - string for TOK_STRING and TOK_IDENTIFIER, number for TOK_NUMBER, lstring for TOK_LSTRING
;;; initial: prev=0
;;; final: next=0
;;; hardcoded into a particular place in memory at this stage
;;; first item is always empty (for code clarity and laziness, TODO: fix this)
SET [0x4000], 0
SET [0x4001], 0
SET [0x4002], 0
SET [0x4003], 0
SET A, 0x4000
;;; A: address of list
;;; [SP]: <return address>
;;; [SP+1]: tok_type
;;; [SP+2]: tok_data
SET A, 0x4000 ; TEMPORARY, until I can be bothered having more than one list
IFE [A+1], 0 ; IF (node->next != NULL)
SET PC, list_append_found
SET A, [A+1]
SET PC, list_append_loop
SET A, [A+1]
SET [A+1], 0
SET [A+2], B ; new->prev = old
SET [A+3], PICK 2
;;; finds the basic opcode corresponding to a certain string
;;; A is the address of the string
SET B, basic_opcodes
IFE [A], [B]
IFE [A+1], [B+1]
IFE [A+2], [B+2]
SET PC, check_basic_opcode_found
ADD B, 4
IFL B, basic_opcodes_end
SET PC, check_basic_opcode_loop
SET A, 0 ; it wasn't found in the basic opcodes
SET A, [B+3]
;;; finds the special opcode corresponding to a certain string
;;; A is the address of the string
SET B, special_opcodes
IFE [A], [B]
IFE [A+1], [B+1]
IFE [A+2], [B+2]
SET PC, check_special_opcode_found
ADD B, 4
IFL B, special_opcodes_end
SET PC, check_special_opcode_loop
SET A, 0 ; it wasn't found in the special opcodes
SET A, [B+3]
SET A, [Z]
;;; 0: invalid token
;;; 1: identifier
;;; 2: lstring (length-prefixed string)
;;; 3: cstring (null-terminated C-style string)
;;; 4: colon
;;; 5: lbrack
;;; 6: rbrack
;;; 7: bin_number
;;; 8: oct_number
;;; 9: dec_number
;;; 10: hex_number
;;; 11: pstring (packed string)
SET Z, 0 ; Z: stream pointer
SET J, 0x8000 ; J: string pointer
JSR lookahead
;; stay in same state
IFE A, 0x5B ; OR A == '['
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_0
IFE A, 0x5D ; OR A == ']'
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_0
IFE A, 0x3A ; IF A == ':'
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_0
;; go to string recognition states
IFE A, 0x22 ; "
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_1
IFE A, 0x4C ; L
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_2
;; go to identifier recognition states
;; note that this doesn't actually include L despite
;; appearances, because L is dealt with above.
IFG A, 0x40 ; IF (A >= 'A' AND A <= 'Z')
IFL A, 0x5B ;
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_4
IFG A, 0x60 ; OR (A >= 'a' AND A <= 'z')
IFL A, 0x7B
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_4
IFE A, 0x5F ; OR A == '_'
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_4
;; go to non-decimal number recognition states
IFE A, 0x30 ; IF A == '0'
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_5
;; go to decimal number recognition states
IFG A, 0x30 ; IF (A >= '1' AND A <= '9')
IFL A, 0x3A
SET PC, lex_tr_0_to_9
JSR lookahead
;; if this is a ", end our string recognition
IFE A, 0x22 ; "
SET PC, lex_tr_1_to_0
;; otherwise continue recognising the string
SET PC, lex_tr_1_to_1
JSR lookahead
;; stay in same state
IFE A, 0x20 ; space
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_2
IFE A, 0x09 ; horizontal tab
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_2
IFE A, 0x0A ; line feed (new line)
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_2
IFE A, 0x0B ; vertical tab
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_2
IFE A, 0x0C ; form feed (new page)
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_2
IFE A, 0x0D ; carriage return
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_2
;; quotation mark: start reading a string
IFE A, 0x22 ; "
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_3
;; oops, that L is actually the start of an
;; identifier, not an lstring. better head back over
;; to identifier recognition
IFG A, 0x40 ; IF (A >= 'A' AND A <= 'Z')
IFL A, 0x5B ;
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_4
IFG A, 0x60 ; OR (A >= 'a' AND A <= 'z')
IFL A, 0x7B
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_4
IFG A, 0x2F ; OR (A >= '0' AND A <= '9')
IFL A, 0x3A
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_4
IFE A, 0x5F ; OR A == '_'
SET PC, lex_tr_2_to_4
JSR lookahead
;; if this is a ", end our string recognition
IFE A, 0x22 ; "
SET PC, lex_tr_3_to_0
;; otherwise continue recognising the string
SET PC, lex_tr_3_to_3
JSR lookahead
;; continue reading identifier
IFG A, 0x40 ; IF (A >= 'A' AND A <= 'Z')
IFL A, 0x5B
SET PC, lex_tr_4_to_4
IFG A, 0x60 ; OR (A >= 'a' AND A <= 'z')
IFL A, 0x7B
SET PC, lex_tr_4_to_4
IFG A, 0x2F ; OR (A >= '0' AND A <= '9')
IFL A, 0x3A
SET PC, lex_tr_4_to_4
IFE A, 0x5F ; OR A == '_'
SET PC, lex_tr_4_to_4
;; otherwise do a non-consuming production transition back to zero
SET PC, lex_tr_4_to_0
JSR lookahead
;; octal number
IFG A, 0x2F ; OR (A >= '0' AND A <= '7')
IFL A, 0x38
SET PC, lex_tr_5_to_6
;; hexadecimal number
IFE A, 0x78
SET PC, lex_tr_5_to_7
;; binary number
IFE A, 0x62
SET PC, lex_tr_5_to_8
;; otherwise this is just a single zero, so we should produce and go back to zero.
SET PC, lex_tr_5_to_0
JSR lookahead
;; continue reading number
IFG A, 0x2F ; OR (A >= '0' AND A <= '7')
IFL A, 0x38
SET PC, lex_tr_6_to_6
;; otherwise do a non-consuming production transition back to zero
SET PC, lex_tr_6_to_0
JSR lookahead
;; continue reading number
IFG A, 0x40 ; IF (A >= 'A' AND A <= 'F')
IFL A, 46
SET PC, lex_tr_7_to_7
IFG A, 0x60 ; OR (A >= 'a' AND A <= 'f')
IFL A, 0x66
SET PC, lex_tr_7_to_7
IFG A, 0x2F ; OR (A >= '0' AND A <= '9')
IFL A, 0x3A
SET PC, lex_tr_7_to_7
;; otherwise do a non-consuming production transition back to zero
SET PC, lex_tr_6_to_0
JSR lookahead
IFE A, 0x30 ; '0'
SET PC, lex_tr_8_to_8
IFE A, 0x31 ; '1'
SET PC, lex_tr_8_to_8
;; otherwise do a non-consuming production transition back to zero
SET PC, lex_tr_8_to_0
JSR lookahead
IFG A, 0x2F ; IF (A >= '0' AND A <= '9')
IFL A, 0x3A
SET PC, lex_tr_9_to_9
;; otherwise do a non-consuming production transition back to zero
SET PC, lex_tr_9_to_0
;;; Strings and other such data will be stored in memory at a fixed location for now, until I can come up
;;; with some more compelling memory allocation code.
;;; At the beginning set up a pointer in a register to a fixed location in memory. 0x8000 might be appropriate,
;;; because it is nowhere near 0x4000 (where our token list is) and also won't interfere with the stack.
;;; The register is set above the states along with the character stream pointer, and is the register J, because
;;; of the *very* useful STI instruction. Y additionally always points at the start of the most recent string.
SET PUSH, A ; the token data is the char literal
IFE A, 0x3A ; :
IFE A, 0x5B ; [
IFE A, 0x5D ; ]
JSR list_append ; append pushed token
ADD SP, 1 ; get rid of rubbish values
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
SET Y, J ; save the start of the string being built
;; note that we don't want to push the first character yet, because we don't yet have it: we only have a quotation mark.
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_1 ; move to relevant state
STI Y, J ; save the start of the string being built and save a space for it in the storage space
;; note that Y points to this space (which has a garbage value), not to the first character
;; also note that we don't want to push the first character yet, because we don't have it: we only have
;; L, which could be the start of an lstring or the first character of an identifier.
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_2 ; move to relevant state
SET Y, J ; save the start of the string being built
STI [J], A ; append the first character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_4 ; move to relevant state
SET Y, J ; save the start of the string being built
STI [J], A ; append the first character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_5 ; move to relevant state
;; build a string of digit characters. these will be turned into the actual NUMBER later.
SET Y, J ; save the start of the string being built
STI [J], A ; append the first character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_9 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the start of the string.
;; J is pointing one past the end of the string.
;; the string hasn't been null-terminated.
STI [J], 0 ; null-terminate the string
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 3 ; push tok_type: 3 (cstring)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the next character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_1 ; move to relevant state
;; ignore whitespace
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_2 ; move to relevant state
;; start reading the string as usual
SET [Y], 0 ; initialise the string length to zero.
;; we still don't want to add a character, but this definitely is an lstring.
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_3 ; move to relevant state
;; oops, this is actually an identifier. we're a bit behind.
;; we need to add the L character in and the new character.
SET [Y], 0x4C ; 'L' - put it where we would otherwise have put the lstring's length
STI [J], A ; append the next character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_4 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the length of the string, J is pointing one past the end.
;; the string hasn't been and doesn't need to be null-terminated.
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 2 ; push tok_type: 2 (lstring)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
ADD [Y], 1 ; increment string length
STI [J], A ; append character to string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_3 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the first character of the string.
;; J is pointing one past the end.
;; the string needs to be null-terminated.
STI [J], 0 ; null-terminate the string.
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 1 ; push tok_type: 1 (identifier)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from the stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the next character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_4 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the first character of the string.
;; J is pointing one past the end of the string.
;; the string needs to be null-terminated.
STI [J], 0 ; null-terminate the string.
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 8 ; push tok_type: 8 (oct_number)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_6 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_7 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_8 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the first character of the string.
;; the string needs to be null-terminated.
STI [J], 0 ; null-terminate the string
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 8 ; push tok_type: 8 (oct_number)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_6 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the first character of the string.
;; the string needs to be null-terminated.
STI [J], 0 ; null-terminate the string
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 10 ; push tok_type: 10 (hex_number)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_7 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the first character of the string
;; the string needs to be null-terminated.
STI [J], 0 ; null-terminate the string
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 7 ; push tok_type: 7 (bin_number)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_8 ; move to relevant state
;; currently Y is pointing at the first character of the string
;; the string needs to be null-terminated.
STI [J], 0 ; null-terminate the string
SET PUSH, Y ; push tok_data
SET PUSH, 9 ; push tok_type: 9 (dec_number)
JSR list_append
ADD SP, 2 ; clear rubbish values from stack
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_0 ; move to relevant state
STI [J], A ; append the character to the string
ADD Z, 1 ; move to next character
SET PC, state_9 ; move to relevant state
DAT 0x53, 0x45, 0x54, 0x01 ;SET 1h
DAT 0x41, 0x44, 0x44, 0x02 ;ADD 2h
DAT 0x53, 0x55, 0x42, 0x03 ;SUB 3h
DAT 0x4D, 0x55, 0x4C, 0x04 ;MUL 4h
DAT 0x4D, 0x4C, 0x49, 0x05 ;MLI 5h
DAT 0x44, 0x49, 0x56, 0x06 ;DIV 6h
DAT 0x44, 0x56, 0x49, 0x07 ;DVI 7h
DAT 0x4D, 0x4F, 0x44, 0x08 ;MOD 8h
DAT 0x4D, 0x44, 0x49, 0x09 ;MDI 9h
DAT 0x41, 0x4E, 0x44, 0x0A ;AND Ah
DAT 0x42, 0x4F, 0x52, 0x0B ;BOR Bh
DAT 0x58, 0x4F, 0x52, 0x0C ;XOR Ch
DAT 0x53, 0x48, 0x52, 0x0D ;SHR Dh
DAT 0x41, 0x53, 0x52, 0x0E ;ASR Eh
DAT 0x53, 0x48, 0x4C, 0x0F ;SHL Fh
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x42, 0x10 ;IFB 10h
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x43, 0x11 ;IFC 11h
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x45, 0x12 ;IFE 12h
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x4E, 0x13 ;IFN 13h
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x47, 0x14 ;IFG 14h
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x41, 0x15 ;IFA 15h
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x4C, 0x16 ;IFL 16h
DAT 0x49, 0x46, 0x55, 0x17 ;IFU 17h
;; empty
;; empty
DAT 0x41, 0x44, 0x52, 0x1A ;ADX 1Ah
DAT 0x53, 0x42, 0x52, 0x1B ;SBX 1Bh
;; empty
;; empty
DAT 0x53, 0x54, 0x49, 0x1E ;STI 1Eh
DAT 0x53, 0x54, 0x44, 0x1F ;STD 1Fh
DAT 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ;sentinel
DAT 0x4A, 0x53, 0x52, 0x01 ;JSR 1h
;; empty
;; empty
;; empty
;; empty
;; empty
;; empty
DAT 0x49, 0x4E, 0x54, 0x08 ;INT 8h
DAT 0x49, 0x41, 0x47, 0x09 ;IAG 9h
DAT 0x49, 0x41, 0x53, 0x0A ;IAS Ah
DAT 0x52, 0x46, 0x49, 0x0B ;RFI Bh
DAT 0x49, 0x41, 0x51, 0x0C ;IAQ Ch
;; empty
;; empty
;; empty
DAT 0x48, 0x57, 0x4E, 0x10 ;HWN 10h
DAT 0x48, 0x57, 0x51, 0x11 ;HWQ 11h
DAT 0x48, 0x57, 0x49, 0x12 ;HWI 12h
DAT 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ;sentinel
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