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Created September 12, 2024 08:35
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Type-Level Programming for Printing Happy International Programmers’ Day
import { Pipe, Strings, Tuples, Numbers, Booleans, Call } from "hotscript";
// ------ Helper Types -------
type ParseDateString<Date extends string> = Pipe<
// Shorter Resolved Operator
type Add<a extends number, b extends number> = Call<Numbers.Add<a, b>>;
type Sub<a extends number, b extends number> = Call<Numbers.Sub<a, b>>;
type Mod<a extends number, b extends number> = Call<Numbers.Mod<a, b>>;
type Equals<a, b> = Call<Booleans.Equals<a, b>>;
type And<a, b> = Call<Booleans.And<a, b>>;
type Or<a, b> = Call<Booleans.Or<a, b>>;
type Not<a> = Call<Booleans.Not<a>>;
// lists the number of days for each month in a non-leap year:
type DaysInMonths = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
// lists the number of days for each month in a leap year:
type DaysInMonthsLeapYear = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
type IsLeapYear<Year extends number> = Or<
Equals<Mod<Year, 4>, 0>, // year % 4 === 0
Not<Equals<Mod<Year, 100>, 0>> // year % 100 !== 0
Equals<Mod<Year, 400>, 0> // year % 400 === 0
// Get Days in Month (Support Leap Year)
type GetDaysInMonths<Year extends number> = IsLeapYear<Year> extends true ? DaysInMonthsLeapYear : DaysInMonths;
// ------ Main Program -----
type StringDate = ParseDateString<'12/9/2024'>
type Day = StringDate[0];
type Month = StringDate[1];
type Year = StringDate[2];
type GetDays = Add<
Call<Tuples.Sum<Call<Tuples.Take<Sub<Month, 1>, GetDaysInMonths<Year>>>>>,
type Output = Equals<GetDays, 256> extends true ? 'Happy International Programmers’ Day' : never;
// ? Output = Happy International Programmers’ Day
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