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unixzii /
Last active September 18, 2024 08:05
A guide to force enabling Xcode LLM feature on China-SKU Macs.


Apple restricted the access to Xcode LLM (Predictive code completion) feature on China models of Mac. This guide provides a way to bypass that restriction. It's verified on macOS 15.0 Beta (24A5264n), but there is no guarentee that it will always work on later macOS versions.


  • Xcode is installed and run at least once.
  • SIP debugging restrictions are disabled (via csrutil enable --without debug command in recovery mode).


dvessel /
Created April 15, 2023 15:29 — forked from rmcdongit/
Apple System Preferences URL Schemes

macOS 10.15 System Preference Panes

Below are a list of System Preference pane URLs and paths that can be accessed with scripting to assist users with enabling macOS security settings without having to walk them through launching System Preferences, finding panes, and scrolling to settings. Not all panes have an accessible anchor and some are OS specific.

To find the Pane ID of a specific pane, open the System Preferences app and select the desired Preference Pane. With the pane selected, open the and run the following script to copy the current Pane ID to your clipboard and display any available anchors:

tell application "System Preferences"
	set CurrentPane to the id of the current pane
	set the clipboard to CurrentPane
msnazarow / Image+Trim.swift
Last active July 4, 2024 05:34 — forked from chriszielinski/Image+Trim.swift
[Swift 5] NSImage/UIImage Crop/Trim Transparency
// Image+Trim.swift
// Copyright © 2020 Christopher Zielinski.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
import SwiftUI
// Adapted from:
struct WrappingHStack<Model, V>: View where Model: Hashable, V: View {
typealias ViewGenerator = (Model) -> V
var models: [Model]
var viewGenerator: ViewGenerator
var horizontalSpacing: CGFloat = 2
var verticalSpacing: CGFloat = 0
jbfriedrich / nsmb.conf
Last active September 18, 2024 19:12
macOS 11.2 NSMB configuration
# /etc/nsmb.conf - macOS 11.3 - 2021-04-29
# SMB configuration for macOS 11.3 <-> Synology
# Additional information:
# -----------------------
mr-pinzhang / Xcode 文件下载.md
Last active August 22, 2023 04:24
Xcode 文件下载

在 Xcode 里下载文件真的是一种折磨, 特别是每次 Xcode 大版本更新都会遇到新的下载内容. 经过一翻周折, 本人找到一个方法可以轻松快速便捷地下载和安装对应的 Simulator 和 Doc 文件

  1. 在 Mac 下, 打开 Xcode, 进入 Preference 中的 Downloads 面板
  2. 点击任意的下载按钮
  3. 打开系统帮助工具 Console
  4. 稍等一会儿, 在 Xcode 里取消下载, 然后你会在 Console 里面看到对应的下载地址 (对应的 Cosnole Message 是 (DVTDownloadable: Download Cancelled. Downloadable: ...) 之类的)
  5. 复制对应的链接地址, 到某雷或者任何比 Xcode 下载快的工具里
  6. 等待下载完成, 进入 /Users/#{Username}/Library/Caches
oleganza /
Last active May 12, 2023 10:06
Concrete proposal for async semantics in Swift

Async semantics proposal for Swift

Modern Cocoa development involves a lot of asynchronous programming using blocks and NSOperations. A lot of APIs are exposing blocks and they are more natural to write a lot of logic, so we'll only focus on block-based APIs.

Block-based APIs are hard to use when number of operations grows and dependencies between them become more complicated. In this paper I introduce asynchronous semantics and Promise type to Swift language (borrowing ideas from design of throw-try-catch and optionals). Functions can opt-in to become async, programmer can compose complex logic involving asynchronous operations while compiler produces necessary closures to implement that logic. This proposal does not propose new runtime model, nor "actors" or "coroutines".

Table of contents

joechrysler /
Last active May 14, 2024 12:26
Find the nearest parent branch of the current git branch
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
git show-branch -a \
| grep '\*' \
| grep -v `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` \
| head -n1 \
| sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/' \
| sed 's/[\^~].*//'
# How it works: