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Created January 12, 2021 09:38
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Create a Package.swift from the Package.resolved in an Xcode Project
cat MyProject.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved | python3 > Package.swift && swiftlint --strict ./Package.swift
import sys
import json
print("// swift-tools-version:5.3")
print("// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.")
print("import PackageDescription\n")
print("let package = Package(\n\tname: \"Fake\",\n\tdependencies: [")
names = []
packages = []
for package in json.load(sys.stdin)['object']['pins']:
current = ""
current += "\t\t.package(name: \"" + package["package"] + \
"\", url: \"" + package["repositoryURL"] + "\",\n"
state = package["state"]
if state["version"] != None:
current += "\t\t\t.exact(\"" + state["version"] + "\"))"
elif state["branch"] != None:
current += "\t\t\t.branch(\"" + state["branch"] + "\"))"
elif state["revision"] != None:
current += "\t\t\t.revision(\"" + state["revision"] + "\"))"
print(",\n".join([package for package in packages]))
print("\t],\n\ttargets: [\n\t\ \"Fake\", dependencies: [")
print(",\n".join(["\t\t\t\"" + name + "\"" for name in names]))
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