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mikeknoop /
Created August 3, 2024 17:58 — forked from VictorTaelin/
Fast Discrete Program Search with HVM Superpositions (SUP nodes) - finding ADD-CARRY

HOC's Fast Discrete Program Search (DPS)

HOC will soon (EOY?) launch an API for our DPS solution. The interface will be simple:

  • You give us a set of examples (input/output pairs)

  • We'll give you a (Python?) function that models it

And that's it. It will be an universal function finder.

mikeknoop / link_multiple_devices_v1_4.yaml
Last active June 7, 2023 20:42
Select multiple entities to link their on/off state. If any selected entity is turned on or off, the other selected entities will be sent a matching on or off command.
mikeknoop / lutron_keypad_raise_lower_button_control_v1_2.yaml
Last active April 26, 2023 02:19
Home Assistant: Lutron Keypad Raise/Lower Buttons Control (for Shades/Thermostats/Actions) v1.2
name: Lutron Keypad Raise/Lower Buttons Control
description: |
## Lutron Keypad Raise/Lower Buttons Control (for Shades/Thermostats/Actions) v1.2
This blueprint enables you to run any Home Assistant action when the Raise or Lower buttons are pressed. It also supports a couple special behaviors for Shades (covers) and Thermostats (climate).
* The "Dimmer Raise" scene for your chosen keypad
* The "Dimmer Lower" scene for your chosen keypad
mikeknoop / tool_use.txt
Last active March 22, 2023 05:32
LLM tool use example
* only output valid JSON
Example JSON action list:
{"action":"Example CRM: Create Lead","params":{"first_name":"str","last_name":"str","notes":"str"}}
Example input: add joe smith to my crm, he really loves cheese
Example output: {"action":"Example CRM: Create Lead","params":{"first_name":"joe","last_name":"smith","notes":"joe really loves cheese"}}
Real JSON action list:
mike keynote (short, 5 minutes)
jason, platform (activation, embeds)
bryan/james, making changes to zapier (things you can edit in admin, how2github, future of editing code)
mike, flow (progress, whats next)
# APPLICATION CODE (uses underscore.js)
lawnchair = new Lawnchair({}, (->))
# hackery to cope with firefox and lawnchair, indexedDB not doing asnyc validation
# so well. If indexedDB isn't available (after doing a .open() check) then remove it
# from the available adapters and re-init lawnchair with a new instance.
# see:
indexedDBValid = (callback) =>
idb = window.indexedDB or window.webkitIndexedDB or window.mozIndexedDB or window.oIndexedDB or window.msIndexedDB
<div>There is {{#article}}{{animal}}{{/article}} in the middle of the room.</div>
<!-- context passed as {noun: 'elephant'} -->
<div>There is an elephant in the middle of the room.</div>
<!-- context passed as {noun: 'mouse'} -->
<div>There is a mouse in the middle of the room.</div>
# accessor: returns the article "a" or "an" depending on the context string. Eg. "Computer" will return "a"
# and "Elephant" will return "an". Can pass a hash option `capitalize` which will capitalize the article.
# usage: {{#article}}string{{/article}} outputs "a string"
Handlebars.registerHelper "article", (options) ->
# options: pass `capitalize` true to get a capital article
string = options.fn(@)
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
vowel = false
letter = string.toLowerCase()[0]
vowel = true for v in vowels when letter == v