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Created September 18, 2024 06:32
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Postgres Data Growth


In postgres, we have a table which contains 100MB of data with daily updates on most of the 250K records. All other data tables combined are 400MB. If the data partition size is 1 GB, is there a danger of running out of disk space over time?


Yes, there is a potential risk of running out of disk space over time, particularly due to a combination of factors such as daily updates and the partitioning strategy.

Here's a breakdown of the key considerations:

  1. WAL (Write-Ahead Logging) : In PostgreSQL, each update generates a record in the WAL. With frequent updates, especially on most of the 250K records, the size of these WAL logs can grow significantly. If not properly managed, these logs can consume a substantial amount of disk space over time.

  2. Autovacuum and Dead Tuples : When records are updated in PostgreSQL, the old versions of the records (dead tuples) remain in the table until they are removed by the VACUUM process. If autovacuum is not running frequently enough or if it cannot keep up with the rate of updates, the dead tuples can accumulate and increase the table size, which may gradually take up more disk space.

  3. Partitioning Strategy : You mentioned a 1GB data partition size. If the partition size is not well aligned with the data growth pattern (e.g., daily updates), you could run into space issues where partitions grow too large or fill up too quickly. Over time, with the daily updates, this could result in one or more partitions exceeding their allocated space.

  4. Table Bloat : Continuous updates without proper cleanup or reindexing can cause table bloat, increasing the physical size of the tables on disk. This can compound the issue if not addressed regularly.

Recommendations to mitigate the risk:

  • Regular Autovacuum/VACUUM : Ensure that autovacuum is configured to run frequently enough to clean up dead tuples. You can tune the autovacuum thresholds if needed.

  • Monitor WAL Files : Keep an eye on the growth of WAL files. Consider archiving or managing WAL logs to prevent them from consuming excessive disk space.

  • Reindexing : Regularly reindex the tables to prevent index bloat.

  • Partition Management : If possible, review your partitioning strategy. Ensure that partitions are split in a way that balances disk space usage and performance. You could consider partitioning by date if updates are frequent for older data, which may help in managing space better.

  • Disk Monitoring : Set up disk usage monitoring to receive alerts before disk space becomes critical.

If all of these factors are managed appropriately, the risk of running out of disk space can be minimized, but without intervention, there is a real possibility that the disk could fill up over time.

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