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Created December 29, 2016 19:34
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public class SerializationBenchmark {
private RecipeService service;
private Recipe recipe;
private byte[] protoRecipe;
private String recipeAsJSON;
public void setup() {
IngredientUsed jalepenoUsed = new IngredientUsed(new Ingredient("Jalepeno", "Spicy Pepper"), MeasurementType.ITEM, 1);
IngredientUsed cheeseUsed = new IngredientUsed(new Ingredient("Cheese", "Creamy Cheese"), MeasurementType.OUNCE, 4);
recipe = RecipeTestUtil.createRecipe("My Recipe", "Some spicy recipe using a few items", ImmutableList.of(jalepenoUsed, cheeseUsed));
service = new RecipeService(new ObjectMapper());
protoRecipe = service.recipeAsProto(recipe).toByteArray();
recipeAsJSON = service.recipeAsJSON(recipe);
public Messages.Recipe serialize_recipe_object_to_protobuf() {
return service.recipeAsProto(recipe);
public String serialize_recipe_object_to_JSON() {
return service.recipeAsJSON(recipe);
public Recipe deserialize_protobuf_to_recipe_object() {
return service.getRecipe(protoRecipe);
public Recipe deserialize_json_to_recipe_object() {
return service.getRecipe(recipeAsJSON);
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