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Created November 29, 2019 21:18
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Douglas Crockford's big integer example for javascript
// big_integer.js
// Douglas Crockford
// 2019-02-09
// You can access the big integer object in your module by importing it.
// import big_integer from "./big_integer.js";
/*jslint bitwise */
abs, abs_lt, add, and, clz32, concat, create, div, divrem, eq, every, fill,
floor, forEach, freeze, gcd, isArray, isInteger, isSafeInteger,
is_big_integer, is_negative, is_positive, is_zero, join, length, lt, make,
map, mask, mul, neg, not, number, or, population, power, push, random,
reduce, reverse, shift_down, shift_up, significant_bits, signum, slice,
split, string, sub, ten, toUpperCase, two, wun, xor, zero
const radix = 16777216;
const radix_squared = radix * radix;
const log2_radix = 24;
const plus = "+";
const minus = "-";
const sign = 0;
const least = 1;
function last(array) {
return array[array.length - 1];
function next_to_last(array) {
return array[array.length - 2];
const zero = Object.freeze([plus]);
const wun = Object.freeze([plus, 1]);
const two = Object.freeze([plus, 2]);
const ten = Object.freeze([plus, 10]);
const negative_wun = Object.freeze([minus, 1]);
function mint(proto_big_integer) {
// Mint a big integer number from a proto big integer. Delete leading zero
// megadigits. Substitute a popular constant if possible.
while (last(proto_big_integer) === 0) {
proto_big_integer.length -= 1;
if (proto_big_integer.length <= 1) {
return zero;
if (proto_big_integer[sign] === plus) {
if (proto_big_integer.length === 2) {
if (proto_big_integer[least] === 1) {
return wun;
if (proto_big_integer[least] === 2) {
return two;
if (proto_big_integer[least] === 10) {
return ten;
} else if (proto_big_integer.length === 2) {
if (proto_big_integer[least] === 1) {
return negative_wun;
return Object.freeze(proto_big_integer);
function is_big_integer(big) {
return Array.isArray(big) && (big[sign] === plus || big[sign] === minus);
function is_negative(big) {
return Array.isArray(big) && big[sign] === minus;
function is_positive(big) {
return Array.isArray(big) && big[sign] === plus;
function is_zero(big) {
return !Array.isArray(big) || big.length < 2;
function neg(big) {
if (is_zero(big)) {
return zero;
let negation = big.slice();
negation[sign] = (
? plus
: minus
return mint(negation);
function abs(big) {
return (
? zero
: (
? neg(big)
: big
function signum(big) {
return (
? zero
: (
? negative_wun
: wun
function eq(comparahend, comparator) {
return comparahend === comparator || (
comparahend.length === comparator.length
&& comparahend.every(function (element, element_nr) {
return element === comparator[element_nr];
function abs_lt(comparahend, comparator) {
return (
// Ignoring the sign, the number with more megadigits is the larger.
// If the two numbers contain the same number of megadigits,
// then we must examine each pair.
comparahend.length === comparator.length
? comparahend.reduce(
function (reduction, element, element_nr) {
if (element_nr !== sign) {
const other = comparator[element_nr];
if (element !== other) {
return element < other;
return reduction;
: comparahend.length < comparator.length
function lt(comparahend, comparator) {
return (
comparahend[sign] !== comparator[sign]
? is_negative(comparahend)
: (
? abs_lt(comparator, comparahend)
: abs_lt(comparahend, comparator)
function int(big) {
let result;
if (typeof big === "number") {
if (Number.isSafeInteger(big)) {
return big;
} else if (is_big_integer(big)) {
if (big.length < 2) {
return 0;
if (big.length === 2) {
return (
? -big[least]
: big[least]
if (big.length === 3) {
result = big[least + 1] * radix + big[least];
return (
? -result
: result
if (big.length === 4) {
result = (
big[least + 2] * radix_squared
+ big[least + 1] * radix
+ big[least]
if (Number.isSafeInteger(result)) {
return (
? -result
: result
function number(big) {
let value = 0;
let the_sign = 1;
let factor = 1;
big.forEach(function (element, element_nr) {
if (element_nr === 0) {
if (element === minus) {
the_sign = -1;
} else {
value += element * factor;
factor *= radix;
return the_sign * value;
function and(a, b) {
// Make 'a' the shorter array.
if (a.length > b.length) {
[a, b] = [b, a];
return mint( (element, element_nr) {
return (
element_nr === sign
? plus
: element & b[element_nr]
function or(a, b) {
// Make 'a' the longer array.
if (a.length < b.length) {
[a, b] = [b, a];
return mint( (element, element_nr) {
return (
element_nr === sign
? plus
: element | (b[element_nr] || 0)
function xor(a, b) {
// Make 'a' the longer array.
if (a.length < b.length) {
[a, b] = [b, a];
return mint( (element, element_nr) {
return (
element_nr === sign
? plus
: element ^ (b[element_nr] || 0)
function mask(nr_bits) {
// Make a string of 1 bits.
nr_bits = int(nr_bits);
if (nr_bits !== undefined && nr_bits >= 0) {
let mega = Math.floor(nr_bits / log2_radix);
let result = new Array(mega + 1).fill(radix - 1);
result[sign] = plus;
let leftover = nr_bits - (mega * log2_radix);
if (leftover > 0) {
result.push((1 << leftover) - 1);
return mint(result);
function not(a, nr_bits) {
return xor(a, mask(nr_bits));
function shift_up(big, places) {
if (is_zero(big)) {
return zero;
places = int(places);
if (Number.isSafeInteger(places)) {
if (places === 0) {
return abs(big);
if (places < 0) {
return shift_down(big, -places);
let blanks = Math.floor(places / log2_radix);
let result = new Array(blanks + 1).fill(0);
result[sign] = plus;
places -= blanks * log2_radix;
if (places === 0) {
return mint(result.concat(big.slice(least)));
let carry = big.reduce(function (accumulator, element, element_nr) {
if (element_nr === sign) {
return 0;
result.push(((element << places) | accumulator) & (radix - 1));
return element >> (log2_radix - places);
}, 0);
if (carry > 0) {
return mint(result);
function shift_down(big, places) {
if (is_zero(big)) {
return zero;
places = int(places);
if (Number.isSafeInteger(places)) {
if (places === 0) {
return abs(big);
if (places < 0) {
return shift_up(big, -places);
let skip = Math.floor(places / log2_radix);
places -= skip * log2_radix;
if (skip + 1 >= big.length) {
return zero;
big = (
skip > 0
? mint(zero.concat(big.slice(skip + 1)))
: big
if (places === 0) {
return big;
return mint( (element, element_nr) {
if (element_nr === sign) {
return plus;
return ((radix - 1) & (
(element >> places)
| ((big[element_nr + 1] || 0) << (log2_radix - places))
function random(nr_bits, random = Math.random) {
// Make a string of random bits. If you are concerned with security,
// you can pass in a stronger random number generator.
// First make a string of '1' bits.
const wuns = mask(nr_bits);
if (wuns !== undefined) {
// For each megadigit, get a random number between '0.0' and '1.0'.
// Take some upper bits and some lower bits and 'xor' them together.
// Then 'and' it to the megadigit and put it into the new number.
return mint( (element, element_nr) {
if (element_nr === sign) {
return plus;
const bits = random();
return ((bits * radix_squared) ^ (bits * radix)) & element;
function add(augend, addend) {
if (is_zero(augend)) {
return addend;
if (is_zero(addend)) {
return augend;
// If the signs are different, then turn this into a subtraction problem.
if (augend[sign] !== addend[sign]) {
return sub(augend, neg(addend));
// The signs are the same. Add all the bits, giving the result the same sign.
// We can add numbers of different lengths. We give '.map' the longer wun,
// and use the '||' operator to replace nonexistant elements with zeros.
if (augend.length < addend.length) {
[addend, augend] = [augend, addend];
let carry = 0;
let result = (element, element_nr) {
if (element_nr !== sign) {
element += (addend[element_nr] || 0) + carry;
if (element >= radix) {
carry = 1;
element -= radix;
} else {
carry = 0;
return element;
// If the number overflowed, then append another element to contain the carry.
if (carry > 0) {
return mint(result);
function sub(minuend, subtrahend) {
if (is_zero(subtrahend)) {
return minuend;
if (is_zero(minuend)) {
return neg(subtrahend);
let minuend_sign = minuend[sign];
// If the signs are different, turn this into an addition problem.
if (minuend_sign !== subtrahend[sign]) {
return add(minuend, neg(subtrahend));
// Subtract the smaller from the larger.
if (abs_lt(minuend, subtrahend)) {
[subtrahend, minuend] = [minuend, subtrahend];
minuend_sign = (
minuend_sign === minus
? plus
: minus
let borrow = 0;
return mint( (element, element_nr) {
if (element_nr === sign) {
return minuend_sign;
let diff = element - ((subtrahend[element_nr] || 0) + borrow);
if (diff < 0) {
diff += 16777216;
borrow = 1;
} else {
borrow = 0;
return diff;
function mul(multiplicand, multiplier) {
if (is_zero(multiplicand) || is_zero(multiplier)) {
return zero;
// The sign of the result will be positive if the signs match.
let result = [
multiplicand[sign] === multiplier[sign]
? plus
: minus
// Multiply each element of 'multiplicand' by each element of 'multiplier',
// propagating the carry.
multiplicand.forEach(function (
) {
if (multiplicand_element_nr !== sign) {
let carry = 0;
multiplier.forEach(function (
) {
if (multiplier_element_nr !== sign) {
let at = (
multiplicand_element_nr + multiplier_element_nr - 1
let product = (
(multiplicand_element * multiplier_element)
+ (result[at] || 0)
+ carry
result[at] = product & 16777215;
carry = Math.floor(product / radix);
if (carry > 0) {
result[multiplicand_element_nr + multiplier.length - 1] = carry;
return mint(result);
function divrem(dividend, divisor) {
if (is_zero(dividend) || abs_lt(dividend, divisor)) {
return [zero, dividend];
if (is_zero(divisor)) {
return undefined;
// Make the operands positive.
let quotient_is_negative = dividend[sign] !== divisor[sign];
let remainder_is_negative = dividend[sign] === minus;
let remainder = dividend;
dividend = abs(dividend);
divisor = abs(divisor);
// We do long division just like you did in school. We estimate the next
// digit of the quotient. We subtract the divisor times that estimate
// from the dividend, and then we go again. We are using base 16777216
// instead of base 10, and we are being more systematic in predicting
// the next digit of the quotent.
// In order to improve our predictions, we first mint the divisor. We shift it
// left until its most significant bit is '1'. We also shift the dividend by
// the same amount. See Algorithm 4.3.1D in 'The Art of Computer Programming'.
// To determine the shift count, we find the number of leading zero bits.
// The 'clz32' function counts in a field of 32 bits, but we are only
// concerned with a field of 24 bits, so we subtract 8.
let shift = Math.clz32(last(divisor)) - 8;
dividend = shift_up(dividend, shift);
divisor = shift_up(divisor, shift);
let place = dividend.length - divisor.length;
let dividend_prefix = last(dividend);
let divisor_prefix = last(divisor);
if (dividend_prefix < divisor_prefix) {
dividend_prefix = (dividend_prefix * radix) + next_to_last(dividend);
} else {
place += 1;
divisor = shift_up(divisor, (place - 1) * 24);
let quotient = new Array(place + 1).fill(0);
quotient[sign] = plus;
while (true) {
// The estimate will not be too small, but it might be too large. If it is
// too large then subtracting the product of the estimate and the divisor
// from the dividend produces a negative. When that happens, make the
// estimate smaller and try again.
let estimated = Math.floor(dividend_prefix / divisor_prefix);
if (estimated > 0) {
while (true) {
let trial = sub(dividend, mul(divisor, [plus, estimated]));
if (!is_negative(trial)) {
dividend = trial;
estimated -= 1;
// The corrected estimate is stored in the 'quotient'.
// If that was the final place, then move on.
quotient[place] = estimated;
place -= 1;
if (place === 0) {
// Prepare for the next place. Update 'dividend_prefix' with the first two
// words of the remaining 'dividend', and scale down the 'divisor'.
if (is_zero(dividend)) {
dividend_prefix = last(dividend) * radix + next_to_last(dividend);
divisor = shift_down(divisor, 24);
// Fix the remainder.
quotient = mint(quotient);
remainder = shift_down(dividend, shift);
return [
? neg(quotient)
: quotient
? neg(remainder)
: remainder
function div(dividend, divisor) {
let temp = divrem(dividend, divisor);
if (temp) {
return temp[0];
function power(big, exponent) {
let exp = int(exponent);
if (exp === 0) {
return wun;
if (is_zero(big)) {
return zero;
if (exp === undefined || exp < 0) {
return undefined;
let result = wun;
while (true) {
if ((exp & 1) !== 0) {
result = mul(result, big);
exp = Math.floor(exp / 2);
if (exp < 1) {
big = mul(big, big);
return mint(result);
function gcd(a, b) {
a = abs(a);
b = abs(b);
while (!is_zero(b)) {
let [ignore, remainder] = divrem(a, b);
a = b;
b = remainder;
return a;
const digitset = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ*~$=U";
const charset = (function (object) {
digitset.split("").forEach(function (element, element_nr) {
object[element] = element_nr;
return Object.freeze(object);
function make(value, radix_2_37) {
// The 'make' function returns a big integer. The value parameter is
// a string and an optional radix, or an integer, or a big_integer.
let result;
if (typeof value === "string") {
let radish;
if (radix_2_37 === undefined) {
radix_2_37 = 10;
radish = ten;
} else {
if (
|| radix_2_37 < 2
|| radix_2_37 > 37
) {
return undefined;
radish = make(radix_2_37);
result = zero;
let good = false;
let negative = false;
if (value.toUpperCase().split("").every(
function (element, element_nr) {
let digit = charset[element];
if (digit !== undefined && digit < radix_2_37) {
result = add(mul(result, radish), [plus, digit]);
good = true;
return true;
if (element_nr === sign) {
if (element === plus) {
return true;
if (element === minus) {
negative = true;
return true;
return digit === "_";
) && good) {
if (negative) {
result = neg(result);
return mint(result);
return undefined;
if (Number.isInteger(value)) {
let whole = Math.abs(value);
result = [(
value < 0
? minus
: plus
while (whole >= radix) {
let quotient = Math.floor(whole / radix);
result.push(whole - (quotient * radix));
whole = quotient;
if (whole > 0) {
return mint(result);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return mint(value);
function string(a, radix_2_thru_37 = 10) {
if (is_zero(a)) {
return "0";
radix_2_thru_37 = int(radix_2_thru_37);
if (
|| radix_2_thru_37 < 2
|| radix_2_thru_37 > 37
) {
return undefined;
const radish = make(radix_2_thru_37);
const the_sign = (
a[sign] === minus
? "-"
: ""
a = abs(a);
let digits = [];
while (!is_zero(a)) {
let [quotient, remainder] = divrem(a, radish);
a = quotient;
return digits.reverse().join("");
function population_32(int32) {
// Produce the total count of '1' bits in a 32 bit integer.
// Count 16 pairs of bits, producing 16 two bit counts (0, 1, or 2).
// For each pair, we subtract the higher bit from the pair,
// which converts the two bits into a count.
//. HL - H = count
//. 00 - 0 = 00
//. 01 - 0 = 01
//. 10 - 1 = 01
//. 11 - 1 = 10
int32 -= (int32 >>> 1) & 0x55555555;
// Combine 8 pairs of two bit counts, producing 8 four bit counts,
// ranging from 0 thru 4.
int32 = (int32 & 0x33333333) + ((int32 >>> 2) & 0x33333333);
// Combine 4 pairs of four bit counts, producing 4 eight bit counts, ranging
// from 0 thru 8. Overflow into neighbor counts is no longer possible, so we
// only need a single masking operation after the addition.
int32 = (int32 + (int32 >>> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
// Combine 2 pairs of eight bit counts, producing 2 sixteen bit counts,
// ranging from 0 thru 16.
int32 = (int32 + (int32 >>> 8)) & 0x001F001F;
// Finally, combine the 2 sixteen bit counts,
// producing a number ranging number from 0 thru 32.
return (int32 + (int32 >>> 16)) & 0x0000003F;
function population(big) {
// Count the total number of '1' bits.
return big.reduce(
function (reduction, element, element_nr) {
return reduction + (
element_nr === sign
? 0
: population_32(element)
function significant_bits(big) {
// Count the total number of bits excluding leading zeros.
return (
big.length > 1
? make((big.length - 2) * log2_radix + (32 - Math.clz32(last(big))))
: zero
export default Object.freeze({
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