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Last active May 14, 2017 10:35
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import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object RebelAkktorsGist extends App {
* Messages *
case class Command(cmd: String)
case class FYou(cmd: Command)
case class Sudo(cmd: Command)
case class SendCommandTo(cmd: Command, to: ActorRef)
case class YesMeLord(response: String)
* Boss Actor *
object BossActor {
def props() = Props[BossActor]
class BossActor extends Actor {
val actorName =
var waitingForActors = 0
def receive = {
case SendCommandTo(cmd, actor) =>
println(s"[$actorName] Sending command [$cmd] to [$actor]")
waitingForActors += 1
actor ! cmd
case f @ FYou(c @ Command(cmd)) => {
println (s"[$actorName]: What, [${}]??? F* to me? F* To you!")
println(s"[$actorName]: Sending Sudo version... of [$c] to [${}]")
sender ! Sudo(c)
case YesMeLord(response) => {
waitingForActors -= 1
println(s"[$actorName]: Good boy [${}]... I got your response [$response]")
if (waitingForActors == 0) {
* IT Guy Actor *
object ITGuyActor {
def props(rebelChances: Double) = Props[ITGuyActor](new ITGuyActor(rebelChances))
class ITGuyActor(val rebelChances: Double) extends Actor {
assert(rebelChances > 0.0)
assert(rebelChances < 1.0)
// we are assuming only one actor sends sudo
// messages... that is ok for our purposes
// his holds state as you can see ;)
var sudoAttempts = 0
val actorName =
override def preStart() = {
if (shouldGoRebel) {
println(s"[$actorName] Going wild...")
def receive: Receive = {
case c @ Command(cmd) =>
println(s"[$actorName]: received command [$c]...!")
println(s"[$actorName]: I am so obedient I will do it NOW...")
sender ! YesMeLord(s"[$actorName] I executed your command [$cmd], Me Lord")
case s @ Sudo(c @ Command(cmd)) =>
println(s"[$actorName]: received Sudo command [$s]...!")
self ! c
def rebel: Receive = {
case c @ Command(cmd) =>
println(s"[$actorName]: received command [$c]... but FYou System!")
sender ! FYou(c)
case s @ Sudo(c @ Command(cmd)) =>
if (sudoAttempts < SUDO_ATTEMPTS_THRESHOLD) {
sudoAttempts += 1
sender ! FYou(c)
} else {
sender ! YesMeLord(s"I executed your command [$cmd] after $sudoAttempts attempts. My family got the message, Me Lord")
sudoAttempts = 0
private def shouldGoRebel: Boolean = {
val r = scala.util.Random
rebelChances > r.nextDouble
* Run the Sample *
val system = ActorSystem("RebelAkktorsSystem")
val boss = system.actorOf(BossActor.props(), name = "TheBoss")
val obedientITGuy = system.actorOf(ITGuyActor.props(0.01), name = "ObedientItGuy")
val rebelITGuy = system.actorOf(ITGuyActor.props(0.95), name = "RebelItGuy")
println( "Here we go")
boss ! SendCommandTo(Command("Make me a Sandwich"), obedientITGuy)
boss ! SendCommandTo(Command("Make me a Sandwich"), rebelITGuy)
Await.ready(system.whenTerminated, 2 second)
Here we go
[RebelItGuy] Going wild...
[TheBoss] Sending command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [Actor[akka://RebelAkktorsSystem/user/ObedientItGuy#329592640]]
[TheBoss] Sending command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [Actor[akka://RebelAkktorsSystem/user/RebelItGuy#-1940265609]]
[ObedientItGuy]: received command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)]...!
[ObedientItGuy]: I am so obedient I will do it NOW...
[RebelItGuy]: received command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)]... but FYou System!
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: Good boy [ObedientItGuy]... I got your response [[ObedientItGuy] I executed your command [Make me a Sandwich], Me Lord]
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: Good boy [RebelItGuy]... I got your response [I executed your command [Make me a Sandwich] after 3 attempts. My family got the message, Me Lord]
Process finished with exit code 0
// Here we can appreciate that the answer message of the obedient guy is received //
// earlier than the other messages, compared to the "Sample-Output-1.txt" //
[RebelItGuy] Going wild...
Here we go
[TheBoss] Sending command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [Actor[akka://RebelAkktorsSystem/user/ObedientItGuy#1480100196]]
[TheBoss] Sending command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [Actor[akka://RebelAkktorsSystem/user/RebelItGuy#1273867621]]
[ObedientItGuy]: received command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)]...!
[ObedientItGuy]: I am so obedient I will do it NOW...
[RebelItGuy]: received command [Command(Make me a Sandwich)]... but FYou System!
[TheBoss]: Good boy [ObedientItGuy]... I got your response [[ObedientItGuy] I executed your command [Make me a Sandwich], Me Lord]
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: What, [RebelItGuy]??? F* to me? F* To you!
[TheBoss]: Sending Sudo version... of [Command(Make me a Sandwich)] to [RebelItGuy]
[TheBoss]: Good boy [RebelItGuy]... I got your response [I executed your command [Make me a Sandwich] after 3 attempts. My family got the message, Me Lord]
Process finished with exit code 0
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