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Last active November 1, 2019 11:29
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Save midu/11226724 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Watch for the konami code on your page
userInputs = []
konami = [
38, 38, # ↑ ↑
40, 40, # ↓ ↓
37, 39, # ← →
37, 39, # ← →
66, 65 # B A
16, 13 # ⇧ ↩ (shift, enter)
sameArrays = (a, b) ->
return false if a.length != b.length
for value, index in a
return false if value != b[index]
$(document).on 'keyup', (e) ->
key = e.which
if key == konami[userInputs.length]
userInputs.push key
userInputs = []
if sameArrays(userInputs, konami)
alert('konami') # do something cooler than that
array = []
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