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Last active July 28, 2024 19:39
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Parallax code for the Ren'Py visual novel engine.
python early:
class ParallaxLayer(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, xmotion, ymotion, replaces=None, **kwargs):
super(ParallaxLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.child = renpy.displayable(child)
self.xmotion, self.ymotion = xmotion, ymotion
x, y = renpy.display.draw.get_mouse_pos()
self.get_targets(x, y)
if isinstance(replaces, ParallaxLayer):
self.x, self.y = old_widget.x, old_widget.y
self.x, self.y = self.target_x, self.target_y = 0
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
if self.xmotion:
xspeed_mod = 2 * (st - / self.xmotion
self.x += (self.target_x - self.x) * xspeed_mod
if self.x < -self.xmotion * width:
self.x = -self.xmotion * width
if self.x > 0:
self.x = 0
if self.ymotion:
yspeed_mod = 2 * (st - / self.ymotion
self.y += (self.target_y - self.y) * yspeed_mod
if self.y < -self.ymotion * height:
self.y = -self.ymotion * height
if self.y > 0:
self.y = 0 = st
rv = renpy.Render(width, height)
child = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
rv.subpixel_blit(child, (self.x, self.y))
if self.target_x != self.x or self.target_y != self.y:
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return rv
def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
old_x = self.target_x
old_y = self.target_y
self.get_targets(x, y)
if old_x != self.target_x or old_y != self.target_y:
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
def get_targets(self, x, y):
self.target_x = -x * self.xmotion
self.target_y = -y * self.ymotion
def _parallax(child, **properties):
xmotion = 0
ymotion = 0
if "motion" in properties:
xmotion = properties.pop("motion")
ymotion = xmotion
if "xmotion" in properties:
xmotion = properties.pop("xmotion")
if "ymotion" in properties:
ymotion = properties.pop("ymotion")
return ParallaxLayer(child, xmotion, ymotion, **properties)
renpy.register_sl_displayable("parallax", _parallax, None, replaces=True) \
.add_positional("child") \
.add_property("motion") \
.add_property("xmotion") \
class ParallaxSprite(renpy.Displayable):
def __init__(self, child, xmotion, xpos=.5, xanchor=.5, **kwargs):
super(ParallaxSprite, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.child = renpy.displayable(child)
self.xmotion = xmotion
self.x = 0
self.target_x = 0 = 0
self.xpos = xpos
self.xanchor = xanchor
def render(self, width, height, st, at):
x = renpy.display.draw.get_mouse_pos()[0]
x *= -self.xmotion
if x != self.target_x:
self.x = x
self.target_x = self.x
xspeed_mod = 2 * (st - / self.xmotion
self.x += (self.target_x - self.x) * xspeed_mod = st
if type(self.xpos) == float:
xpos = width * self.xpos
xpos = self.xpos
child = renpy.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
cw, ch = child.get_size()
rv = renpy.Render(width, height)
rv.subpixel_blit(child, (xpos - cw * self.xanchor + self.x + width * self.xmotion / 2, height - ch))
if self.target_x != self.x:
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return rv
def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
if x * self.xmotion != self.target_x:
self.target_x = -x * self.xmotion
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
def visit(self):
return [ self.child ]
image eileen happy = ParallaxSprite("images/eileen happy.png", .05) # 5% of 1920 is 96, so that's how many pixels this sprite will move if you drag your mouse from one side of the screen to the other
image eileen vhappy = ParallaxSprite("images/eileen vhappy.png", .05) # you should keep the xmotion consistent for sprites of the same character
define e = Character('Eileen', image='eileen')
screen parallax:
layer 'master'
parallax "gui/main_menu1.png" motion .05 # main_menu1 is 1.05 times the game's resolution - eg. for a 1920x1080 game, this is 2016x1134
parallax "gui/main_menu2.png" motion .1 # main_menu2 is 1.1 times the resolution, eg. 2112x1188
parallax "gui/main_menu3.png" motion .2 # 2304x1296
label parallax:
show screen parallax
show eileen happy
'Move your mouse around and notice how the background and sprite move with it.'
'The dialogue can advance without any weird jumps.'
e vhappy 'And the parallax sprites can have their attributes changed just like normal sprites.'
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