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Last active December 31, 2022 15:30
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appdeomon party lights
module: party
class: Party
trigger_input: ""
brightness_input: "input_number.party_brightness"
interval: 0.5
light_group: "light.party_lights"
restore_state_delay: 2
import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import random
class Party(hass.Hass):
def initialize(self):
self.previous_states = {}
self.listen_state(self.update_mode, self.args["trigger_input"])
self.brightness = self.get_state(self.args["brightness_input"])
self.listen_state(self.update_brightness, self.args["brightness_input"])
self.run_every(self.loop, "now", self.args["interval"])
self.log("Party mode initialized")
def _get_entities_of_group(self, entity_id, result=[]):
group = self.get_state(entity_id, attribute="all")
if group is not None:
entity_ids = group["attributes"].get("entity_id")
if entity_ids is not None:
for entity_id in entity_ids:
if entity_id not in result:
self._get_entities_of_group(entity_id, result)
def update_mode(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
entity_ids = []
self._get_entities_of_group(self.args["light_group"], entity_ids)
if new == "on":
for entity_id in entity_ids:
# if entity was already turned on
if self.previous_states.get(entity_id) != None:
ha_state = self.get_state(entity_id, attribute="all")
# fix when light was not triggered by HA and has no state
on_state = ha_state["state"]
if on_state == None:
on_state = "on"
self.previous_states[entity_id] = {
"state": on_state,
"attributes": ha_state["attributes"]
restore_list = {}
for entity_id in entity_ids:
state = self.previous_states.get(entity_id)
# check if entity was on before
if state != None:
del self.previous_states[entity_id]
restore_list[entity_id] = state
if len(restore_list) > 0:
# delay resetoration, because some color change events might still be in the queue
self.run_in(lambda kwargs: self.restore_state(restore_list), self.args["restore_state_delay"])
self.log(f"Party mode changed to {new}")
def restore_state(self, restore_list):
for entity_id, state in restore_list.items():
self.set_state(entity_id, state=state["state"], attributes=state["attributes"])
# for some reason setting the state is not enough
entity_id = entity_id,
rgb_color = state["attributes"]["rgb_color"],
brightness = state["attributes"]["brightness"],
transition = 0
self.log(f"Restored state for entity {entity_id} with color {state['attributes']['rgb_color']} and brightness {state['attributes']['brightness']}")
def update_brightness(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
self.brightness = new
self.log(f"Party mode brightness changed to {self.brightness}")
def loop(self, kwargs):
for entity_id in self.previous_states.keys():
entity_id = entity_id,
hs_color = [random.randint(0, 360), 100],
brightness = float(self.brightness) * 2.54,
transition = 0
# self.log(f"Party mode: {entity_id} changed color to {self.get_state(entity_id, attribute='rgb_color')}")
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