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Forked from dbismut/actionTypeBuilder.js
Last active July 27, 2016 15:07
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React Redux Meteor middlewares
// loading user (compatible with react-router-ssr)
export function loadUserData() {
return {
type: USER_DATA,
meteor: {
subscribe: {
name: 'userData',
get: () => Meteor.users.findOne(Meteor.userId())
// loading elements from collection
export function loadPosts() {
return {
type: POSTS,
meteor: {
subscribe: {
name: 'posts',
get: () => Posts.find().fetch()
// dispatching Meteor method
export function signIn(email, password) {
return {
meteor: {
call: {
method: Meteor.loginWithPassword,
params: [email, password]
// dispatching Meteor call
export function checkUsername(username) {
return {
meteor: {
call: {
method: 'users.usernameIsFree',
params: [{username}]
export function actionTypeBuilder(prefix) {
return {
type: actionType => `${prefix}/${actionType}`,
loading: actionType => `${actionType}/loading`,
ready: actionType => `${actionType}/ready`,
stopped: actionType => `${actionType}/stopped`,
changed: actionType => `${actionType}/changed`,
error: actionType => `${actionType}/error`,
success: actionType => `${actionType}/success`
export default actionTypeBuilder('@myApp');
import actionTypeBuilder from './actionTypeBuilder';
const comps = {};
Meteor.comps = comps;
export default store => next => action => {
if (!action.meteor || (!action.meteor.get && !action.meteor.unsubscribe)) {
return next(action);
const { get, unsubscribe } = action.meteor;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
const data = get();
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.changed(action.type), data });
return resolve();
// If we already have an handle for this action
if (comps[action.type]) {
if (!unsubscribe) {
comps[action.type] = Tracker.autorun(() => {
const data = get();
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.changed(action.type), data });
return resolve();
import actionTypeBuilder from './actionTypeBuilder';
export default store => next => action => {
if (!action.meteor || ! {
return next(action);
const { method, params } =;
const parameters = params || [];
const meteorMethod = typeof method === 'string' ? : method;
if (typeof method === 'string') {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.loading(action.type) });
meteorMethod(...parameters, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.error(action.type), error });
return reject(error);
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.success(action.type) });
return resolve(result);
import actionTypeBuilder from './actionTypeBuilder';
import { SUBSCRIPTIONS } from './subscriptionsActions';
const subs = {};
export default store => next => action => {
if (!action.meteor || (!action.meteor.subscribe && !action.meteor.unsubscribe)) {
return next(action);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const { name } = action.meteor.subscribe || action.meteor.unsubscribe;
const sub = subs[name];
if (action.meteor.unsubscribe) {
if (sub) {
delete sub.subscribedActions[action.type];
if (_.isEmpty(sub.subscribedActions)) {
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.stopped(SUBSCRIPTIONS), name } );
return resolve();
const { params, get } = action.meteor.subscribe;
const parameters = params || [];
if (Meteor.isServer && action.meteor.subscribe) {
Meteor.subscribe(name, ...parameters);
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.ready(SUBSCRIPTIONS), name } );
if (get) {
return next({ type: action.type, meteor : { get } }).then(() => resolve());
return resolve();
const existing = sub && _.isEqual(sub.parameters, parameters);
if (existing && sub.handle.ready()) {
if (! sub.subscribedActions[action.type]) {
sub.subscribedActions[action.type] = 'ready';
if (get) {
return next({ type: action.type, meteor : { get } }).then(() => resolve());
return resolve();
if (sub && sub.handle.ready()) {
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.loading(SUBSCRIPTIONS), name });
const handle = Meteor.subscribe(name, ...parameters, {
onReady: () => {
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.ready(SUBSCRIPTIONS), name } );
if (get) {
return next({ type: action.type, meteor : { get } }).then(() => resolve());
return resolve();
onStop: (error) => {
if (error) {
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.error(SUBSCRIPTIONS), name } );
next({ type: actionTypeBuilder.stopped(SUBSCRIPTIONS), name } );
delete subs[name];
subs[name] = {
subscribedActions: {[action.type]: 'ready'},
parameters: _.clone(parameters),
handle: handle
export default function(state = [], action) {
const { type, data } = action;
switch (type) {
case actionTypeBuilder.changed(POSTS):
return data;
return state;
import actionTypeBuilder from './actionTypeBuilder';
export const SUBSCRIPTIONS = actionTypeBuilder.type('SUBSCRIPTIONS');
export function subscribeTo(name, type, ...params) {
return {
type: type,
meteor: {
subscribe: {
name: name,
params: params
import actionTypeBuilder from './actionTypeBuilder';
import { SUBSCRIPTIONS } from './subscriptionsActions';
const initialState = {};
export default function(state = initialState, action) {
const { type, name } = action;
switch (type) {
case actionTypeBuilder.ready(SUBSCRIPTIONS):
return {...state, [name]: {ready: true} };
case actionTypeBuilder.loading(SUBSCRIPTIONS):
return {...state, [name]: {ready: false, loading: true} };
case actionTypeBuilder.stopped(SUBSCRIPTIONS):
return {...state, [name]: {ready: false, loading: false} };
case actionTypeBuilder.error(SUBSCRIPTIONS):
return {...state, [name]: {ready: false, error: true, loading: false} };
return state;
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