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Created March 14, 2021 18:00
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Condensed D2Q9 BGK Lattice-Boltzmann code written in C++ using ArrayFire
#include <arrayfire.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace af;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const unsigned nx = 1000, ny = 300;
const unsigned total_nodes = nx * ny;
const float rho0 = 1.0;
const int obstacle_x = nx / 5 + 1; // x location of the cylinder
const int obstacle_y = ny / 2 + ny / 30; // y location of the cylinder
const int obstacle_r = ny / 10 + 1; // radius of the cylinder
float Re = 220.0, u_max = 0.1; // Reynolds number, Lattice speed
float nu = u_max * 2 *obstacle_r / Re; // Kinematic viscosity
float tau = 3 * nu + 0.5; // Relaxation time
float omega = 1.0 / tau; // Relaxation parameter
const float t1 = 4. / 9., t2 = 1. / 9., t3 = 1. / 36.;
array x = tile(range(nx), 1, ny);
array y = tile(range(dim4(1, ny), 1), nx, 1);
float cx[9] = {0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 1,-1,-1, 1}; // discrete velocities in x-direction
float cy[9] = {0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1}; // discrete velocities in y-direction
array ex(9, cx);
array ey(9, cy);
array w = {t1,t2,t2,t2,t2,t3,t3,t3,t3}; // weights
array F = constant(rho0/9, nx, ny, 9);
array FEQ = F.copy();
array CI = (range(dim4(1,8),1)+1) * total_nodes;
array nbidx = {2,3,0,1,6,7,4,5};
array NBI = CI(span,nbidx);
array BOUND = constant(0,nx,ny);
BOUND(span,span) = moddims((af::pow(flat(x) - obstacle_x, 2) + af::pow(flat(y) - obstacle_y, 2)) <= pow(obstacle_r,2), nx, ny);
BOUND(span,0) = 1; //top
BOUND(span,end) = 1; //bottom
array ON = where(BOUND); // matrix offset of each Occupied Node
array TO_REFLECT = flat(tile(ON,CI.elements())) + flat(tile(CI,ON.elements()));
array REFLECTED = flat(tile(ON,NBI.elements())) + flat(tile(NBI,ON.elements()));
array DENSITY = constant(rho0, nx, ny);
array UX = constant(u_max, nx, ny);
array UY = constant(0, nx, ny);
UX(ON) = 0;
array u_sq = pow(UX, 2) + pow(UY, 2);
array eu = (flat(tile(transpose(ex), total_nodes)) * tile(flat(UX),9)) + (flat(tile(transpose(ey), total_nodes)) * tile(flat(UY),9));
F = flat(tile(transpose(w), total_nodes)) * tile(flat(DENSITY),9) * (1.0f + 3.0f*eu + 4.5f*(af::pow(eu,2)) - 1.5f*(tile(flat(u_sq),9)));
F = moddims(F,nx,ny,9);
Window *win = new Window(1536, 768, "LBM solver using ArrayFire"); win->grid(2, 1);
unsigned iter = 0;
while (!win->close()) {
for (int i=0;i<9;i++) { // Streaming
F(span, span, i) = shift(F, cx[i], cy[i])(span, span, i);
array BOUNCEDBACK = F(TO_REFLECT); // Densities bouncing back at next timestep
array F_2D = moddims(F, total_nodes, 9);
array F_t = transpose(F_2D);
array fex = moddims(tile(transpose(ex), total_nodes) * F_2D,nx,ny,9);
array fey = moddims(tile(transpose(ey), total_nodes) * F_2D,nx,ny,9);
DENSITY = sum(F, 2);
UX = (sum(fex, 2) / DENSITY);
UY = (sum(fey, 2) / DENSITY);
UX(0,span) = u_max;
UX(ON) = 0;
UY(ON) = 0;
DENSITY(0,span) = 1;
DENSITY(end,span) = 1;
u_sq = pow(UX, 2) + pow(UY, 2);
eu = (flat(tile(transpose(ex), total_nodes)) * tile(flat(UX),9)) + (flat(tile(transpose(ey), total_nodes)) * tile(flat(UY),9));
FEQ = flat(tile(transpose(w), total_nodes)) * tile(flat(DENSITY),9) * (1.0f + 3.0f*eu + 4.5f*(af::pow(eu,2)) - 1.5f*(tile(flat(u_sq),9)));
FEQ = moddims(FEQ,nx,ny,9);
F = omega * FEQ + (1 - omega) * F;
if (iter % 10 == 0) { // Visualization
array uu = sqrt(u_sq);
uu(ON) = af::NaN;
(*win)(0, 0).setColorMap(AF_COLORMAP_SPECTRUM);
(*win)(0, 0).image(transpose((uu / (max<float>(abs(uu)) * 1.1)) + 0.1));
(*win)(1, 0).setAxesLimits(0.0f,(float)nx,0.0f,(float)ny,true);
(*win)(1, 0).vectorField(flat(x(seq(0,nx-1,ny/15),seq(0,ny-1,ny/30))), flat(y(seq(0,nx-1,ny/15),seq(0,ny-1,ny/30))), flat(UX(seq(0,nx-1,ny/15),seq(0,ny-1,ny/30))), flat(UY(seq(0,nx-1,ny/15),seq(0,ny-1,ny/30))), "Velocity field");
return 0;
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