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Pollster 2018
# estimation of number of seats in CZ parliament based on pollsters' potentials
# !!! NOTE: HTML in /home/michal/dev/dark_corners/flow/test4/
import copy
import csv
import json
import numpy
import operator
code = "cvvm201803"
inputfile = code + ".csv"
# inputfile = "party_sociologu201706_kdustan.csv"
outputfile = "stats_" + code + ".json"
n = 550
runs = 10000
# D'Hondt
def dhondt(parties, seats):
line = []
for k in parties:
for j in range(1, seats + 1):
'party_code': k,
'value': parties[k] / j
line_sorted = sorted(line, key=lambda x: x['value'], reverse=True)
nof_seats = {}
for k in parties:
nof_seats[k] = 0
for j in range(0, seats):
nof_seats[line_sorted[j]['party_code']] += 1
return nof_seats
trial_seats = {}
# current data / polls
current_poll = {}
with open(inputfile) as fin:
dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
for row in dr:
current_poll[row['party_code']] = row
# gains 2017
gains_prev = {}
with open("psp2017_results_selected.csv") as fin:
dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
for row in dr:
gains_prev[row['party_code']] = row
# votes 2017
votes_prev = {}
with open("psp2017_selected.csv") as fin:
dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
for row in dr:
except Exception:
votes_prev[row['party_code']] = {}
votes_prev[row['party_code']][row['region_code']] = row
# votes 2017 totals
votes_totals_prev = {}
for k in votes_prev:
s = 0
for j in votes_prev[k]:
s += int(votes_prev[k][j]['votes'])
votes_totals_prev[k] = s
# seats in regions
regions_seats = {}
with open("psp2017_seats.csv") as fin:
dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
for row in dr:
regions_seats[row['region_code']] = row
# calculate seats from poll
def calculate_seats(current):
# calculated no of votes
calc_nof_votes = {}
for k in current:
party_code_prev = current[k]['party_code_2017']
if float(current[k]['gain']) >= float(current[k]['needs']):
calc_nof_votes[k] = float(current[k]['gain']) / float(gains_prev[party_code_prev]['gain']) * votes_totals_prev[party_code_prev]
calc_nof_votes[k] = 0
# calculated no of votes by regions
calc_nof_votes_regions = {}
for k in calc_nof_votes:
party_code_prev = current[k]['party_code_2017']
for j in regions_seats:
except Exception:
calc_nof_votes_regions[j] = {}
calc_nof_votes_regions[j][k] = calc_nof_votes[k] / votes_totals_prev[party_code_prev] * int(votes_prev[party_code_prev][j]['votes'])
# calculate total seats
calc_seats = {}
for k in current:
calc_seats[k] = 0
for j in regions_seats:
calculated = dhondt(calc_nof_votes_regions[j], int(regions_seats[j]['seats']))
# if j == 'pa':
# print(j, calculated['pirati'])
for k in current:
calc_seats[k] += calculated[k]
return calc_seats
for i in range(0, runs):
# randomize sample
current = copy.deepcopy(current_poll)
for k in current_poll:
current[k]['gain'] = numpy.random.binomial(n, float(current[k]['gain'])) / n
calc_seats = calculate_seats(current)
for k in calc_seats:
except Exception:
trial_seats[k] = []
seats = calculate_seats(current_poll)
stats = []
for k in trial_seats:
difference = seats[k] - int(gains_prev[current_poll[k]['party_code_2017']]['seats'])
except Exception:
difference = seats[k]
row = {
'party_code': k,
'median': sorted(trial_seats[k])[round(runs * 0.5)],
'lo': sorted(trial_seats[k])[round(runs * 0.05)],
'hi': sorted(trial_seats[k])[round(runs * 0.95)],
'seats': seats[k],
'difference': difference,
'name': current_poll[k]['name'],
'color': current_poll[k]['color'],
'gain': current_poll[k]['gain']
stats.sort(key=operator.itemgetter("gain"), reverse=True)
stats.sort(key=operator.itemgetter("hi"), reverse=True)
stats.sort(key=lambda x: x['seats'], reverse=True)
with open(outputfile, "w") as fout:
json.dump(stats[0:9], fout)
def majority_probability(seats, majority=101):
over = 0
for i in range(0, runs):
s = 0
for k in seats:
s += seats[k][i]
if s >= majority:
over += 1
return over / runs
# coalitions
coalitions = []
potentials = []
# single party
for k in trial_seats:
'trial_seats': {k: trial_seats[k]},
'seats': seats[k],
'party_code': k
# two parties
for k in trial_seats:
for m in trial_seats:
if k < m:
'trial_seats': {k: trial_seats[k], m: trial_seats[m]},
'seats': seats[k] + seats[m],
'party_code': '+'.join([k, m])
# multiple parties
with open("coalitions.csv") as fin:
dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
for row in dr:
keys = row['party_code'].split('+')
ts = {}
ss = 0
for key in keys:
ts[key] = trial_seats[key]
ss += seats[key]
'trial_seats': ts,
'seats': ss,
'party_code': row['party_code']
# try potentials
for p in potentials:
mp = majority_probability(p['trial_seats'])
if mp > 0:
item = {
'party_code': p['party_code'],
'seats': p['seats'],
'majority_probability': mp
coalitions.sort(key=lambda x: x['majority_probability'], reverse=True)
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background-color: #000000
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background-color: #e6ac21
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<div class="container">
<h2>Kdo by měl dostatek mandátů na vládu? <small><small><span class="badge badge-pill badge-secondary">1.4.2018</span> <span class="badge badge-primary">Experimentální</span></small></small></h2>
Jakou by měly <em>některé zvažované koalice</em> šanci získat 101 nebo více mandátů, čímž by získaly možnost podpory většinové vlády.
<div class="container bold">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-kscm"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-cssd"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
131 mandátů<br />
šance na majoritu > 99 %
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-kscm"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-spd"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
120<br />
šance ~ 98 %
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-ods"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
113<br />
šance ~ 86 %
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-pirati"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
110<br />
šance ~ 85 %
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-kscm"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
108<br />
šance ~ 72 %
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-cssd"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
106<br />
šance ~ 67 %
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ods"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-pirati"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-kdu-csl"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-top-09"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-stan"></span>
<span class="party">+</span>
<span class="party bg-cssd"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
80<br />
šance < 2 %
<div class="col">
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party">~</span>
83<br />
šance < 1 %
<div class="row legenda">
<div class="col">
Legenda:<br />
<span class="party bg-ano"></span>
<span class="party party-name">ANO</span>
<span class="party bg-ods"></span>
<span class="party party-name">ODS</span>
<span class="party bg-pirati"></span>
<span class="party party-name">Piráti</span>
<span class="party bg-kscm"></span>
<span class="party party-name">KSČM</span>
<span class="party bg-cssd"></span>
<span class="party party-name">ČSSD</span>
<span class="party bg-spd"></span>
<span class="party party-name">SPD</span>
<span class="party bg-kdu-csl"></span>
<span class="party party-name">KDU-ČSL</span>
<span class="party bg-top-09"></span>
<span class="party party-name">TOP 09</span>
<span class="party bg-stan"></span>
<span class="party party-name">STAN</span>
<div class="container">
<div class="card mt-4">
<div class="card-body bg-light small">
<p>Výpočet zisku mandátů: Jako základ je brán <strong>volební model CVVM z 15.3.2018</strong>. Přepočet na mandáty je po krajích s tím, že je zjednodušeně uvažováno stejné rozdělení voličů každé strany mezi kraji jako v volbách 2017. Také celkové počty mandátů pro každý kraj jsou zjednodušeně dle roku 2017.</p>
<p>Odhad počtu mandátů: Provedl jsem 10 000 simulací, kdy hodnoty volebního modelu byly náhodně upraveny se započítáním (zjednodušeně pouze) statistické chyby modelu. Jako další zjednodušení byly hodnoty pro jednotlivé strany uvažovány nezávislé.</p>
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party_code gain needs party_code_2017 name color
ano 0.305 0.05 ano ANO #261060
cssd 0.11 0.05 cssd ČSSD #F07D00
kscm 0.11 0.05 kscm KSČM #8c0000
ods 0.125 0.05 ods ODS #004494
top-09 0.045 0.05 top-09 TOP 09 #723769
kdu-csl 0.045 0.05 kdu-csl KDU-ČSL #e6ac21
spd 0.065 0.05 spd SPD #ea2329
pirati 0.125 0.05 pirati Piráti #000000
zeleni 0.01 0.05 zeleni Zelení #06b15d
svobodni 0.01 0.05 svobodni Svobodní #009982
stan 0.045 0.05 stan STAN #5d8c00
party value date weight
Zelení 0.0146 2017-10-21 5
Svobodní 0.0156 2017-10-21 5
STAN 0.0518 2017-10-21 5
TOP 09 0.0531 2017-10-21 5
KDU-ČSL 0.058 2017-10-21 5
ČSSD 0.0727 2017-10-21 5
KSČM 0.0776 2017-10-21 5
SPD 0.1064 2017-10-21 5
Piráti 0.1079 2017-10-21 5
ODS 0.1132 2017-10-21 5
ANO 0.2964 2017-10-21 5
Svobodní 0 2017-12-17 2
Zelení 0 2017-12-17 2
ANO 0.355 2017-12-17 2
ČSSD 0.1 2017-12-17 2
KSČM 0.075 2017-12-17 2
ODS 0.115 2017-12-17 2
TOP 09 0.045 2017-12-17 2
KDU-ČSL 0.065 2017-12-17 2
Piráti 0.115 2017-12-17 2
SPD 0.065 2017-12-17 2
STAN 0.04 2017-12-17 2
ANO 0.305 2018-01-24 2
ČSSD 0.125 2018-01-24 2
KSČM 0.08 2018-01-24 2
ODS 0.12 2018-01-24 2
TOP 09 0.04 2018-01-24 2
KDU-ČSL 0.05 2018-01-24 2
Piráti 0.125 2018-01-24 2
SPD 0.075 2018-01-24 2
STAN 0.03 2018-01-24 2
Svobodní 0.015 2018-01-24 2
Zelení 0.015 2018-01-24 2
ANO 0.335 2018-02-15 2
ČSSD 0.12 2018-02-15 2
KSČM 0.1 2018-02-15 2
ODS 0.105 2018-02-15 2
TOP 09 0.035 2018-02-15 2
KDU-ČSL 0.035 2018-02-15 2
Piráti 0.13 2018-02-15 2
SPD 0.065 2018-02-15 2
STAN 0.03 2018-02-15 2
Svobodní 0.01 2018-02-15 2
Zelení 0.01 2018-02-15 2
ANO 0.305 2018-03-15 2
ČSSD 0.11 2018-03-15 2
KSČM 0.11 2018-03-15 2
ODS 0.125 2018-03-15 2
TOP 09 0.045 2018-03-15 2
KDU-ČSL 0.045 2018-03-15 2
Piráti 0.125 2018-03-15 2
SPD 0.065 2018-03-15 2
STAN 0.045 2018-03-15 2
Svobodní 0.01 2018-03-15 2
Zelení 0.01 2018-03-15 2
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<div id="tester" style="width:900px;height:800px;"></div>
Pozn: intervaly jsou jen hrubý odhad na ukázku
var hex2rgba = (str, a) => str.replace('#','').split('').reduce((r,c,i,{length: l},j,n)=>(j=parseInt(i*3/l),n=parseInt(c,16),r[j]=(l==3?n:r[j])*16+n,r),[0,0,0,a||1]);
var electionData = [
{name:"Zelení", value: 0.0146, color:"#06b15d"},
{name:"Svobodní", value: 0.0156, color:"#009982"},
{name:"STAN", value: 0.0518, color:"#5d8c00"},
{name:"TOP 09", value: 0.0531, color:"#723769"},
{name:"KDU-ČSL", value: 0.0580, color:"#e6ac21"},
{name:"ČSSD", value: 0.0727, color:"#F07D00"},
{name:"KSČM", value: 0.0776, color:"#8c0000"},
{name:"SPD", value: 0.1064, color:"#ea2329"},
{name:"Piráti", value: 0.1079, color:"#000000"},
{name:"ODS", value: 0.1132, color:"#004494"},
{name:"ANO", value: 0.2964, color:"#261060"}
var electionDate = '2017-10-21';
var dates = ['2017-12-17', '2018-01-24', '2018-02-15', '2018-03-15'];
var parties = [
{name:"Zelení", data:[0.015, 'nan', 0.1, 0.1], color:"#06b15d"},
{name:"Svobodní", data:[null, 0.015, 0.01, 0.01], color:"#009982"},
{name:"TOP 09", data:[0.045, 0.04, 0.035, 0.045], color:"#723769"},
{name:"STAN", data:[0.04, 0.03, 0.03, 0.045], color:"#5d8c00"},
{name:"KDU-ČSL", data:[0.065, 0.05, 0.035, 0.045], color:"#e6ac21"},
{name:"SPD", data:[0.065, 0.075, 0.065, 0.065], color:"#ea2329"},
{name:"KSČM", data:[0.075, 0.08, 0.1, 0.11], color:"#8c0000"},
{name:"ČSSD", data:[0.1, 0.125, 0.12, 0.11], color:"#F07D00"},
{name:"Piráti", data:[0.115, 0.125, 0.13, 0.125], color:"#000000"},
{name:"ODS", data:[0.115, 0.12, 0.105, 0.125], color:"#004494"},
{name:"ANO", data:[0.355, 0.305, 0.335, 0.305], color:"#261060"}
var currentEstimates = [
{name:"Zelení", data:[0.1], color:"#06b15d"},
{name:"Svobodní", data:[0.01], color:"#009982"},
{name:"TOP 09", data:[0.045], color:"#723769"},
{name:"STAN", data:[0.045], color:"#5d8c00"},
{name:"KDU-ČSL", data:[0.045], color:"#e6ac21"},
{name:"SPD", data:[0.065], color:"#ea2329"},
{name:"KSČM", data:[0.11], color:"#8c0000"},
{name:"ČSSD", data:[0.11], color:"#F07D00"},
{name:"Piráti", data:[0.125], color:"#000000"},
{name:"ODS", data:[0.125], color:"#004494"},
{name:"ANO", data:[0.305], color:"#261060"}
var elections = obj => {
var d = {
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'markers',
x: [electionDate],
y: [obj.value * 100],
name: "Volby: " +,
showlegend: false,
marker: {
size: 20,
color: "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color, 1).join(',') + ")",
// border: {
// color: //"rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color).join(',') + ")",
// arearatio: 1
// }
return d
var data = => {
var d = {
mode: 'markers+lines',
type: 'scatter',
// connectgaps: false,
line: {
color: "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color).join(',') + ")",
shape: "spline"
textposition: 'top right',
textfont : {
size: 30,
color: "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color).join(',') + ")"
d['legendgroup'] =;
d['name'] =;
d['x'] = dates;
d['y'] = v => v * 100);
d['text'] = ['a','b','c','d'];
return d;
var currents = => {
var d = {
mode: 'text',
type: 'scatter',
// connectgaps: false,
// line: {
// color: "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color).join(',') + ")",
// shape: "spline"
// },
textposition: 'middle right',
textfont : {
size: 16,
// weight: 600,
color: "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color).join(',') + ")"
d['legendgroup'] =;
d['name'] =;
d['x'] = [dates[dates.length -1]];
d['y'] = [[0] * 100];
d['text'] = " " + Math.round([0] * 100) + "%";
return d;
var upper = => {
var d = {
mode: 'lines',
type: 'scatter',
line: {
color: "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color).join(',') + ")",
shape: "spline",
width: 0.01
showlegend: false,
hoverinfo: 'skip',
fill: 'tonexty'
d['legendgroup'] =;
d['name'] =;
d['x'] = dates;
d['y'] = v => v * 1.15 * 100);
d['fillcolor'] = "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color, 0.15).join(',') + ")";
return d;
var lower = => {
var d = {
mode: 'lines',
type: 'scatter',
line: {
color: "rgba(" + hex2rgba(obj.color).join(',') + ")",
shape: "spline",
width: 0.01
showlegend: false,
hoverinfo: 'skip'
d['legendgroup'] =;
d['name'] =;
d['x'] = dates;
d['y'] = v => v * 0.85 * 100);
return d;
var limit = [{
x: [electionDate, data[0]['x'][data[0]['x'].length - 1]],
y: [5, 5],
name: '5% hranice',
mode: 'lines',
// showlegend: false,
hoverinfo: 'skip',
fill: 'tozeroy',
line: {
color: "red",
dash: 'dot',
width: 3
var bounds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < upper.length; i++) {
data = bounds.concat(data);
data = elections.concat(data);
data = limit.concat(data);
data = currents.concat(data);
var layout = {
xaxis: {
type: 'date',
title: 'Datum průzkumu'
yaxis: {
title: 'Volební model',
ticksuffix: '%',
showticksuffix: 'all' // or 'first' or 'all' (the default)
title:'Volební modely CVVM',
showlegend: true,
legend: {
traceorder: 'reversed'
annotations: [
xref: 'paper',
yref: 'paper',
x: 0.0,
y: 1.05,
xanchor: 'left',
yanchor: 'top',
text: 'Cool chart',
showarrow: true
// for (var i = 0; i < parties.length; i++) {
// var result = {
// xref: 'paper',
// x: 0.95,
// y: parties[i]['data'][3] * 100,
// xanchor: 'left',
// yanchor: 'middle',
// text: Math.round(parties[i]['data'][3] * 100) + "%",
// showarrow: false,
// legendgroup: parties[i]['name'], // does not work
// font: {
// color: parties[i]['color']
// }
// }
// layout.annotations.push(result)
// }
var config = {
displaylogo: false,
staticPlot: false,
locale: 'cs'
TESTER = document.getElementById('tester');
Plotly.plot('tester', data, layout, config);
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