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Last active September 5, 2024 16:22
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A bash function to generate TOTP codes
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# Dependencies: openssl, xxd, base32 (coreutils)
# generate_totp key [time_sec [digits]]
generate_totp() {
key_hex=$(base32 -d <<<"$key" | xxd -plain)
time_sec=${2:-$(date +%s)}
time_step=$((time_sec / 30))
time_step_hex=$(printf "%016x" $time_step)
hash_hex=$(xxd -revert -plain <<< "$time_step_hex" | openssl sha1 -mac HMAC -macopt "hexkey:$key_hex" -binary | xxd -plain)
offset_str="${hash_hex:$((offset * 2)):8}"
byte0=$(((16#${offset_str:0:2} & 127) << 24))
byte1=$((16#${offset_str:2:2} << 16))
byte2=$((16#${offset_str:4:2} << 8))
bin_code=$((byte0 + byte1 + byte2 + byte3))
printf "%0${digits}d" $((bin_code % (10 ** digits)))
generate_totp AC6ZWNRLFOG5JUQHC5YW6BXX2K675AZL | tee >(pbcopy)
printf "\n"
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