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Last active July 30, 2024 16:11
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Alloy model for safer python abstract methods
abstract sig Class {
methods: set Method,
parent: lone Class
sig AbstractClass, ConcreteClass extends Class {}
sig MethodName {}
abstract sig Method {
method_name: one MethodName
sig ConcreteMethod extends Method {
calls: set Call
sig AbstractMethod extends Method {}
sig Call {
receiver: Var,
call_method_name: MethodName,
resolves_to: Method
abstract sig Type {
supertypes: set Type,
names_class: Class
sig AbstractType, ConcreteType extends Type {}
sig Var {
var_ty: Type,
var_points_to: one (Var + Class)
// --------------- Boring well-formedness conditions
fact "no class is its own ancestor" {
all c: Class | c not in c.^parent
fact "all methods are in classes, all calls are in methods, all `MethodName`s are used" {
all m: Method | some c: Class | m in c.methods
all call: Call | some m: Method | call in m.calls
all mn: MethodName | some m: Method | m.method_name = mn
fact "concrete classes cannot have direct abstract methods" {
all class: ConcreteClass | no m: AbstractMethod | m in class.methods
fact "a class must have all the method names of its parent" {
all class: Class | all mn: class.parent.methods.method_name |
mn in class.methods.method_name
fact "methods are only inherited from parents" {
all disj class1, class2: Class |
all m: class1.methods |
m in class2.methods implies
(class1 in class2.parent or class2 in class1.parent)
fact "concrete classes must have implementations for all methods" {
all c: ConcreteClass | c.methods in ConcreteMethod
fact "A variable must have come (transitively) from naming a class" {
all v: Var | one class: Class | class in v.^var_points_to
fact "method names are unique in a class" {
all c: Class | all disj m1, m2: c.methods |
disj[m1.method_name, m2.method_name]
// ---------------Runtime semantics
fact "dynamic method resolution" {
all call: Call | call.resolves_to = resolve[call]
// --------------- Pre-existing, obvious type-checking
fact "typing: an abstract method cannot override a concrete method " {
all class: Class | all disj m1, overridden: (class + class.parent).methods |
overridden in ConcreteMethod implies m1 in ConcreteMethod
fact "typing: method calls are well-typed. Example: in (where c is a name for a class) foo must exist on that class" {
all call: Call | one m: Method | static_resolve[call] = m
fact "typing: variable aliasing reflects subtyping" {
// var lower: subtype = .....
// var upper: supertype = lower
all upper, lower: Var | lower in upper.var_points_to implies upper.var_ty in lower.var_ty.supertypes
// --------------- New typing rules
fact "typing: aliasing rules" {
all t1, t2: Type |
// all rules share the same conclusion
t2 in t1.supertypes implies (
rule_abstract_covariant[t1, t2] // TODO: reinstate
// or rule_concrete_covariant[t1, t2]
// or rule_concrete_to_abstract[t1, t2]
// or rule_abstract_to_concrete[t1, t2]
T inherits from U
AbstractType<T> <: AbstractType<U>
pred rule_abstract_covariant[t1, t2: Type] {
t1 in AbstractType and t2 in AbstractType
and inherits_from[t1, t2]
T inherits from U
ConcreteType<T> <: ConcreteType<U>
pred rule_concrete_covariant[t1, t2: Type] {
t1 in ConcreteType and t2 in ConcreteType
and inherits_from[t1, t2]
T inherits from U
ConcreteType<T> <: AbstractType<U>
pred rule_concrete_to_abstract[t1, t2: Type] {
t1 in ConcreteType and t2 in AbstractType
and inherits_from[t1, t2]
T inherits from U U is a concrete class
AbstractType<T> <: ConcreteType<U>
pred rule_abstract_to_concrete[t1: Type, t2: Type] {
t1 in AbstractType and t2 in ConcreteType
and inherits_from[t1, t2]
// the last conjunct is important. Comment it out to see a counterexample showing unsafety
// and t2.names_class in ConcreteClass
fact "typing: can't call abstract methods through AbstractType" {
all call: Call |
call.receiver.var_ty in AbstractType implies static_resolve[call] in ConcreteMethod
C C is a concrete class
C: ConcreteType<C>
fact "C has type ConcreteType<C> when C is a concrete class" {
all v: Var | all class: Class |
(v.var_points_to = class and v.var_ty in ConcreteType) implies
(class in ConcreteClass and v.var_ty.names_class = class)
A A is an abstract class
A: AbstractType<A>
fact "C has type ConcreteType<C> when C is a concrete class" {
all v: Var | all class: Class |
(v.var_points_to = class and v.var_ty in AbstractType) implies
(class in AbstractClass and v.var_ty.names_class = class)
// ------------- helpers
fun resolve_var[v: Var]: one Class {
{class: Class | class in v.^var_points_to} // guaranteed to be exactly one due to fact above
// where c is a name for a class resolves to method foo of c *or a sub-class of c* at runtime
fun resolve[call: Call]: Method {
{m: Method | m.method_name = call.call_method_name and m in call.receiver.resolve_var.methods}
// where c is a name for a class "statically resolves" to method foo of c
fun static_resolve[call: Call]: Method {
{m: Method | m.method_name = call.call_method_name and m in call.receiver.var_ty.names_class.methods}
pred inherits_from[descendent: Type, ancestor: Type] {
ancestor.names_class in (descendent.names_class + descendent.names_class.^parent)
// ------------- pretty
fact "non-essential eta rule for AbstractType that makes visualizations easier to read" {
all t1, t2: AbstractType |
t1.names_class = t2.names_class
and t1.supertypes = t2.supertypes implies t2 = t1
fact "non-essential eta rule for ConcreteType that makes visualizations easier to read" {
all t1, t2: ConcreteType |
t1.names_class = t2.names_class
and t1.supertypes = t2.supertypes implies t2 = t1
// ------------make it interesting
pred has_inherited_method {
some m: Method | some disj c1, c2: Class | m in c1.methods and m in c2.methods
pred has_interesting_method_call {
some call: Call | not (resolve[call] = static_resolve[call])
pred has_override {
some m: Method | some disj c1, c2: Class |
c2 in c1.^parent
m in c1.methods
m not in c2.methods
m.method_name in c2.methods.method_name
pred show {
// at least 1 method is abstract
some am: AbstractMethod | am in univ
pred show_complicated {
// -------------commands
// run show
// run show_complicated for 4
assert safe { no c: Call | resolve[c] in AbstractMethod }
check safe for 4 // up to 4 instances for every signature
// check safe for 10
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