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Last active October 12, 2023 07:53
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Sample API calls for creating, updating and deleting things in CKAN via the CKAN API.

Get package list

~$ curl

Get package details

~$ curl{package_id}

Upload a file to storage

~$ curl -H "Authorization: <API-KEY>"
  "fields": [
      "value": "testdata/test.csv",
      "name": "key"
  "action": "/storage/upload_handle"
~$ curl \
-H "Authorization: <API-KEY>" \
--form file=@my-test-file.csv \
--form "key=testdata/test.csv"

Create a new resource

~$ curl \
-d '{"package_id": "2811de81-f77a-48bb-a5d6-a8c99a8705e9", "url": "", "name": "My Test Data"}' \
-H "Authorization: <API-KEY>"
  "result": {
    "resource_type": null,
    "revision_id": "bb289686-cb98-413f-8220-60028c01329e",
    "position": 1,
    "mimetype_inner": null,
    "webstore_url": null,
    "url": "http://",
    "created": "2014-05-27T21:00:42.947898",
    "hash": "",
    "state": "active",
    "size": null,
    "id": "86a702f4-2d3a-4ee9-b375-26bc2800cba5",
    "webstore_last_updated": null,
    "revision_timestamp": "2014-05-27T21:00:42.922253",
    "cache_last_updated": null,
    "resource_group_id": "02233ab0-f540-412e-8cca-02685c4bb3a6",
    "description": "",
    "format": "",
    "tracking_summary": {
      "recent": 0,
      "total": 0
    "last_modified": null,
    "url_type": null,
    "mimetype": null,
    "cache_url": null,
    "name": "My Test Data"
  "success": true,
  "help": "Appends a new resource to a datasets list of resources.\n\n    :param package_id: id of package that the resource needs should be added to.\n    :type package_id: string\n    :param url: url of resource\n    :type url: string\n    :param revision_id: (optional)\n    :type revisiion_id: string\n    :param description: (optional)\n    :type description: string\n    :param format: (optional)\n    :type format: string\n    :param hash: (optional)\n    :type hash: string\n    :param name: (optional)\n    :type name: string\n    :param resource_type: (optional)\n    :type resource_type: string\n    :param mimetype: (optional)\n    :type mimetype: string\n    :param mimetype_inner: (optional)\n    :type mimetype_inner: string\n    :param webstore_url: (optional)\n    :type webstore_url: string\n    :param cache_url: (optional)\n    :type cache_url: string\n    :param size: (optional)\n    :type size: int\n    :param created: (optional)\n    :type created: iso date string\n    :param last_modified: (optional)\n    :type last_modified: iso date string\n    :param cache_last_updated: (optional)\n    :type cache_last_updated: iso date string\n    :param webstore_last_updated: (optional)\n    :type webstore_last_updated: iso date string\n\n    :returns: the newly created resource\n    :rtype: dictionary\n\n    "

Insert data into the CKAN Datastore

~$ curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: <API-KEY>" \
-d '{"resource_id": "86a702f4-2d3a-4ee9-b375-26bc2800cba5", "fields": [ {"id": "a"}, {"id": "b"} ], "records": [ { "a": 1, "b": "XYZ"}, {"a": 2, "b": "ZZZ"} ], "primary_key": ["a"], "force": "True"}'

Update data in the CKAN Datastore

~$ curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: <API-KEY>" \
-d '{"resource_id": "86a702f4-2d3a-4ee9-b375-26bc2800cba5", "method": "upsert", "records": [ { "a": 1, "b": "XYZXYZXYZ"}, {"a": 2, "b": "ZZZZZZZZZ"} ],"force": "True"}'

Update a resource

~$ curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: <API-KEY>" \
-d '{"id": "86a702f4-2d3a-4ee9-b375-26bc2800cba5", "url": "", "name": "My Updated Test Data"}'
  "result": {
    "resource_type": "file",
    "revision_id": "19bd426b-1c4a-4e30-af0b-06089f11ba01",
    "position": 1,
    "mimetype_inner": null,
    "webstore_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "created": "2014-05-27T21:00:42.947898",
    "hash": "",
    "state": "active",
    "size": null,
    "id": "86a702f4-2d3a-4ee9-b375-26bc2800cba5",
    "webstore_last_updated": null,
    "revision_timestamp": "2014-05-27T21:12:53.463324",
    "cache_last_updated": null,
    "resource_group_id": "02233ab0-f540-412e-8cca-02685c4bb3a6",
    "description": "",
    "format": "",
    "tracking_summary": {
      "recent": 0,
      "total": 0
    "last_modified": null,
    "url_type": null,
    "mimetype": null,
    "cache_url": null,
    "name": "My Updated Test Data"
  "success": true,
  "help": "Update a resource.\n\n    To update a resource you must be authorized to update the dataset that the\n    resource belongs to.\n\n    For further parameters see ``resource_create()``.\n\n    :param id: the id of the resource to update\n    :type id: string\n\n    :returns: the updated resource\n    :rtype: string\n\n    "

Delete data from the CKAN Datastore.

~$ curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: <API-KEY>" \
-d '{"resource_id": "86a702f4-2d3a-4ee9-b375-26bc2800cba5", "force":"True"}'
  "result": {
    "__extras": {
      "force": "True"
    "resource_id": "86a702f4-2d3a-4ee9-b375-26bc2800cba5"
  "success": true,
  "help": "Deletes a table or a set of records from the DataStore.\n\n    :param resource_id: resource id that the data will be deleted from. (optional)\n    :type resource_id: string\n    :param filters: filters to apply before deleting (eg {\"name\": \"fred\"}).\n                   If missing delete whole table and all dependent views. (optional)\n    :type filters: dictionary\n\n    **Results:**\n\n    :returns: Original filters sent.\n    :rtype: dictionary\n\n    "
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Hi Mark Headd,
thank you for your article gist, I try Create a new resource with file upload, can you help me code curl for that?

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